Chapter 3: A Distracted Opponent Is An Easy Opponent

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"Hello Mrs. West, I'm here from the Daily Planet here to interview Richard Grayson, I have written consent-"

Dick bolted upright, startling the speedster next to him. They'd been reading comics on the ground- trying to ignore the sudden disappearances of not just Bruce Wayne but Barry Allen too- but when Dick heard the woman, a reporter, speak from the door his gut started to grow uneasy.

"Oh is she here?" Wally said, sitting up more slowly and putting his comic down, noticing the obvious discomfort in his younger companion.

Dick only nodded.

"Hey," Wally shoved his shoulder lightly, getting the boy to turn to look at him. "You'll do great, keep to the truth and nothing will go wrong."

Dick still looked nervous. "She's here to ask about his disappearance, not the abuse, but I'm sure that'll come up."

"Dick? Come on down, Ms. Lane is here to see you." Aunt Iris yelled up the stairs, pulling both boy's attention.

"Coming!" Wally yelled from where he sat on the floor, then he gave the acrobat another look. "You don't know anything about that though right? This should be easy."

"But your uncle went missing too, it's too suspicious, and I'm the only link between missing people" His eyes lowered and he moved his feet out. "And the only possible reason Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne would even be in the same sentence is because of the suspected abuse! It's their only lead so of course they're going to ask me about it!"

Wally grew a frown and stood up, helping Dick up too. "Well my advice still stands, honesty is the best policy."

'But I can't do that' Dick wanted to say, but then his mouth formed other words. "You're one to talk."

Wally chuckled light heartedly, but Dick didn't miss the flicker of fear dash across his eyes. The acrobat wanted to slap himself, he really had to stop letting his anger out on others, especially Wally. He really meant no harm by the comment, he liked Wally and Wally needed a friend.

"Sorry..." Dick mumbled as he headed off to the doorway, his dark hair hooding his crystal eyes. "Stressed. I didn't mean anything by it."

Wally walked up to him in silence, "I-It's okay, I would be too." then they walked together to the top of the stairs.

Dick mentally shook his head, he was trying to say sorry. The appropriate response to 'sorry' was 'thank you' as Alfred schooled him one day after an eventful gala.

Cake was involved, and the neighbors kid...  Tom? Tim? Tim. Tim's mom had been so mad he ruined her son's dress shirt and demanded an apology and then some. Of course Dick said sorry and helped in anyway he could to right his wrong. But as he was cleaning up the cake from the younger boy's shirt (he couldn't have been more than five years old and scary posh) it was Tim who said sorry. Dick was completely baffled and shrugged it off, as it totally was Dicks fault, but then the kid looked even more solemn afterwards. When Dick asked Alfred about it he found out his response to the apology was incorrect.

Saying 'it's okay' does not fix the problem and only makes saying 'sorry' redundant, if it was 'okay' then a sorry wouldn't be needed at all. Saying 'thank you' acknowledges what the other person did was wrong and accepts the other person's own recognition and reproach to their action.

'Sorry' means it won't happen again.

'Thank you' acknowledges it and praises the build of character.

'It's okay' means it still bothers the one being apologized to, but they're responding out of politeness instead of facing the issue head on.

Unless it's like a bump on the shoulder while passing, that you can say 'it's okay' to because if it WASN'T okay then there would be a fight. Dick knew all about bumps making fights, and how loose the term 'bump' was in school.

In any case, Dick couldn't help but feel his gut twist at the thought of Wally believing he was going to be mean about the secret he stumbled upon so unworthily.

Wally nudged Dick's side and Dick blinked back to the present.

Ms. Lane had long black hair, she was standing there expectantly with a file bag in one hand and her phone in another. She didn't look too kind, but she didn't look UNkind, she just looked... like a reporter.

She smiled when Dick appeared, and he felt the urge to shrivel and hide. He was used to being in the spotlight, in both the circus and as Bruce Wayne's ward, he has met with many reporters many times in all sorts of situations, but never had he ever more wanted to hide than in this moment. He didn't want to break down or say the wrong thing that might get himself or Bruce into trouble. Because maybe Bruce had a back up plan like he always did, but Dick was left out of the loop and he didn't know what was good to say and what was bad. He wasn't sure he should go with Wally's advice, he was sure honesty wouldn't help, because the honest truth was that he knew Bruce was Batman and Batman was captured by M.A.Z.E.

Wouldn't that make a great headline.

"Hi there Dick, I hear you like to be called Dick instead of Richard." Lois greeted, her smile crinkled her eyes but Dick could see the questions burning through and her nosy skills to get the answers she wants. The scary part was that he didn't know what she wanted, whether she was against Metas and Bruce or with Metas and Bruce. There were too many unknown variables and he didn't know what to do. He never felt more lost without Bruce.

So he nodded to her greeting, taking one step at a time on the stairs to prolong the inevitable.

"I'll be in my room, you two can hang out in the living room alright?" Mrs. West said, looking between the small acrobat and the reporter before turning to her nephew. "Wally can stay upstairs."

Dick latched onto Wally's arm (to the speedster's surprise) and spoke quietly. "Can Wally stay?" He needed someone to help him, to ground him so he knew what he was doing. Relatively.

Aunt Iris and Ms. Lane exchanged looks, Wally's aunt was frowning and Ms. Lane was poker faced.

"For moral support." Wally said, shrugging nonchalantly and giving them a winning smile.

"Ms. Lane?" Iris asked, "it's up to you."

"I won't answer questions if you don't want me to." Wally said quickly, his other hand reaching over to the small hands that were wrapped around his arm. "I prom-"

"It's alright, you can stay Wally." Ms. Lane said with a kind nod of her head. Dick thanked her as he descended the stairs, not releasing Wally from his grip.

The duo settled on the couch and Ms. Lane sat on the other one adjacent, poised yet comfortable. Dick seemed to want to disappear into the couch cushions but his hold on the redhead was like the life preserver to Dick's drowning. Aunt Iris had already left, going into her room and promising she could give them snacks and drinks later if they liked. Dick turned her down but Wally lit up at the mention of food and Ms. Lane said she didn't mind a drink.

Ms. Lane was rummaging through her purse, finding a small recording device and explaining to Dick with a professional smile. "I've been given permission by your current guardian to record this conversation." Dick practically wilted, but it was only his face that fell, she was quick to console him. "I know it's kinda scary but the nice part is that you can skip whatever question you want okay? I want to know your side of the story Dick."

Dick took a deep breath through his nose and nodded, shifting in his seat so he could sit up more and clutch closer to Wally's arm.

Ms. Lane smile twisted genuinely and she tried to make herself less threatening, leaning forward and holding the recorder more casually. Dick would be lying if he said it didn't help, but he also couldn't deny it felt like being stared at by a vulture.

"Just so we're clear, you've been with Bruce Wayne since your parents were murdered two years ago correct?" She asked, the first of the onslaught.

Dick swallowed thickly and nodded again.

Her smile faltered and her finger tapped the recorder as she spoke. "Dick, I'm sorry but I'm going to need verbal answers."

"Oh-h," the child said brokenly, "right, sorry."

"No worries." She said, again with that smile that just screamed fake.

So Dick nodded again, eyes glancing up at Wally as he spoke along with his motion. "Yes, I've been with Bruce for two years."

"There's a lot of people going missing right now, and I know that's scary, but Bruce Wayne's official statement says he's in Dubai. Do you know if Bruce Wayne usually takes surprise vacations?" She asked, eyes boring into the child in a more businesslike manner than actually comforting.

Dick swallowed again, he didn't like how she was talking to him, she was treating him like a little kid. But, he supposed, that was the part he was playing, and not all of it was that faked. "Yes, we like going on trips, but... he wouldn't leave me..." his shoulder scrunched, "not now."

Ms. Lane nodded along, "Yes, with the charges against Mr. Wayne I'm surprised he was even allowed to leave. That is why most people believe Mr. Wayne is somehow connected to the Metahumans." Dick made no visual reaction but his heart thumped wildly in his chest. "On top of the abuse charges his disappearance has inflamed the media into thinking he is a Metahuman and went underground to hide."

Dick could feel Wally tense beside him and he let himself show some of his internal panic. If he was playing the innocent human boy, the victim, then he had to at least show his "fear" of Metahumans like all children were taught to be.

He was glad Ms. Lane picked up on it, even if it meant more baby-talk, it meant he was in control of the conversation and he liked that. Even though it was more like driving in the rain on a dark and stormy night through a forest. And Dick didn't even know how to drive.

(Sorta, he was learning, but Bruce was explicit it was only for emergencies.)

The reporters lips pursed and her head tilted in a show of concern. "I know with all of this going on with Mr. Wayne is confusing and scary, and that him being a meta would make it even more scary. But you're the only clue we have to catch him Dick, weather he's innocent or a meta, or just a normal man who did abuse you. We need to find him, and we need to know what we're up against so we can save lives." Her reasoning was sound, her glorifying of finding Bruce was expected. Humans rallied against meta's all the time, numbers were their advantage and that's why Metahuman conspirators were treated like traitors. She was trying to egg him on, make him the hero, but he didn't want it, he was already a hero to the people that mattered. And the people that mattered were the ones he saved, weather they be meta or not.

She leaned a titch forward, eyes searching him and trying to implore that "glory" into him so he could answer her questions. "Since you've been with him for a long time, has he ever showed signs of being a Metahuman? Long absences? Secrets? Rooms you're not allowed in?" She pressed, for some reason Dick was actually thinking about those questions. Of course the answer was no, because he was part of the secrets and the long absences, and the entire bunker/basement no one else could get to besides him and Bruce.

Man they really did sound like Metahumans didn't they? Well no matter, Dick enjoyed it, bunkers were cool and the Batcave was the BEST!

Wally was looking at Dick now, realizing that maybe the reason Mr. Wayne was a supporter was because he WAS one. But Dick hadn't told him that. Dick would have told him wouldn't he?

The small acrobat was staring at the woman, his eyes hiding a flurry of emotions and it took him awhile to sort through all the fast flying information to actually respond the obvious answer. "No." His voice was small, almost a whisper. His grip on Wally tightened just a little bit, thankful the young meta was able to be with him.

It was the truth, Bruce WASN'T a Meta, but he could see the slight disappointment in her face. Ms. Lane had wanted Bruce to be aMmeta and obviously didn't quite believe him— probably because he didn't think Bruce abused him as she already knew. Humans had to stop being so mean and assume all the wrong things. But the truth was just as bad. If they found out Bruce was on the meta's side he definitely wouldn't be allowed back with Bruce. And that's assuming The Justice League could escape M.A.Z.E.!

"Do you think Bruce would have told you if he was a Meta?" Ms. Lane asked next.

Dick's eyebrows twitched at a sudden stab of doubt. "Yes."

Bruce would have told him if he was a meta. Or Dick would have found out, like he always does. He found the cave, he found out Bruce Wayne was Batman, he even found out his foster family's nephew was a meta by accident! Bruce would have told him.

Ms. Lane shifted and slightly sighed, signaling to Dick they were entering uncomfortable territory. "Now Dick I know you don't think Mr. Wayne hurts you, and I'm not here to ask about that, but do you think his disappearance has anything to do with that case?"

"Bruce-" he was about to spout something about how he definitely wasn't being abused by Bruce, but obviously it was fruitless to try to convince her if she was so adamant Bruce was the bad guy. The least he could do was stop giving her ammo, but how it looked from the world's point of view was pretty damning. "I don't know. I don't think there is."

"But now your new foster father Barry Allen has gone missing as well. Do you know if Mr. Wayne held anything against Mr. Allen for fostering you?"

"No." Dick was quick this time, "Bruce didn't know. He doesn't know who's fostering me. He really isn't mean, and I don't know why he's missing, either of them, I just want my dad back." He couldn't help but argue, he lost his family once and now he was loosing it again and this time he was going to go down fighting.

But then he realized Ms. Lane wasn't someone he had to convince, he didn't particularly care if she believed him or not.

Bruce was gone.

He was gone.

It settled in his heart and in his gut, making the boy stare off to the side because he wasn't going to get Bruce back. It didn't matter what he did, who he convinced, or what the world thought. Bruce was captured by M.A.Z.E. and there was no way he was ever going to see Bruce again. Taken, in a single moment, just like his parents.

At least he got to say goodbye to Bruce, but his whispered promise of doing everything within his power to get him back echoed in his ears.

It felt like a punch to the gut.

His grip tightened on Wally, sinking back and slightly behind the young speedster as if he could hide from the inevitable, undeniable truth. The older boy gave him a worried look before turning a light glare to the woman whom he probably thought caused Dick's distress.

Aunt Iris came in at that moment with a little tray, setting it down on the coffee table in the corner of the couches. Ms. Lane nodded her thanks for the ice lemonade and Wally's free hand dove for the apple slices. Dick tucked his bottom lip into his mouth as he was brought out of his thoughts by Wally's offer of an apple slice. He slowly accepted it, only nibbling off the end as he tried not to spiral down the dark —but none the less true— thoughts swirling in his mind.

Wally's aunt moved off quick enough, but Dick did feel slightly better after the break. He shook off his depressing thoughts as he still had Ms. Lane's questions to answer to the best of his ability. Now was not the time for mental retreating, now was the time to stand up and fight.

"Alright Dick," she said, bringing the recorder back that he failed to notice she hid earlier. "Now I know Mr. Wayne probably doesn't include you in all his fancy business meetings but maybe you've overheard something somewhere about someone who might wish to separate you and Mr. Wayne with ill-intent?"

Dick narrowed his eyes, that wasn't a question about his disappearance, that was a question about the abuse charges. "No, but Bruce does have a lot of enemies." He sat up straighter and locked eyes with the woman. "As your articles in the Daily Planet say; he's not everyone's favorite person."

Ms. Lane blinked and her grip on the recorder tightened. Dick was actually surprised at the reaction. She smiled without joy, in fact it almost looked painful. "Well Bruce Wayne is not one to shy away from using the people wrapped around his finger, weather they want to be or not. My fiancé knew that when he wrote those articles, and now he's gone missing too. But you're just a child he's using in his chess game, a charity case so the people can ignore everything else that's going on behind their backs. And now it's coming to a front and he's done what he's always done best which is look out for only himself."

"NO!" Dick shouted, red faced and standing up violently with his fists clenched at his sides. "Bruce is a hero! I'm not a charity case! He doesn't use people, he helps them! Like he helped me!" He settled a low level batglare on her, how dare she even think Bruce was anything other than awesome.

Ms. Lane didn't look at all reproached, in fact she looked sad and it only angered Dick further. "Dick... sweetie, I don't expect you to understand grown up things but your past guardian isn't who he makes himself out to be—"

"And you do?!" Dick countered, "you know Bruce Wayne better than me? Who I lived with for two years?! Who helped me get past my parents death who died right in front of me just like his did?! Listen lady I know you don't like my dad but that gives you no right to blame him for everything!"

When Dick was done he was huffing, absentmindedly enjoying the feeling of shouting Bruce's innocence. Even if it was a hopeless fight it felt right to fight tooth and nail until the last moment.

Ms. Lane was silent and still, looking at the boy with widening eyes. "...Are you a Metahuman?" She whispered with a touch of fear.

Fire flared in Dick's gut at the question, not really understanding where THAT thought had come from but answering none the less. "No. And even if I was I wouldn't tell you!" His voice grew louder and he didn't notice the tears slipping down his cheeks, nor that Wally had stood up with him but was watching him warily. "Bruce Wayne has nothing against Clark Kent or Barry Allen! The only man who even THOUGHT to care about me was taken away by the people who thought I should die in the GUTTERS! Haven't I lost enough already?!"

"Dick..." Wally spoke softly, attempting to put a hand on his shoulder, but the boy shrugged it off and kept going, not even glancing at him.

"I may be 10, I may come from the circus, and maybe I am just a charity case for Bruce's PR, but I am NOT dumb. Look I'm sorry your fiancé is missing but Bruce has nothing to do with it so just leave us alone! Everyone thinks they're doing me a favor by taking me away from him but no one else knows what it's like. No one knows what it's like to lose family, to loose everything. It happened once, then I got Bruce, but now everyone wants to take away everything I love! It keeps happening," Dick's hands reached up to his hair, digging his fingers into his scalp and rubbing as he finally broke eye contact with the woman. "over and over and over again!" Dick stuttered in a breath and his angry facade fell, exposing the trauma torn boy underneath. He yanked himself from Wally and bolted upstairs, his feet not quite stomping but thumping quickly up the carpeted steps.

Aunt Iris stared at the scene from the kitchen, Ms. Lane frozen in her seat and Wally looking about two seconds to running after the Romanian boy.

"I think you should leave Ms. Lane." Aunt Iris said lowly.

The woman nodded, taking a breath as if she hadn't for awhile and got to her feet. "I'm sorry, I wasn't... thinking."

Wally wrinkled his nose at her. "No wonder Dick is so angry, the whole world is against him." And with that he turned and raced up the stairs (normal speed mind you) as well.


Dick stared at the ceiling.

It was dark, there was little light to come from outside and the entire house was powered down for the night.

He heard Wally shift for the thirteenth time since they went to bed two hours ago. Dick stayed still and thought while Wally tossed and turned sleeplessly.

"Its going to be okay Wally..." he said into the air, sounding much too loud to be a whisper in the dead air.

The redhead moved again, the bed springs creaking and squealing as he shifted over the edge of the bed to look down at the acrobat sleeping on his floor. When Dick confessed his desire to sleep in Wally's room the speedster has agreed with surprise, but when he offered the acrobat his bed he was declined. That's how Wally ended up making Dick a pillow mattress on the floor even though Dick himself testified of many nights sleeping on hard floors.

Dick definitely didn't mention half of them were on stakeouts.

The redhead looked down at the shadowy mass of his friend, shifting so he could itch his nose before letting the limb fall over the side of the bed. "What makes you say that?" He replied in the same whispery tone.

He concluded the mass shrugged, because there was shuffling but no words.

Wally 'hmph'ed and settled his back against his bed, making the springs rock again. "You betcha it's gonna be alright. They're only missing, so it's not like they're dead."

"It's worse." Dick's small voice rose from the ground, cutting off any train of thought the speedster might have had. "It's worse because they could be gone forever, and you'd never know. They could be in pain, without you. They could-"

"Alright alright I get it." Wally said a touch harsher than he meant. He sighed in the proceeding silence, also staring at the ceiling. "Sorry... I just-"

"Never had loss like this before?" Dick filled in along with the sound of him shuffling in his blankets. "I know, I can tell."

Wally winced, knowing he had struck some sort of chord in his friend. After a few beats of silence he broke it. "Is Bruce a Metahuman?"

Dick laughed, good to honest laughed. It was a small thing, but Wally felt some of the tension in the room release. "No, he really isn't, and neither am I if you're really wondering."

"That Lane lady was stupid." Wally snorted, shifting to place his hands behind his head under the pillow.

"She was in distress, so are you, and when there's nothing you can do the only thing left is to find someone to blame." Dick said quietly and thoughtfully, surprising the older boy with his wisdom. He would have figured Dick would agree with him, and they'd bond over ridiculous evil reporters thinking the (missing) billionaire dad of a ten year old gypsy mastermind a mass kidnapping. Adult kidnapping. Adultnapping?

"You know..." Wally started hesitantly, a subject brought to mind he'd been in serious denial about. "You should really be more careful, she could report you and you'd be taken for questioning. As if the public eye wasn't on you enough already."

"I was emotionally compromised too."

Wally's face scrunched at the wording, what ten year old says 'emotionally compromised' for getting upset at his adopted dad's accusation and disappearance? He shrugged it off, the bad feeling in his gut settling deeper. "I'm just saying, they could take you in if they suspect you're a meta, probably wouldn't even test you."

"They'd really do that?" Dick asked, sounding genuinely surprised and slightly horrified.

Wally sighed before answering, a frown making its way into his face. "Humans go ballistic at the mere mention of a meta. It's all shoot first questions never. There's no protection or due process for someone who's a monster."

"...You're not a monster."

"90% of the populous would disagree."

"Well... screw them. Why not just... run away?"

"What are you kidding? I'm twelve! I'd be eaten alive out there by myself." He sighed, "believe me I've thought about it."

The room quieted. Wally settled deeper into the comforter, shifting once more and stuffing both hands under his head. He had contemplated running away many times, but not only would he be found in minutes with the flashiness (haha) of his power, but he'd be out of fuel with no way of fueling up. Dick was a strange child, he definitely had that odd wisdom with him, but sometimes he was so silly. You can't just ignore the mass murderings, how an entire race is bent on your destruction. What human in their right mind would ever consider a Metahuman anything more than a monster?

"Everything is going to be okay Wally." Dick said again into the night air. "We'll find Barry, and we'll find Bruce."

Wally lifted his head, trying to look at his friend to see if he was serious, but he abandoned the motion because Dick was using his wisdom voice again. Not to mention it was pitch black in his room save it be the soft glow between the closed blinds over the window. "You have any idea where to look first?"

"I have a few." The ten year old said.

"Cool, cool." Wally didn't know how to respond to that, he was tired and Dick was being too vague. He could save it for a morning discussion. So the speedster twisted around to his side and settled comfortably.

It was quiet again, this time the quiet seemed grow and permeate, no more words would be shared this night.

The window shattered.

A small canister thumped onto the carpet and Dick scrambled to his feet as Wally shouted in surprise. The canister started hissing out white gas and Dick's eyes went wide in recognition.

Pulling his shirt over his nose, Dick practically dragged a panicked Wally out of bed. Wally stumbled more than once, coughing violently into his hand and barely able to comprehend what was happening. Even Dick was having trouble controlling his balance, running into a wall and taking the stairs two at a time was testament of that.

There were too many noises, there was more shattering glass and harsh thuds like a battering ram shook the walls. Men were shouting from every direction making it hard to discern where exactly they were, Dick's grip on his friend tightening.

Dick twisted around the staircase, headed for the garage where the cars were. The young vigilante ducked his head instinctively when an explosion went off, the force of the blast pushing the two kids into the wall.

Wally basically ran into Dick, he was coughing too much and was barely able to keep upright. Dick waved his hand to see through the smaug, finding large looming figures getting closer. They formed a perimeter around them, blocking off the path to the garage. The ten year old saw the M.A.Z.E. insignia and immediately manhandled Wally behind him, shooting an arm out to shield and another raised and ready to fight.

Dick was unwavering and angry, holding his ground before the men that blocked their path. He could see no way out, not with his head getting lighter and his vision beginning to sway.

Wally suddenly dropped like a log.

Dick stood over him, pulling a small rebreather from his belt and placing it in his mouth. Robin lowered his stance and challenged the faceless men with a taunt of his hand.

Dick Grayson would die before another person he would call family was taken.

Word Count: 4910

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