the Winter Soldier and the Maiden

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Nick: "THEY WHAT!!!"

David: "Yep they tried to ambushed me just because I didn't told the location of where Zemo is"

Razor: "Ain't that great not only Atlas we're wanted in Atlas we're wanted the whole Remnant"

Sarah: "Yeah if that what your saying"

David: "Doesn't matter all that matter is that Zemo is out there and he will be hunted down so Nick, Sarah and Razor gather your squads we're finding Zemo."

Time skip

It show Summer with Tai and Qrow as they were watching the news of how Team Knights are now wanted fugitives as Summer check her scroll to see David calling her as she picked it up and walked to the side talking to her husband.

David on the phone: "Are you alright?"

Summer: "Yeah I'm fines thanks..... I know how much Zemo means to you I really do but please stay where you were you'll only will make this worse."

David on the Phone: "Are you saying you'll arrest me?"

Summer: "David no I'm not but someone will please you and the others are wanted by every Huntsman and Huntress so please stay where you are.."

David on the Phone: "Summer if he this far gone I should be the one bringing him in..."

Summer: "And why is that??"

David on the Phone: "Because I'm the one least likely to die trying"

Back to David

David then hanged up the call as he walked in the café that show Nick eating a small cake as David walked right next to him.

Nick: "She tell you to stay out of it?"

David: "What do you thinks?"

Nick: "You know she might have a point"

David: "He'd do it for me"

Nick: "That true I just want to make sure we consider all our options the people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at me"

As the two captains were relaxing at the café Maria walked between the two as she have the file on her hands.

Maria: "Patterson think you should have this Ironwood is having a briefing about this pretty much now so that all the heads up you need." 

David: "Thanks" 

Maria: "You're gonna have to hurry they have order to shoot on sights"

Time skip

Germany Berlin

It show Zemo at the local market getting fruit as he place some blueberry in the bag he carrying as he later payed the store owner and walked away while heading to his apartment Zemo see one of the newspaper store owner looking at him as Zemo looked at him confused as the the owner begin to slowly run away as Zemo walked up to the stand and grabbed the newspaper showing him in Atlas blowing up the assembly meeting for the four kingdom's.


It show David walking in the apartment showing Zemo room as he was looking around David see Zemo dairy he begin to read it as Nick radio in

Nick on the radio: "Heads up David Atlas Special Forces approaching from the south"

David: "Copy that"

Closing the dairy David turn around seeing Zemo looking at him as David looked at him

David: "Zemo...."

Zemo: "What do I own this pleasure visit Captain"

David: "I know your nervous Zemo and you have plenty reason to be. But you are lying"

Zemo: "I wasn't in Atlas I don't do that anymore"

Nick on the Radio: "They are entering the building"

David: "Well the people think you did and they are coming here now and they are not planning to take you alive"

Zemo: "That smart"

David: "This can't end in a fight Zemo"

Zemo: "It always ends in a fight

Nick on the radio: "five seconds..."

David: "You saved me when we were trapped from that place why?"

Zemo: "I don't know"

Nick on the radio: "three seconds....."

David: "Yes you do...."

Nick on the radio: "BREACH!!! BREACH!!!"

A Grenade came in breaking a window as David smack it away with his shield as a other one came in Zemo kick it to David as he place above the shield making the flash cover by the shield as two Atlas soldiers came breaking in by the window's.

Zemo punch one in the head as the other one points his weapon at him as David see him on the rug as he pull the rug away from the floor making the soldier lose balance as he shoots the roof Zemo knocked one out as another came behind the door behind David as he quickly disarmed him and then kicked him to outside Zemo was about to run away as David grabbed his shoulder.

David: "ZEMO STOP!! You are going to kill someone"

Zemo later push David to the floor as he break the wooden floor as he looked at David.

Zemo: "I'm not gonna kill anyone."

Zemo grabbed his bag from the floor safe as he tossed it outside to the another roof as one Soldier got up and aimed at Zemo as he begin firing his weapon David got up quickly covering Zemo with his shield as Zemo later throw David at the soldier from the side as he ran up to one right in front of him punching making him brake the restroom door.

David quickly disarmed the soldier from outside from his weapon as he quickly knocked him out as the breaching team outside of Zemo door was ready to break in as Zemo kick the door down making the breaching team back away as Zemo.

After taking out the entrance team Zemo looked down the stair see more coming in as Zemo jumps over to another down floor as David got out of Zemo room as he see one Atlas soldier on his radio.

Atlas Soldier: "Suspect has broke out of containment he-"

David grabbed the radio and broke it with his hand as he chase after Zemo as he was taking any Atlas soldier out as he flip one off the railing as David quickly caught him by the back of his uniform as David looked at Zemo as he quickly knocked one out with his elbow.

David: "Come on man..."

Zemo quickly ran down kicking one through the  door as he punch one to the wall knocking him out as one points his weapon at Zemo David threw his shield knocking him out as the shield got stuck on the wall. 

As Zemo used the fire exit he start to run and later jump over the railing of the balcony as he made it to the roof where he threw his bag earlier as he grabbed his bag Zemo start to looked back at the apartment building while putting his purple mask on.

Zemo: 'Thanks David but I must go'

Before Zemo could run away as something fast punch Zemo in the face making him stumble to the ground as he got up to see Harriet there picking up her fist's as the two start to fight.

As David made to the outside of the balcony David see Zemo fighting one of Atlas Ace ops as Nick was flying in his Iron Man suit as David radio Nick.

David: "Southwest rooftop Nick"

Nick: "Damnit they sent the Ace ops"

David: "Damn right"

David later jumped to the roof were Zemo and Harriet is as Atlas transport came in firing at the position where Zemo is as David radio Nick.

David: "Nick??"

Nick: "I'm already on it"

Nick later kick the transport away making it spin out of control as Zemo kick Harriet away from him as he grabbed his bag and jump off to the roof as he used the bush to break his fall as Harriet chased after him as for David he jumps off the roof using his shield breaking his fall as he chased after the two.

As a another bullhead appear it starting shooting at Zemo as he quickly jumped to the under ground tunnel where cars are driving as Zemo start to run with the traffic as Harriet chased after him not knowing the Captain was also chasing her.

Harriet: 'You are not getting away from that easily"

As the three were running after each other David see's one of Atlas cars coming right next to him as one soldier points his weapon at David not till it was hit to the side as it show Sarah in her car as her squad were shooting from behind.

Sarah: "GET IN!!"

David quickly got in as Sarah press the gas driving the car to catch up to Zemo and Harriet as David turn to Sarah who is driving.

David: "Where Razor??"

Sarah: "He being a distraction with Nick squad so how catching Zemo going"

David: "Working Progress"

Sarah: "I see"

As Zemo was still running he see a motorcyclist driving his motorcycle as Zemo quickly grabbed his steering wheel making the Motorcycle flip as the motorcyclist flew off as Zemo got on and drove off as The Knights were still chasing after him as Harriet start to go fast trying to catch up. 

While seeing the Knights were about to get Zemo Harriet see Nick flying in behind them with his Iron Man suit as she jump grabbing a hold on his leg as Nick tries to get her off of him.

Zemo looked behind as he grabbed a small grenade and throw it up top of the tunnel exit as it went off sending small rock to slow down the chaser as Nick threw off Harriet off his foot she quickly stop Zemo bike as the two roll on the ground but for David he quickly got off as Sarah starts to drift the car David was running to Zemo as Harriet was about to put him in cuffs.

David tackle Harriet off of Zemo as she looked at the Knight as David was at the side of Zemo putting his right arm to side showing Zemo he on his side while Atlas cars surrounded The Knights as David hears two gantlets  shots in the air as Yang land right in front of Harriet she point at David and Zemo.

Yang: "Stand down now!!!"

David looked around to see Atlas soldier and Huntsman and Huntress pointing their weapons at the two as Nick, Sarah and her squad was getting  their hand up as they arrest them as David grabbed his shield and put it on his back as Yang looked at her Uncle and her Dad.

Yang: "Congratulation Uncle David and Dad you are a criminal"

David was later put in handcuffs as Zemo was did the same as the two looked at each other with a worry looked. 



Ramirez: "So Winter why did you bring me here again I thought I was retired from all this."

Winter: "You are father but I wanted to show you something"

As the two were walking down the halls Winter stop at one room as she show her clearance allowing the door open as Ramirez walked in as he see a glass window showing a room right across as it show Winter entering the room with the old lady on her bed as Winter walked to the counter a made her tea as Ramirez understanding what going on.

Few moment later 

As the lady fall asleep on the bed she sleeping in Winter walked in the room where Ramirez is watching as she stand right next to her father as Ramirez took a deep breath and spoke up .

Ramirez: "So she the Winter Maiden"

Winter: "Yes she could pass away any day now and I'm that person who would take care of her if she passed away"

Ramirez: "So..... Ironwood choose you my own daughter to become the next winter maiden when she dies..... how long do you know about this"

Winter: "Since when the General proposal this idea  I thought it was opportunity to protected Remnant and Atlas."

Ramirez: "I see that but what if you were hunted down"

Winter: "What are you saying father"

Ramirez: "Think about it Winter I'm not going to be the one to protect neither are the others for you because during the Battle of Beacon we had one job protected the next Fall Maiden which that ended in with her killed and her power taken away from her"

Winter: "Father I'm going to be fine with the Winter Maiden I won't go down that easily"

Ramirez: "What happened if you see someone special die right in front of you  like your sister, or your mother or .... me what would you do then if you have that Maiden power you will start feeling regret of having it. I got to go"

Ramirez then leave the room as Winter looked at her father back still remembering the time when she was a child seeing her father leaving the house to go on a mission with the Knights as she then shake it off and then looked at the sleeping Winter Maiden behind the glass of the room she in.

Meanwhile with the others

It show David and the others who have been arrested while walking to the security room as David saw they took Zemo away to the interrogation room as Ironwood looked at the Knights as Atlas Personal were taking David Shield and other stuff away from them as Ironwood looked at them.

Ironwood: "Follow me..."

As they were walking down the hall with guard behind their back Ironwood start to explained they were lucky.

Ironwood: "You guys are lucky that I didn't put you in the cell but what I am going to do is you are going to stay in the office that someone is waiting for you."

As they enter the camera room it show a office in the middle as Summer was giving David stern look as she walked up to the general.

Summer: "Don't worry  general there will be punishment for the Knights involvement in that chase."

Ironwood: "Keep a eye on them"

Few Minutes later..

It show David in the office alone with Summer as she being telling David of what she told him.

Summer: "I told you to stay out of it and what you did you chase after Zemo and got your self arrested."

David: "Listen I don't want to make thing's difficult for us"

Summer: *Sigh* "I know David but sometime you are difficult to understand"

David: "Look Summer if I see a situation pointed south you know I can't ignore it sometimes I wish I could"

Summer: "No you don't"

David: *Chuckling* "No no I don't"

Summer: "Sometimes David I wanna punch you in your teeth. But I don't wanna see you gone because that happened long enough when you left on that portal. But I need you David we need you if just sign then thing well settle David."

David later walked around the small office room as he looked at Summer.

David: "I'm not saying it's not impossible there got to be safeguards"

Summer: "Sure I could tell Ironwood about that I could file a motion to have U.S pull out here."

David: "Wait what do you mean??"

Summer: "Well the Council of Remnant want all of U.S troops to pull out of Remnant and make sure they return to Earth."

David: "Oh my god Summer every time, every time when people want the U.S pulled out we brought them here so people will have protection."

Summer: "Not every body is welcome by a military that seems unknown to them and even Ruby thinks that."

David: "Are you really gonna go there with her?"

Summer: "Yes I am"

David: "Summer Ruby can't handle what the military life is like"

Summer: "I'm trying to keep her from going down your path"

David: "SHE JUST KID!!"

Summer: "GIVE ME A BREAK!!!"

David and Summer look at each other as they finished arguing at each other.

Summer: "I'm doing what best for our daughter."

David: "Yeah I see that"

David later then leave the office room as leaving Summer alone in the office 

Time skip

It show Victor walking in the interrogation room as Zemo is still in the cell as he got his arm wrapped around in the chair as Victor pull a chair in front of the table as he place his bag and the binder down on the table 

Victor: "Hello Mr. Baron do you mind if I sit."

Victor then sit in front of Zemo as he open his bag bringing paper out off his bag as he place them in the table as David was watching the camera of the interrogation as Maria Hill came with the list of the Knights equipment."

Maria: "Here your guys receipt"

Nick: "Oh really that what they naming my suit Man of Iron"

Maria: "Hey I didn't name it..."

Maria then press a button showing the audio in the office room as David and the other listen in the interrogation.

Victor on the camera. : "I'm not here to judge. I'm just wanted to ask you a few question and don't worry we only have to talk about one question Zemo.."


Atlas Power compony 

It show Neo disguised as a deliverer women as she dropped off a package at the front door of the power company that is connected where everyone at as she walked away from that package as she grabbed her phone and start texting Victor.

Neo: 'Package in place'

Victor Text: "Good get out of there meet up after I escaped from where am I."

As Neo turn off her phone she press the button as the package send off a EMP shockwave shutting everything that was power on nearby off as the power turn off the location of where  the Knight and Hunter were as Ironwood was asking of what just happened.

Ironwood: "Give me eye's on Zemo"

Back to the Knights 

David look at Maria as she look at David saying the location of where Zemo is being kept

Maria: "Sub Level five East Wing"

David and Razor start to ran out as Nick and Sarah stayed behind as Summer see David and Razor run off to as this confused her as for Winter she staying with the Winter Maiden while she sleeping with Penny.

Back to Zemo

Zemo: "What is this??"

Victor: "Why don't we discuss your home? Not Germany. Certainly not Berlin no I mean your real home."

Victor then pull out a red book with a star as he show it to Zemo as his eyes widen seeing what Victor got in his hand as he got up grabbed in a small flash light as he open the book and began saying the code.

Victor: "Longing. Rusted."

Zemo: "No... shut up"

Victor: "Seventeen."

Zemo begin shaking his fist as he begin to breath heavily as he heard the code going inside his head.

Zemo: "Stop!!"

Victor: "Daybreak!"

Zemo then scream as he later than broke out of the wrapped on to the chair freeing himself as he got up to the front of the cell door starting to punch it over and over again while Victor continued saying the code.

Victor: "Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One . Freight car."

Zemo then broke out the cell door down as he fall to the ground of the floor as Victor stop what he doing and walked up Zemo as he slowly got up as Victor spoke up.

Victor: "Soldier??"

Zemo: "Ready to comply"

Victor: "You got a new mission today Soldier I need you to take out the Winter Maiden"

Few Minutes later.

It show David and Razor finally made where Zemo begin kept as the  two see's a lot of Atlas security on the floor knocked out as they slowly move in as David see Victor on the floor.

Victor: "Help me. Help"

David: "Get up."

David later grabbed Victor and pinned him on the wall holding his collar as David spoke up.

David: "Who are you and what do you want?"

Victor: "To see a empire fall...."

While looking around Razor see Zemo missing him as Razor starts to fight against Zemo not till he block all his punch's and kick as Zemo grabbed Razor by the neck and throw him against the cell wall.

As David let go of Victor and start fight against Zemo as David was able to hit Zemo right in the face but that didn't stop him as Zemo kick David to the floor which he quickly got up as David block Zemo attack as Victor smiled in the background to see two Winter Soldiers fighting each other. 

While being push back to the elevator door David was slowing tired to push Zemo fist away from him as he force David back to the elevator door making David fall in the elevator shaft as Zemo walked away from that area and start looking for the Winter Maiden.

Few Moment later.

It show Winter and Penny at the Winter Maiden room as Winter was checking the vitals of the Maiden as Penny was trying to get the power back up. To the tube that the Maiden is staying as Winter looked at Penny progress.

Winter: "Any luck??"

Penny: "Hold on a moment...." *Turns power back on* "Power is now online"

Penny smiled at Winter sigh in relief as she looked at the Winter Maiden in the tube as Penny walked right next to Winter.

Penny: "Something wrong Winter???"

Winter: "It nothing Penny just my emotion getting a better of me..."

Penny: "What do you mean..."

Winter: "Well after hearing my father well my real father Ramirez saying that I'm might feeling regretful for if I have the Winter Maiden power someone special will die and I will thinking of regret I just don't if he going to be right or not."

Penny: "But you having a second thought."

Winter: "Maybe.... but it won't stop me for getting the Winter Maiden so I can complete my goals"

Penny smiled at Winter thing until they felt a explosion's from the hallways outside the room as Penny and Winter looked at each other concern as Winter went out first to the hallway."

Winter: "What is going-"

Winter stopped herself as the hallways was red flashing as she see dead Atlas droids on the floor as bullets were on the hallway Winter looked at the far end of the hall seeing a figure holding a assault rife as Winter eye's widen couldn't believe who she facing.

Winter: "No..............The Winter Soldier.........."

It show Zemo at the end of the hall loading a grenade launcher to his attachment under the barrel of his gun as he stared at Winter with emotionless eyes......

A/N Cliffhanger People!!!

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