Chapter 3: The Chat

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The ritual stopped in the half way when I found that the lights went off. It was too dark, I couldn't see a thing also. Being alone in the dark, inside the washroom shivered me. I was about to stand when I heard the water falling from beside me.

"Ah-" I stopped myself from shouting and slowly closed the tap. I was too scared to go out so I decided to wait in a corner till the lights come.


My phone made the sound, reminded me that my phone is still with me. I grabbed it and turned on the flashlight. I looked all over the washroom, there was nothing suspecious. I stood up and carefully went out. Darkness was all over the world, I could hear my footsteps as I was walking. It feels like a dark soul is following me. I couldn't dare to turn back because I knew that if I do, I couldn't see anything. 

I finally made it to my room and released a deep sigh. After closing the door, I went to my prepared bed, in the corner and sat down. It was terrifying. I wonder if I would die out of heart attack if I could see a demon back there.

"Oh! The message!" I remembered my phone made a sound and I opened it to see—i-it was f-from—

"My favourite AUTHOR!" Surprised, shocked, nervous, happiness and excitement! I don't know what to say. All my fears disappeared as I saw his text.

Alex: I really appreciate it and your words mean a lot to me. Thanks a lot!

"AHAHAHAHA!" I laughed and giggled, he thanked me! Yayy! I gotta reply something and hope we can be frie- aw man! Me and my high expectations!

Me: You're welcome! So, when your new story is going to come?

Alex: Most probably next month.

Me: HELL YEAH! If you don't mind me asking,
what's your real age?

Alex: No problem, I'm 18 and yeah,
1st year. Wbu?

Me: Cool! I'm of 16 years. It's really impressive that you're
so friendly with your readers.

Alex: Honestly, I'm Everything now only for my readers
and their supports.
And furthermore, I love socializing!

Me: You're really awesome

Alex: Why, thank you :)

I typed "Welcome" in reply and after that no replies came, except an emoji. I'm really too happy and finally I can rest in peace. Let along die in the name of ALEX IN SPACE!

I covered myself with the blanket and went to sleep. It was already late and I don't want to bring terror the next day at work.

The next morning was bright! I just don't believe that woke up so late but I made my way to the hospital quickly. I took out my phone and you couldn't believe it!

There was a GOOD MORNING message from ALEX! Oh my my— I-I- YAYY!! Guess why this morning is so bright? Yeah, you guessed right hehe.

"You seem so happy" Susane said, putting the coffee on my table.

"Alex replied to me" I smiled.

"Woah— WOW! Really? That's a great news!" She chuckled "Best of luck" I nodded.

The day at work was nice, I mean it wasn't stressful and I had to apply injections to three people. It was one of the things I hate, I like I feel very uneasy to do that but for money, yea, I'm ready to do it.

As usual, I finished my work and we were at the nearby stall to have our break.

"Hey Grace!" Susane tapped on my shoulder and took a seat beside me.

"Hello!" I smiled "What do you wanna have today?"

"The usual" she replied "How's your progress?"

"Oh that? Not much, I couldn't do it successfully yesterday but I think I can make it today, let's  see"


Come to think of it, I have been doing this for a week but no further progress. Am I doing it wrong? I can't gather myself to find anything else. I tried everything and I am waiting for Furcas to appear anytime. I don't know how he will come, who's he really and what will happen. If only for my job to be permanent, I have to do it.

"Back to this little planet, Grace" Susane said as I was arranging some files.

"Oh yea" I nervously smiled "Susane....can I ask you something?"

"Always, what is it?"

"Um...why did you ate my last piece of pie?"

"P-pie? What's that?" She laughed "I think the manager is calling me—"

I grabbed the back of her collar "Don't think you can escape from me by eating a piece of my heart, old lady!"

"Ahhhh!" She yelled, right in my ears and ran away.

"You— Ugh! I'll see you later!!"

It was evening as usual and I came back to my hostel. I was having mood swings and trust me, I feel horrible now. Really horrible. I could go and kill some humans and throw their bodies in the ocean if I could get the chance by alas! Killing is illegal here! 

To my surprise, I was alone in the room today. After the shower, when I came to my room, I found they are late. Anyways, I decided to take a nap but no! Instead decided to text Alex. Well, I feel nervous but I want to talk with someone.

Me: Hey Alex! What's up?

Alex: My ceiling XD what about yours?

Me: Wow! Same here! High5!

Alex: Surely XD

Me: So, what are you doing?

Alex: Just working on a new story.

Me: Oh, sorry for disturbing you then

Alex: It's cool! I was about to take a break.
What about you? Your mood seems bad.

Me: O.O how do you know?

Alex: Maybe experience? 

Me: Pff- yeah, I was feeling kinda down lately. 

Alex: Oh, is something bothering you?
Feel free to share.

Me: Thank you. Actually, my philosophy exam is there
and I can't find any way to prepare.
I need to pass the exam or I might lose my job.

Alex: That's a trouble. I think internet can help you.
You see, there are many teachers who
teaches online for free.

Me: I know but I don't think it's going to help me fully actually
....can I tell you a secret?
Please don't mind.

Alex: Um, sure

Me: I'm actually planning to summon
the Knight of Hell, Furcas (^~^;)

Alex: A Demon....?

Me: I know you must think that I lost my mind
and it's silly but I don't have any other choice.

Alex: Grace, you don't know how dangerous can it be.
You'll never know the consequences.

Me: I'm ready to take the risks but I tried to
summon many times but failed.
Now I think about it, all this things are
surely nonsense.

Alex: It's not nonsense,
but it has it's own ways. 

Me: You know about it?

Alex: You see, I tried to summon Furcas too....

* * *

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