Chapter 37 - Consequences of Action

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With broken heart that trampled under cruel feet of Sara, Vinit was still not able to get over with the glumness. He already crossed threshold of the college campus, his eyes were drenched with tears. For a while, he stood motionless and then plumped himself down on a bench. To take some breaths, and console himself.

He heard noise of Pratik and his friends chewing the fat over something. Pratik was tossing something—which was seemingly a pen-drive—in the air and catching it over and over. His face thrown out a devil-may-care expression. Of course, he was beaming because of what he'd done with Sara last night. Vinit's ears perked up when they started conversing.

"Man, some girls are so easy to jump into bed with." Pratik recalled his tricks for wooing Sara. It didn't take him a lot to get what he want. Actually, he was talking about last night incident.

Some of Pratik's friends were already browned off by his behavior. From inside they were cursing him to death, because all of them knew what's in the pen-drive. However, there were two friends of his, who were quite lusty and desired to see that video. One of them said: "What you gonna do with that video?"

"Probably, I'll upload it on a XXX site," Pratik replied.

Others friends who were against Pratik, they literally petrified. Since, this was an execrable crime, but expression reigned on Pratik's face was dripped in pride. He was totally thoughtless about the consequences of his action. Because he was just minding about his revenge, nothing else.

Vinit heard all this conversation, and he was now aware of the fact that Sara is in a grave danger. Her whole image could be disparaged, because people are expert backbiters. However, his limbs were shuddering he wanted to grab the pen-drive away from Pratik's hand but guts flew out from his body.

He feared to get jumped by Pratik and his friends, neither he has courage to fight with them alone, nor his strength could match them all at once. It's bad, that the girl he loves need protection. But he doesn't possessed enough power to take a stand for her. Basically, he was a good boy, and never indulge in fighting or other vices. But this was his conditioning, he feared of getting hurt. Perhaps, his love was not true. On the spur of the moment, he ran away from the scene. Because he can't put his life on the line for Sara.


"Where the heck are you guys!?" Sid squealed so hard that it hurt his throat. He was talking with Ravi on the phone. On the other end, Ravi replied, he and Raj is in the library, but now they are on their way to the campus.

The malodorous smoke of cigarette brushed Sid's nostrils, which put a grimace on his face. It's funny how smoke of cigarettes goes to non-smokers. However, it was more irritable when Sid got the drift that, it was ejected from Pratik's mouth. "Hey! You never wash your mouth? Whether you speak or smoke only shit comes out." Sid purposely used his best sneer to get on Pratik's nerves.

At first, Pratik was totally inattentive about it. Maybe he didn't puff out smoke towards Sid purposely. Nevertheless, he wasn't going to be a guy who will be unprepared with a comeback. "But with this mouth itself, I tasted whole body of your best friend, Sara."

Sid became quite embarrassed by this witty reply. He felt enrage, because he didn't have a best reply to this comeback. But now Pratik got a chance to fire up a verbal fight. He continued, "She was very delicious. Especially, those two big—"

Sid glared at Pratik, which eventually made him cut off his sentence. But he grinned like a Cheshire cat. And prepared to come up with another sneer, but Sid cut him off. "One more shit from your mouth, and you have to answer my brother." Pratik backed off as Sid threatened him, because he really feared Pratham and how he'd beaten the pants off of him. "What happened? Your non-existent balls dropped off?"

Probably even Sid won't be the guy who shall keep a finger on his lips and be a good boy. This comeback really hurt Pratik. "Let's finish it off once and for all. You and me one on one. If you beat me in a fight, I'll leave alone Sara."

Pratik's eyes displayed a strange kind of excitement. His limbs titillated to beat the stuffing out of Sid, if Sid says yes to this offer. But Sid became grave. Naturally, he has trust issues with Pratik. Even if he knocks him down. There's no guarantee Pratik shall remain true to his words.

However, Sid thought to give it a whirl. Because somehow or other he can save his best friend from the clutches of this demon. He contemplated a little and parted his lips into two to speak. "Alright, I accept......" But Sid was unable to complete his sentence.

"There is that ***hole." A brawny man shouted as he caught sight of Pratik. He waved his hand and beckoned his other friends. Before they could reach him, the brawny man impatiently charged towards Pratik.

Viewing at Pratik, his eyes were stretched open. Before he could part his lips for negotiation. Instead of that, he received a hard slap on his cheek. He literally spun like a top. When the impact hit his face, he could hear beep sound for a moment. The brawny guy and his three friends were here to give Pratik dose of his own medicine. Because Pratik had impregnated his sister, and left her once he done using her.

Because of cultural circumstances, it was a very shameful moment for the brawny guy and his family to deal with. So he had decided to take revenge from Pratik by killing him. At least by this he could reckon humiliation incurred upon him. "You gonna pay for what you did to my sister."

Sid already backed off, because he knew whatever they are doing; Pratik deserves it. In fact, he was quite jubilant to see him getting pounded. He shook his head in resentment, because he could never imagine himself in Pratik's shoe. In short, Sid felt pity about how miserable life Pratik lives.

"But I'm not only one, who did that. He was with me." Pratik pointed his index finger at Sid. He very shrewdly involved Sid's name. Of course, it was a plain lie, Sid have nothing to do with that matter. But the brawny guy turned his attention towards Sid, as if ready to kill him also.

"Hold on! Hold on! This jerk is lying. He's trying to put me in his trap. I don't even know who is your sister." Sid stepped backwards. Fear chilled his spine, because he was getting misunderstood as culprit for that issue which is clearly a false accusation.

Sid didn't think to run away, because it may give the wrong impression and create more misunderstanding. Therefore, he stood fearlessly. However, the brawny guy was blinded by anger, in fact, he'd lost his conscience. All he wanted was revenge. He grabbed Sid's forearm and dragged him somewhere. Sid tried his best to clear the misconception created by Pratik about him. But the brawny guy didn't consider any of it. Both Pratik and Sid were brought near to a Tata sumo car and forcefully jabbed inside.

No matter how much both of them protested, but the brawny guy and his friends always overpowered Sid and Pratik. The stench of alcohol from the mouth of the brawny guy rushed into Sid's nostrils. He understood, somehow or other he should make the thing clear before it's too late. He said: "Listen man! You don't have a brain or what? I'm not Pratik's friend. In fact, I hate him as much as you do."

All that Sid received from the brawny guy was just a glare. Pratik added more to his anger by saying, Sid also sexually exploited the girl. To hear such nonsense, Sid leaped at Pratik to beat the stuffing out of him. But other guys seized him and made to sit on his place.

Anger and fear were playing in Sid's mind; he thought, is this how everything gonna end? To get murdered for no reason? What will happen after the death? Every dream, every plan, every desire will come to an end? Why now, why him, what wrong he had done to deserve this?

The car coursed through highway, leaving the noisy urban city far behind. And reached on the mountain pass. While driving the ascending road, the car's engine rumbled. The sun was about to be set and purple color gradually spreading out all over the sky.

The brawny guy, insinuated the driver to drive through an abandoned alley, where he had planned to kill Pratik. This is it, Pratik burst out, "I'm sorry man! I did make a mistake. But please don't kill me." Tears brimmed in his eyes and he started begging for his life. But instead of that he received a jaw breaking punch.

"Trust me, I don't even know your sister. Call your sister and ask her right now." Sid pleaded for one last time, hoping that the brawny guy will believe him.

Tears welled up in the brawny guy's brown eyes, and he manifested a smirk on his face. "No, I can't, because she committed suicide. But now I can't leave you. Because if I did. You could tell the cops, I killed Pratik."

As if destiny is determined to murder him. Sid lost all hopes of coming out safe from this danger. He closed his eyes and started praying to God, whom he always wanted to know. If he could've gotten a chance, he really wished to continue his spiritual quest. Actually, Sid never wanted anything of this. All he ever desired was, a blissful state of mind, satisfactory salary, mediocre looking wife, and simple life with no ups and downs or twist and turn. But he was going to get none of these.

As the car was coursing deeper into the alley; it drove into a dense jungle, surrounded by bushes and trees. Suddenly, the driver felt piercing effulgence snapped at his eyes, almost blinding him. He lost his control on steering wheel, because it became as stiff as a rock. Within the twinkling of an eye, effulgence increased by tenfold. The only thing remained visible was eye blinding radiance, flashing out of nowhere. As if the sun came down and spreading its brightness.

What's going on all of a sudden, this was something that none of them could make out. However, Sid got the drift which light is this. Of course, this shouldn't be a dream, but reality, yet how can this be possible? Because this was hard to believe the mysterious man came out so far to rescue him. Or was he just dreaming?

Soon, the car sped towards the wrong direction. Out of fear, the brawny guy and his friends jumped out of the car. Remained, only Sid and Pratik. The car broke off the fences and went straight into downhill, skidding like a bobsled. Both of them screamed out in fear. Pratik's leg was stuck inside the driver's seat, whereas on the hand Sid was trying to push open the door. Somehow or other the door unlocked, but just before Sid was about to jump off the car. It collided against a massive banyan tree with a big bang. Front side of car buckled, and smoke began to emit from the main engine. Ready to make a boom.


A/N: I know, things turned out to be unexpected. However, the current situation is going to lead to some higher revelation of this book. Things gonna transform all characters. Please, vote, share, and please do comment, it means a lot.

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