The Kiss Finale

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There he was, sitting on one of the pleather, blue stools, chatting up a storm with Grant, our yearbook president and main photographer.

His blondish brown hair was neatly combed back, and his attire held the same neat and godly attractiveness like usual.

I couldn't help the wide smile that spread across my lips as I neared them. It grew wider as he turned around and gave me a cheeky grin back, bearing his beautifully straight and white teeth.

"Hey Beth! Ready for our picture?" My best friend and my secret love of mine—Skylar Johnson—asked me cheerfully. His blue eyes bore into my pale brown ones as he awaited my answer.

Since we are seniors here at Lakewood High School, the student body voted us as the 'Best couple that never happened'.  Skylar thought people only voted us because were such close friends who have been asked by many people if we are, in fact, dating; whereas I thought it was more of a sign from the heavens that we were meant to be together.

And not just as friends.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I chirped back excitedly with a wink. I hopped on the stool next to Skylar, scooting it a bit closer to him so our legs were squished next to each other.

"Okay you two, for the picture, since you are the best couple that never happened, do something couple-like," Grant had said which caused my pale cheeks to rosy up.

"How about I kiss her cheek?" Skylar asked Grant, who nodded in response to his question.

My mind told me to sit still and let him just kiss my cheek, but my heart told me to do something more bold.

As he lowered his lips to my cheek, I turned my head at the last second and locked my lips with his, watching the flash of the camera go off in the corner of my eye.

I was shocked when he didn't pull back but stayed in the position. This drove me to deepen it by bringing my hands up to his face, cradling his jaw.

He was the first one to pull back, and the look on his face was something I'll never forget.

It was the look I remember giving him after he had confessed to me that he was 'in love' with some girl named Margo.

The way he had described it was amazing, and that's when I knew I loved him.

His face held the same realization.

"Well gosh..." I heard Grant mutter under his breath, but the only thing I could focus on was Skylar, staring at me with such adoration. My heart was mere seconds from beating with pure bliss.

"I love you, Sky." The words slipped freely from my mouth.

"And I love you, Beth."

It wasn't our final kiss, but it was the kiss that finalized both our true feelings for each other.  

It really was the 'finale' of our friendship.

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