Chapter 1

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"You have to read this?" The youngest boy, named Shark, laughed, grabbing the book from his brother's hand.

"Yep, English assignment," Sabre answered, snatching the classic book out of Shark's hand.

"You know how many people believe 'it's true'," The blue shirted one said, leaning back against the chair.

"It's just some story," Ryan added, chuckling thinking about it.

"I'm Moose! The emperor of darkness, fear me!" Sabre joked, making everyone laugh.

The second youngest sighed, looking up at the sky. "Wouldn't it be amazing though?"

The other three looked at him confused. "How? It's just a boring book with knights and stuff," Sabre first said.

"Exactly! Knights! The four unknown knights coming to save the day, to stop Moose," The boy, Spency ((iDK! I was originally going to do Nathan but I don't know him to well, so, SPENCY!)) replied, just think about the battles, the romance, the intenseness.

"You keep dreaming," Shark then said, rubbing his brown hair.

This made Spency laugh, him rubbing Shark's head back. "And I will!"

As the four continued talking and laughing, inside Sabre's backpack was a world unlike another, inside just that book.

It glowed a faint yellow from the pages, no one noticing.

Before it could get any brighter, Sabre closed his backpack, putting it over his shoulder. "See you guys tomorrow!" He said.

The other two waved goodbye as the two brothers left, walking home.

"Do you think it's real?" Shark wondered, looking up at Sabre.

"It's a story, how could it?"

He shrugged. "Don't know, just feeling it?"

The older brother chuckled a little and wrapped Shark's head in his arm. "Don't start daydreaming, it's just a book!"

Once they arrived home, the two were greeted by their mother.

"Hello Sabre, Sharky!" She exclaimed, hugging her two boys.

"Father home yet?" Shark asked as she pulled away.

She shook her head. "Not yet, but soon!" She said, walking into the kitchen.

The two shrugged to each other and went up to their room.

"You going to start reading?" Shark instantly asked as they entered the small room, but still big enough for the two.

Sabre groaned. "You think!"

The two laughed as Sabre placed his backpack on his bed and opened it.

Shark went to the desk, signing into it. "Gotta type a paper though," He groaned too.

"Really funny Shark, can I have my book now?" Sabre said after digging through his backpack.

"I don't have it," Shark replied in confusion.

Sabre laughed hysterically. "Seriously, I need to read."

Shark turned the computer chair to his brother. "I'm telling you I don't know where it is!" He shouted a bit in frustration.

"Then-then where is it?!"

Shark stood up and shrugged. "We'll find it."

The two began to search.

"Found it!" Shark said, picking it up.

Sabre walked over to his younger brother, grabbing the book from him. "You sure you didn't hide it?" Sabre questioned, flipping through the pages.

Shark nodded. "I have no idea how it got there!"

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