Chapter 1: The New Manager

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The old tale goes by, "You can never seek peace if you desire to make chaos with the demon..."

"Anything but don't give me that silent crap!" She yelled to no one particular and threw the paper, inscribing the Furcas sigil. It's been 3 days she is trying to summon Furcas but nothing is working.

She was searching for advices of instant learning philosophy when "Three Ways of Summoning A Demon" came up. She wasn't ready for it but by learning more about it, she came to know about the whole thing. Not everything but she was out of time and this was the only hope for her. Philosophy test is next month and the fastest way to learn about the whole thing is to summon the demon.

"Oh! Just inscribe the Sigil and call out a single line by placing hand on it? It's so freaking simple!"  She laughed, after getting to know about it. I'm telling you from my personal experience, never trust the Internet, it's a piece of shit, dressed up as a marshmallow.

"Secore on ca Furcas Remie" She repeated the spell again, closing her eyes, waiting of her Knight in shinning armour to enter and chop off the little head of hers.


"AHH!!" She yelled, freaking out

"Get your ugly ass out of the washroom, Grace! It's been 2 hours! I need to use it now!" My roommate, Bella yelled from outside the washroom.

The moment when your mom orders you fill the bottles instantly when your crush just confessed—
Okay! Not the same situation, but the feelings are same.

"Can't you leave me peacefully a bit?"

"How much peace you want? Hey, it's not time for any joke. Please come out, I can't control anymore!" Bella said, banging again.

"Ugh! Fine!" I tucked my phone and the paper inside my side pocket and opened the door "Go and shower your rainbow and don't forget to flush"

She just rolled her eyes and went inside.


"Grace! Mind if I borrow your pen for today?" Betty, Bella's twin sister asked me.

And when you only have one pen—

"Not at all!" I smiled, picking up my leather bag. It's 10:30 am and I gotta go for my job "See ya guys" with that I moved out from the room, down with the stairs, and finally out of the hostel. 

It's been 6 months since I started living with those peeps in that old, worn out room. My job, as a health service employee is quite stable or... that's what I thought?

F**k that new manager! That old hag with hairs all over his chest to legs is my biggest enemy now! How dare he organise a philosophy test for the working employees?! I hope his wife leaves him! His children makes him bald! And his neighbour's dog eats him! Ugh!!


"Good Morning, Grace" 

"Morning" I smiled at my best friend, Susane as I entered inside the office. She is also an employee like me and with her help only, I got this job.

"Grace!" I turned back to face Mr Wales "Here are the files you need to bring to the manager and also make the a cup of coffee for him as his assistant is absent"

"W-wha-why-when-how- WHAT THE—?! WHY ME??" I yelled, making everyone look at me.

"Shh!" He said, putting his dirty finger on my lips "Please do this favour"

I moved a bit and folded my arms in front of my chest "May I know why YOU can't do it then?"

"Uhh, he is bit scary you know... I'm afraid—"

"Like I'm some kind of Hitler who can face him" I mocked but sighed in defeat "Jeez, fine I'll go"

"Aww, you're the best" he smiled brightly and all the other people also sighed in relief. The office became a terror as that old hag came. My all this months experience was superb. Everyone was very friendly and life was being better than before.


"May I come in sir?" I said, after knocking the door of the main office.


I opened the door, bowed and placed the coffee on his table "Here's the coffee and the files you asked for"

"Well, thank you" he said, taking the files from my hands "Please sit now for a bit"

"Uh...okay" I nervously sat down in front of him.

"Grace, right?" He asked and I nodded "From how long are you working here? It's surprising that you're too young for this job. Upto how much class you studied? In which school do you go? Or college maybe? What are your qualifications? What about your parents?"

Why the neighbor dog so slow in eating a human—?!

I gulped my hearing all this questions like, I'm not a robot to answer all this questions at once.

And most importantly thing is, I don't know what to say. I never went to school or college and after birth when my parents died, I used to play with the other children in my village. My only support was my grandfather but he is now no more and qualifications...? What's that now?

"Uh, I'm working from 6 months and I'm in class 12 and I'm very experienced in philosophy and about parents, I'm an orphan" I lied about the school and I hope qualifications means that only.

"That's a poor response. Mind if I ask you some philosophy related questions?"


"Pardon?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I-I mean no problem, sir but actually there are lots of patients and few employees are here that's why...." I said, crossing my fingers under the desk, hoping to get the permission to leave.

"Ah! I see, it's a shame that we couldn't make it today but patients are more important. Thank you for your time, you may go now" he said, politely as I bowed and left.

*Deep sighs* That was HELL!

"How did it go?" Everyone asked as I returned to our offices.

Aww, so caring *rolls eyes*

I sighed again and said "Horrible but I'm glad that I'm still alive"

"We are proud of you!" They clapped, leading me to roll my eyes again as I went to arrange the medicines.

"Here are the polio vaccination and don't forget to put them separately in the red box" Susane said, putting the vaccines on my table.


"No problem. How is your preparation for the test going on?" She asked. 

"Well, fine" 

"Really? You know, is you fail, you'll lose this job forever so try to study hard for that"

"I really appreciate your concern and I think I found out a way. I have been meaning to tell you this but I was afraid of you judging me" I said, nervously looking at her.

"I helped you getting this job because I knew that you're a good person at heart. I don't think you'll do something to be judged wrong but still, it's your life and if you want to share, sure, you can" Susane said.

"You act like that annoying owner of my hostel" I chuckled "But the real thing is, to find a way for passing the test is, to summon a demon

* * * 

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