Patterson vs Ironwood

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February 8 2022

Atlas Academy 

News Reporter: "The attack was divesting-"

New Reporter 2: "Atlas Military have attacked United State base-"

New Reporters 3: "We got reports of the casutiles of the attack as many American troops have died during the attack-"

News Reporter 4: "This is the deliver act of war against the United States-"

After the all news channel begin to be interrupted it show Ironwood there standing facing the camera as he was broadcasting in all channel including Earths News Station.


Washington D.C 

White House.

U.S Staff: "Mr. President I think you need to see this!"

U.S President: "Let me see."

It show Ironwood as the President didn't say a word but listen Ironwood message.

 Ironwood recording: "I always promised to protected this kingdom and others and our people future, but there someone who want it destroyed. We stopped the Knights for destroying our future of Remnant and put them in cells that they deserver and made the U.S Troops pull out of that base we attack. But there one person who kept refusing....

Captain America or better yet David Knight.......

Where ever you are Captain I know how much you're teammate means to you so I give you a choice Captain. You either surrender yourself or watch I'll take your friends life away from you."

U.S Staff: "He wouldn't....."

The President didn't say anything but later clutch his fist in angry as the people of earth got scared not knowing if the Knights died they would lose their defenders.

Ironwood recording: "You got one hour Captain for you to respond...."

When the recording end all the staff of the White House look at the President who is sitting on his desk still looking where the message was played.

U.S Staff: "Sir w-what do we do?"

U.S President: "Get me General Patterson........"

Meanwhile in the safehouse in Nevada

It show Patterson there looking at the restroom mirror looking at his reflection as he remember his time in Vietnam.



It show Patterson in his young age getting pinned down by the enemy in the trees.

U.S Private: "Where the sarge?!"

Patterson: "He dead!?"

U.S Private 2: "We all are going to die here!"

Before the enemy could get closer they hear the enemy stop moving to their spotted as they shout in panic as they open fire. Leaving the group confused as Patterson and the other Soldiers peek their heads out.

U.S Private: "Who shooting??"

After saying that they see a squad taking out a Platoon of Vietnamese soldiers as they were screaming in pain until they see one on the ground crawl back in fear as it show a Soldier holding a sword.

Vietnam Soldier: "W-Who are you?"

Raul: "I'm your guys worst nightmare....."

Raul put his sword away but pull his pistol and shot the soldier dead. After killing the last soldier he turn to see Patterson and the two Private.

Patterson: "Who the hell are you??"

Raul squad came out the jungle holding their weapons as Raul didn't say nothing but chuckle as he spoke up.

Raul: "Captain Raul Knight Team leader of Team Knight I guess your Sarge is dead dosen't matter we need to regroup with the others come on."

End of Flashback

It show Patterson then opening a case that he didn't open a very long time as he see his gear in the case while putting his gear on he remember that he made a promise to the Knights when they were first assemble.

Patterson: "If you guys are need of help call me I'll be there...."

Meanwhile at Atlas Academy

Patterson was dropped off from Ryan car as he told them to stay hidden for the mean time as he will bring Ironwood down by himself. Without knowing it show one of the cameras spotting Patterson location as it show Ironwood standing in the control room with Winter.

Ironwood: "Any result of the Captain?"

Atlas Staff: "Negative sir no response."

Ironwood then continued wait for any update for David as he turn to his side to see Winter looking sad as Ironwood look concern to his specialist.

Ironwood: "You okay Miss. Schnee"

Winter: " nothing"

Ironwood: "Is it about your father?"

Winter: "......Yes...."

Ironwood: "Listen Winter I'm doing this to protect the future of Remnant if your father stay retired then he wouldn't be in this situation."

Winter: "But you will kill Earth Mightiest hero's as their leaders would come for all of us if we kill them or do anything worse against them...."

Ironwood: "Okay maybe I could transfer your father to some place else as he won't be harmed-"

Atlas Staff: "Sir someone breach the school ground."

Ironwood: "Who?"

The staff then show footage of Patterson sneaking his way in Atlas Academy and looking around finding the Knights as Ironwood look at Winter and then back at the screen.

Back to Patterson.

It show Patterson then looking around hoping to find the Knights are being kept.

Patterson: 'Where is it?'

Before he could move forward he something summon as he stop what he doing and slowly reached for his handgun only to see a Glyphs Grimm rushing towards him as Patterson then fires 6 shots at it making slowly disappear as Patterson see Winter walking towards him.

Patterson: "Winter Schnee or better yet Winter Ramirez........"

Winter didn't say anything but point her saber to Patterson as she spoke up.

Winter: "General Patterson you are in the violation of the Remnants Accords and traitor by helping the Knights."

Patterson: "Winter stop this now.... What would Ramirez say to if he ever saw you this uh Ramirez had a reason why he didn't follow the rules of the accords because it won't let him have the time for him to do the right thing..... Winter surrender yourself now I don't want to hurt you...."

Winter: "I never waver against the enemy of this kingdom" *Pull out a dagger from her saber* "And I won't surrender to you....."

Patterson: 'Forgive me Ramirez and Sarah....'

Without second heisting Patterson quickly raised his handgun and starts firing at Winter as she quickly dodge the fires as the two charge at each other. While dodging Winter attack one of her saber cut little pieces of Patterson hairs as he kick her away from him as he yelled out to Winter.

Patterson: "Ramirez sacrifices everything to you and this is how you return this to him!"

Winter: "No! You sacrifice my father for this!"

Winter then charged at Patterson as he quickly pull out of the sword he kept on it holster from his right hip as he blocks Winter attack with his sword as he fired his pistol with his left hand as the two continued fighting as the two got into a lock position as Patterson was pushing pressure on his sword against Winter.

Patterson: "Ramirez did what was best of his choice I didn't help him choice he made a choice to help his brothers in arm!"

Patterson push Winter off as he throw his pistol in the air as he caught by the barrel as he wacked Winter in the face of the handle making her stumble until later kick her to the floor in pain. Patterson stood in front of Winter as he look at her.

Patterson: "Your father would be disappointed of what you become......."

Few moment later 

After seeing Winter failed to stop Patterson Ironwood clutch his fist as he grits his teeth in angrier knowing he have to do it by himself.

Ironwood: "If you want something right you got it do yourself.... I think we end this Patterson......"

Few moments

The Halls of Atlas Academy 

Back to Patterson

Patterson: "I gotta keep moving until I-"

Before Patterson could turn to the corner he felt a pistol pointing on his head as he stopped moving knowing who it is.

Patterson: "I never knew it will come to this James...."

Ironwood: "I guess it have. But I'm always a step of ahead of you Patterson..:

Patterson: "You are.....*Remove eye patch* "But you need to keep both eyes open....."

Patterson then quickly knock Ironwood pistol away from his head as he then hit Ironwood his right elbow as he raised his pistol to shot Ironwood as Ironwood grabbed a hold of Patterson Pistol as the two struggled until they were fighting over the gun as they both crashed in double door leading them in the training room.

Patterson then kick Ironwood off of him as the two then look at each other seeing that they are 4 inches away from each others, as the two generals grabbed their pistol and aimed at each other. Patterson fired 3 shots at Ironwood as he also moved his pistol to the side making him shot the air as he dodge the bullets that Patterson fired at him.

Meanwhile with RWBY

After hearing Patterson broke in to Atlas Academy Ruby was the one enter the control to see the two generals running from their sides shooting at each other missing their shot as the others arrived.

Weiss: "What is Patterson is doing?!"

Blake: "I don't know but Winter said that he here to break the Knights out."

Yang: "Well we got to do something? Ruby any ideas?"

Ruby: "Well....I um...." *See's buttons of the training room* "Let me try this button?"

Back to the fight.

It show Ironwood chasing Patterson as the General Knight turns around firing five shot at Ironwood until. Getting knock off his feet by the one of the floor moving up to as Patterson lost his balance and fall, before he could hit the ground Patterson the grabbed something from his back pocket showing a wrist grappling hook as he attached it in his wrist and fired at one of the columns as he flew right back up there.

As this caught Ironwood by surprise seeing Patterson using the grappling hook. He then fired at Ironwood position causing him to move from the bullets until one glazed him in this right cheek, after getting a cut by the bullet that Patterson fired the two got to the same ground and starts firing at each other while running at each other.

Yang on the balcony: "Press that button!"

Ruby then press one button making the gravity of the room float as they see the two general leap at each other grabbing each others collar as they punch each other.

Weiss on the balcony: "Try that button?"

Ruby once again press a another button making the room gravity back to normal as the two generals fall back to the floor near at each others as Patterson quickly got up as he did ground round house kick hitting Ironwood face with his foot as Ironwood grabbed Patterson leg and picked him up and slammed him to the ground.

Quickly getting up Patterson grabbed his pistol as he picked his head up seeing Ironwood rushing him as he tackled him as the two fall to the middle of the training room ground as the two got up looking at each other as Patterson puts his pistol away and points at Ironwood.

Patterson: "You have caused this Civil War between us James.."

Ironwood: "No! You're Knights did this! If they haven't made the mistake they did then we wouldn't be in this mess!"

Patterson rushes towards Ironwood as he quickly throws a right hook at Ironwood face as he was about to swing with his left fist Ironwood dodge it as the two begin fighting close combat until Patterson block Ironwood left arm he quickly punch Ironwood right ribs is making him stumble back in pain.

After getting hit there Ironwood then look at Patterson as he yelled at the general Knight.

Ironwood: "I give you chance! And you threw it away!"

Patterson: "We were protecting Remnant from future threats but since you bombed our base and arrested my Knights that make you our threat now!"

Ironwood then clinched his teeth in angrier as Ironwood runs toward him as he throws in good punches and hit at Patterson. While getting kick to the wall Ironwood lunged at Patterson as he quickly throw in a quick punch in the face as Patterson then starts throwing good hit at Patterson.

As Ironwood tried to get him back to the wall he got him corner. Patterson got his fist together and hit Ironwood back making lose his grip as he grabbed his head and kneed Ironwood in the face making him jolted back up as Patterson then quickly beaten him as Ironwood does the same.

(End the song here)

After a quite time of fighting the two then look at each other. With blood and bruised on their face on mouth as the two were staring at each other. 

Patterson: "It over James...."

RWBY then came to the training room with their weapons out as Patterson then look at the girls as they help Ironwood up.

Patterson: "You girls made a mistake...........I'm sorry......."

Before they could arrested Patterson he used a smoke greande covering up the room they are in. After the smoke disappear they see the General gone as Ironwood look at the spot of where Patterson was standing.

Ironwood: "We'll meet again........"

Meanwhile with Weiss

After seeing Patterson and Ironwood fight Weiss was walking down the hall alone as she remembers the times she had with Ramirez


Weiss: "Father what did you and Sarah greet each other."

Ramirez: *Long whistle* "That how we greet each other...........*whisper* "Including your youngest aunt"

Weiss: "You guys whistle at each other? That how you greet each other"

Ramirez: "Yep the way it works if you whistle one of our family will whistle back. I could promise you that......"

End of Flashback

It show Weiss there alone as she took a deep breath as she whistle in the hall of Atlas alone missed her family during this Civil War.

Weiss: *Long whistle*

After done whistling she stood there alone in the hall Weiss was sad for being all alone in the hall until someone stand in the end of the hall and look at Weiss see her standing alone.

??: *long Whistle back*

Weiss turn around and see someone standing there at the end of the hall as she smiled to see who came back.

Weiss: "Aunt Sarah......."

Weiss and Winter will return in........The Twins

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