Captain on the run

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It show the Quinjet flying in the snowing mountains in Canada as David was controlling it as Zemo was in the passenger seat looking down as he spoke up to David.

Zemo: "What gonna to happened to your friends?"

David: "Whatever it is I'll take care of it...."

Zemo: "David.... I don't know if we are worth all this....."

David didn't say nothing but looked back at Zemo as he said this.

David: "What we did all those years ago it wasn't us. We didn't have a choice for the thing we done...."

Zemo: "I know but we still did it...."

David: "I know and it came back to hunts us......"

Meanwhile in Remnant

It show Luke getting examined as RWBY were looking outside the x-ray room as doctors scanned Luke body Yang was sadden by this as she remember the looked that her father give to them after shooting down Luke.

After looking Luke X-ray Ruby is outside with Qrow as the two were at the balcony as they explain the injury of Luke is suffering.

Ruby: "The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1 extreme laceration to the spinal cord probably looking at some paralysis." 

Qrow: "You know your father is not going to stop either will you or else Luke will be the best case scenario by this"

Ruby: "I know Dad is going somewhere I don't know Mom is on the run by Ironwood it just I don't know what to do Uncle Qrow" 

Qrow: "Well the Ace Ops are chasing the Four Marines and Sarah is missing that all the one who escaped from the Airport after the fight."

Ruby: "What about Nick and the others?"

Qrow: "They are in Atlas in a secure cell making sure that none of them escape"

Ruby: "Actually..... I want to talked to him...."

Qrow: "Ruby...."

Ruby: "Don't you get it Uncle Qrow if I talked to him he might know where Dad is.."

Qrow: *Sigh* "Okay just this once"

Ruby: "Okay"

Before Ruby could leave Jaune came running to Ruby and Qrow as he was catching his breath as the two look at Jaune confused.

Ruby: "Jaune what happened?"

Jaune: "Ruby you won't believe this but look"

Jaune show Ruby and Qrow his scroll as it show a picture of a dead doctor in the bath as Ruby eyes widen as she look at Qrow.

Ruby: "We got to go now...."

Few Moment later...

It show a Bullhead going to Atlas Academy as Winter explains to RWBY in the inside the bullhead as she tells who was the doctor was.

Winter: "We called in a psychiatrist as soon as we captured Zemo we dispatched Doctor Theo Broussard from Mantle within the hour until he was met by this man and by Neo."

Blake: "So did we know who he is?"

Winter: "Well if our intel is correct the fake doctor is actually Sargent Victor Helmut formerly CIA he ran echo scorpion as a American Covert kill squad" 

Winter send all Victor records in his life during his time in the CIA it show all Victor mission and his family as it show his family dead in the hotel they were staying at.

Weiss: " Then what happened to the real doctor"

Winter: "He was later found dead in a Atlas hotel room as where one local Huntsmen found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one Baron Zemo."

Yang: "We gone after a wrong guys..."

Ruby: "Does Ironwood know about this?"

Winter: "No but right now I'm taking guys to Atlas Academy so you guys talked to him."

Weiss: "So what about you sister?"

Winter: "I'm going after Aunt Sarah."




It show a snow truck stop as Neo and Victor stepped out of the truck wearing  heavy winter suit as they walk up to secrets bunker that was hidden in the snowing mountains as Victor was hitting the ice with the hammer Neo tried to warm herself as she turn to Victor.

Neo: 'Are you done yet?'

Victor stopped hitting the ice as he look at Neo scroll and text as he turn back hitting the ice one more time breaking it showing a box

Victor: "Yes"

As he open the box Neo handle him the book as Victor start pressing the button in the box with the code as it was written making the door unlocked. After hearing the door open Victor and Neo open it a little more as the two enter the bunker with flashlights on.

Victor: "Welcome to the ruin of the divisional nine Neo where they kept their Winter Soldiers..."

Neo: 'Wow.....'

As the two walk around they came across the records room as Neo and Victor begin looking the box they are looking for as Victor grabbed the ladder as Neo search the bottom as the two were searching Victor was looking at the top as he stop at one box as it show the date and year of it.

Victor: "November 4 2014......"

Neo: 'Found something?"

Victor: *Sees Neo texts* "Yes I did follow me"

After getting the file off the box Neo and Victor walk to cryo pods area as it show two cryo pods opens as it show five being used as there was a metal chair in the middle to control the Winter Soldier as Neo and Victor walk up to the Cryo pod they see one Winter Soldier asleep in the pod as it was freezing him asleep.

Back to Remnant

It show Team RWBY walking with Ironwood as Ruby explains that Zemo was framed for the bombing.

Ruby: "General we got to find Victor and Neo"

Ironwood: "You girls think I'm going to listen to you after the fiasco in the airport between you and the Knights be lucky that you are not in the cells with your Fathers and Uncle's"

RWBY then walked to the cell room where the Knight are being kept as Ironwood was looking at the camera with his security staff as the door open showing the cells as there was 8 cell room as it show Ramirez, Nick, Razor, William and their squads in the cells as Ramirez started clapping as the girls stand in the middle of the room.

Ramirez: "The Greatest Team guy's" *Clapping* "The Greatest Team is here they see all they know what best for you whether you like it or not."

Weiss later walk up to Ramirez cell as Blake went up to Razor and Yang to Nick."

Weiss: "Listen Father I didn't know they will put you here."

Ramirez: *Spits on the floor* "Yeah well you knew they'd will put us somewhere Weiss" 

Weiss: "Yeah not some super-max cell this place is for maniacs like Cinder and the others this place is for-"

Ramirez: "For Criminals?"

Ramirez stand up from his cell bed wearing the cell uniform as he walked to the glass bar placing his hand on it.

Ramirez: "Criminals Weiss that I think that the word that you are looking for right? That dosen't used to mean me and the others but here we are honey..."

Weiss: "Because you broke the law father."

Ramirez: "Yeah whatever la, la, la, la, la"

Weiss: "You read it and you broke Father you got me, Winter and Mother I don't get it Father why didn't you think about us before you choice the wrong side..."

Ramirez didn't say anything but got look at Weiss with a mad face as he said this to the others in the cell.

Ramirez: "You better watch your back with this one guys" *Slam his hand on the window* "There a chance she are going break it"

Meanwhile with Blake and Razor

Blake: "Just tell me where David is Dad"

Razor: "Why so you could throw him in the cell with me and the others no after all the things I done in the past and in the future I thought I was doing the right thing but." *Chuckling* "Look where am I at I'm in the cell where my daughters put me in."

Blake didn't say anything but walk away from his cell as Razor then look down on the floor of his cell as he sigh in sadness for the things he done in the past.

Meanwhile with Nick

It show Nick facing the wall with his back facing the window as Ruby walk right next to Yang as Nick spoke up.

Nick: "How Luke?"

Yang: "They're flying him to Atlas Medical tomorrow so finger crossed."

Nick still not turning around to Ruby and his daughter Yang as she tried to make Nick talk as he was closer to David.

Yang: "What do you need Dad have they feed you yet?"

Nick: *Turn around* "So what you are a good cop now?"

Ruby: "I just wanted to know where my Dad went."

Nick: "Well you better go get a bad cop because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get that information out of me."

Ruby: "Weiss?"

Weiss: "I got it."

Weiss then pulled out her scroll as she disabled Atlas Camera feed and audio as Ironwood thought it was a bug in the system as they tried to get it back online

Ruby: "Well we knocked out their cameras so we got a mintue until they boot it back up right Weiss?"

Weiss: "Yes Ruby..."

Blake: "Here check this out"

RWBY begin to show Nick the real doctor that was supposed to talked to Zemo as Nick see that RWBY made a mistake as Ruby explained that they are sorry.

Ruby: "This real doctor was supposed to interrogate Zemo"

Yang: "So clearly we made a mistake Dad we were wrong."

Nick: "That a first?"

Blake: "David is definitely off radar with Zemo but he's about to need all the help he can get"

Yang: "So Dad where is Uncle David"

Nick: "Okay fine look I'll tell you but you girls must go there alone and as a Niece and a daughter to him"

RWBY: "Got it..."

Few Minutes later

As Team RWBY were walking to the bullhead Ironwood walked behind them as he yelled out.

Ironwood: "Ruby did he give you anything on the Knight?"

Yang: "Nope he didn't he told us go to hell and we are heading back to Vale instead but you can call us anytime. We'll put you on hold plus I like to watch the line blink."

As the door of the bullhead begin to closed and later fly's out of Atlas while flying away from Atlas Ruby and the other were gearing up their weapons as Ruby told the Pilot to take them to the portal to Earth so they could the exacted location where Nick told them to go.

Meanwhile on Earth

It show David landing the Quinjet right next to the snow truck that Victor and Neo came in with as the quinjet landed it David got up from his pilot seat and grabbed his gear and his shield as Zemo grabbed his gun from the gun locker as stand behind the ramp being lower down as David turn to Zemo.

David: "Remember that time when we got out of here and the first thing we did as we were free that we had to ride back from Rockaway beach in that back of that freezer truck."

Zemo: "Was it that time when we used our train money to buys a hot dogs"

David: "You blew three bucks trying win that stuffed bear for that redhead."

Zemo: *laughing* "What was her name again I forgot.."

David: "Dolores you called her dot."

Zemo: "Man I feel like we are getting old."

David: "Yup it suck being old" *put his hand on Zemo shoulder* "Well then let go"

The two stepped out of the Quinjet as they walked to the front door of the open bunker as David took a deep breath while looking at the front door.

David: "He couldn't have been here more than a few hours."

Zemo: "Long enough to wake them up."

As the two enter the bunker David felt the chill of his spine as they look around of the bunker seeing all everything thing still the same as it was empty David didn't like it as the two were moving around while looking around the area David stop at the one cell he looking at as he remember that his cell as a kid.

While looking at the same cell that where he was kept David begin to see his younger self in curl in the ball as two guard begin grabbing his younger self and taking him somewhere as David begin to breath heavily Zemo place his hand on David shoulder taking him back to the present.

Zemo: "It gone David it alright you are okay"

David then look back at his former cell as he nod his head to Zemo.

David: "Yeah I'm fine let keep searching."

Few Minutes later

Looking everywhere David and Zemo was about walked up the stairs as behind them was a elevator as they were going up they heard something in the elevator as David and Zemo got ready as David raised his shield as Zemo aimed his weapon at the door.

David: "You ready?"

Zemo: "Yeah"

As the two got themselves ready it show Yang opening the elevator door as Team RWBY came stepping out as Ruby see David and Zemo looking at them in defensive position.

Ruby: "Well you seem a little defensive."

David: "It been a long day..."

Weiss: "At ease Zemo we are not currently after you." 

David: "Then why are you girls are here?"

Ruby: "Well maybe your story is not crazy after all"

Blake: "Ironwood has no idea that we are here so we like it to keep that why or otherwise we got arrest ourselfs"

David: "That seem a lot of paper work for you girls"

Weiss: "Yeah it is"

Yang: "Zemo can you lower weapon your gun down there a truce here"

Zemo then lower his weapon as David and Zemo look at each knowing Ruby might find the truth about David here as David didn't want to tell his daughter that he was a Winter Soldier to like Zemo.

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