Chapter 11 - Choose the Best

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The first lecture passed, and the second one was about to begin. As Sid shot a glimpse at his wristwatch, it wasn't a puzzle for him to realize that the time was ticking faster than usual.

Ravi didn't share the same feeling, however; he insisted on sticking around a bit more. The public park they were in (the favorite place for students to goof off) appeared less crowded at this point, so you'd find mostly senior citizens.

A feeling crossed Sid's heart that not many years have remained in his life to join these oldies. He couldn't make heads or tails why this eccentric thought was drifting through his mind. Come on, give me a break, stupid mind, stop pondering over the fact which is like forty years away. But he was indeed feeling like sixty, can't deny it. Maybe because of the array of events that took place lately?

"Seriously, we're not planning to be here forever, right? Let's go now," he said, creases of frustration were betraying his all-the-time relaxed attitude.

"Let's wait for some time." Ravi replied, "Hey, but what about that yesterday's dream you were talking about the other day?"

A brilliant way to kill more time, Ravi manifested an evil grin on his lips, which went unnoticed to Sid.

"Well, just a dream. Forget it. Let's move now."

Ravi frowned, "We're not going to move from here if you don't tell me about it."

"Okay," Sid mumbled and heaved a sigh. At first, hesitation in speaking about yesterday's dream stopped him, but then he narrated the whole dream elaborately.

"How can you remember this dream so precisely?" Amazed by such narration, Ravi did have his reservations because dreams are something hard to remember once we woke up.

"I don't know," Sid shrugged with jutted lips. "I also took it as a projection of the mind, and then I observed hidden allegories in it. The dense forest represented ignorance, while the storm represented psychological trauma. The urban city described the busy life of people, and the fake Guru implied how people are getting fooled by these swindlers. The riot depicted the negative images of the religion. Last but not least, the hideout represented shelter that I'm seeking so desperately."

"Sounds interesting to me."

"I want to seek the essence of all the religion, which binds humanity together and could never sunder them. The common thread."

A moment later, Ravi's phone started ringing. It was Raj calling. Ravi eyed Sid, who gestured him to receive the call, and he did it. On the other end, Raj inquired on their whereabouts to which he answered that they're in the public park, near to the college. Raj said that he's coming over and quickly disconnected the call. The battle of faiths again, huh?

No! Not at all.

"If this time, he tried to debate me," Sid thundered, "I won't go easy on him at all. I will snap and spew out all of those documented facts that Prakash has shown me."

"Alright," Ravi replied, also feeling bit teed off. "You know, you're too soft sometimes. If Raj sparks up a debate, you know the drill."

Sid nodded and felt the uneasiness rolling in his gut. His breath was jumpy like a marathon runner. Crazy religious questions began to haunt his mind again. He thought if Raj was coming to kick off a debate, this time, mercy won't be part to play in it. It will be his decimation of faith.

Five minutes passed. At last, Sid and Ravi caught sight of Raj, walking towards them. When he came closer, Ravi moved up aside to make some place for Raj to sit.

Raj's face neither conveyed any vengeful expression nor his voice when he said, "Why are you guys still here? Don't you want to attend the second lecture?" He repeatedly slapped on his sitting place to brush off the dust.

"Of course, we want to," Ravi replied dully.

Raj sat on the seat and let out a sigh, and then he remained silent for a minute. Slowly his face turned pink; he began to speak tentatively, "Listen, guys... I want to apologize for yesterday, especially to you, Sid."

To hear such an incoming apology, Sid and Ravi felt a flush of surprise, but they also felt happy on the inside. It was hard to believe Raj did accept his mistake and now attempted to make amends.

"Oh! It's alright, buddy," Sid said with an artless smile. "No grudges left at all." His heart melted, just like ice cream.

Raj continued, "I'm guilty for what I'd done yesterday. Sometimes my lower impulse took charge of me. Though I never keep any evil intention in my heart."

"It's alright," Sid said, "We know you didn't have any evil intention, and it's nice of you that you're apologizing."

A grave look crawled upon Raj's face, his eyes fixated at the ground. "I have gone through so many challenging situations in my life. Who can know it better than Ravi?"

Ravi gave a curt nod.

Raj continued, looking at Sid. "Say, for example, I needed some money. I'm in a great financial crisis, and I asked Ravi for help, but he denied it. Then I approach you, and you graciously helped me out of my misery. So, in this case, you will be my savior since you were there when everyone else was pushing me away."

Ravi and Sid gave their full access of ears to Raj.

"I guess that's a sensitive point you got there." Sid began to spoke his heart, "For me, things are different. My parents struggled a lot when they got married. My mom, especially, she's an exemplary woman. She came out as successful even in troublesome circumstances. Now we are opulent. My mom and dad have stashed away more than enough savings for us. We own one bungalow and two flats in this dreamland of Mumbai."

He paused to suck in a deep breath and continued, "Even so, being in this period of plenty, something still makes me feel dissatisfied. So I'm trying to teach myself the art of contentment. I'm not quite sure when will that happen, perhaps after the fulfillment of all my dreams."

Ravi interrupted his best friend to express his life history. "My dad is stinking rich—you guys know it—he's the owner of seventeen shops and a mall in our native place. We have enormous wealth and property. I always noticed this even if my dad is a lord of tremendous wealth; he never was contented with his life. I can't make head or tail of what else he wants to achieve in his life!?"

"He should be proud!" Raj burst out. It never ceases to amaze him how lucky Ravi is. "His achievements are rare to witness these days and age. He's my role model."

"With pride comes all-devouring ego. Down the road, I gotta come up with something to hurt my dad's ego. Maybe double whatever the amount of wealth he has."

Sid, who was rubbing his chin, asked confusedly. "But you've said that even after having so much wealth, he's not satisfied, right?"

"Hell yeah! He's an unappeasable man. Even if some people perceive him as a role model," Ravi gestured tauntingly at Raj, to which Raj just smirked in response.

After a brief pause, Sid went on, "If that's the case, then, you know what I see here, fellas? Whatever is the definition of happiness that the world has shown us all this while is wrong. There has to be a truth beyond all sublunary enjoyment. Or else I find no particular reason for people's discontentment in their lives. What we are looking for in our lives might always be shrouded in mystery. My heart tells me there's something that can unveil this mystery. There must be a solution for all of this misery; beyond materialism, that which is transcendental."

As Sid, Ravi, and Raj patched up with their disagreement, not far away from the campus stood a corporate building. How many floors twenty? Twenty-two? On the top floor, the name of the company was imprinted with eye-catching red block letters. You could see it even from a mile away.

Inside the building in a waiting room, a group of freshers was spread across the waiting room.

A brown-eyed girl occupied a seat of the second row. Formal white shirt with bluish hue embellished her fair skin; black skirt reaching till her knees made her heels appreciable. Her ponytail hairstyle brought attraction to her red cheeks and pink lip gloss.

She held a confident smile, unlike other interviewees. Lately, she has watched several videos on how to crack an interview, which was now coming in handy.

With all that external description, it would be clear as day that this girl must be career-oriented. Her enticing looks shot a message that she must be a narcissist, belongs to a wealthy family background, and living a prosperous life. If you were to allow access in her inner world, only then you'd figure out how easily we judge people simply based on their outer side.

This girl was certainly not a spiritual seeker like Sid, not filty rich like Ravi or recovering from a financial crisis like Raj.

She has her own story to share. Of course, it was not glorious rather embarrassing. Her heartfelt prayer was always that even her enemies shouldn't get in the situation she's been dealing with for years.

Tears began to well up in her eyes as she was thinking about the train of events that recently happened. No! Stop it. You can't fall apart now, idiot. She shook her head to snap herself out of her tough life.

"First time for an interview?" A guy next to her asked.

The girl stifled her laughter as she turned toward the guy because his hair was like a porcupine. "Yeah, but I'm good. Just waiting for the final round."

The guy's eyes doubled in size. "You cleared all rounds? Hehe, you are talented, not just beautiful."

She received a wink from the boy. Many girls would describe him as cute. But with a smile, she ended the conversation, which never meant to happen in the first place.

A minute passed. The guy came up with another question. "How long are you planning to do this job?"

This time she didn't look at him. Her eyes instead searched for admin to call out her name. It's been half an hour but still no sign of final round.

"You look pretty enough to go for HR jobs. I have a friend who can make an arrangement. You'll get the job there simply based on your looks, hehe."

Now this made her look at him. "Oh, thanks. But I fight one war at a time," she quipped.

The guy laughed his head off. It was overboard needless to say. He moved up a little closer to her. "Has anybody told you that you share looks of Emma Stone." He leaned forwarded to see her face closely. "Especially your face cut. It's exactly like her, hehe."

Only a fake smile he received from the girl.

"Nehali?" the admin called out her name.

"I'm coming." She gathered up her spirits and also picked her shoulder bag. Before she got up, she turned to that guy. "So Mr. Hehe, you started the conversation with a casual talk, next you flattered me, then tried to allure me with a job offer. You thought it's all working, so you shifted closer to me. Comparing me with Emma Stone was not an excellent trick, by the way." Nehali dramatically paused only to raise the heartbeat of that guy, who started sweating. "Later, you would've asked for my number. Just to make sure you're not a flirt, I would've received a text message at night from you with, 'Hello dear, how was your day?' and precisely after a week, you would propose me for a relationship. If you think all these tricks are universal to woo a girl's heart, then bro, get a life."

Nehali presented him with a smirk. The boy sat sprawled in stunned silence for a moment; within minutes, his clever techniques were exposed. This girl was nothing like beauty with no brain. She was the sharpest knife in the drawer.


A/N: The female lead character has entered the story. How do you like her badass attitude? At last, the trio is back; now, they are friends like before. I hope you liked this chapter. Please, vote, comment, and share. 

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