Comet Tournament Chapter 1- Ralosia's Comet

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(14) The Lands of Ralosia: The Comet Tournament (27k Words)

Once every thirty years, Ralosia's comet appearance coincides with the Fighting Tournament held on Challenger's island. These Comet Tournaments invite the most powerful individuals in the world to battle.

Aero, Jirro, Corri, Nout, Ruben, and Temp reunite, catching up on what has transpired in the years since they last saw each other. Many characters from the past return. The Masked One challenges Aero in a final bid to collect the peculiar glowing orbs he's been seeking. The Fighting Tournament of Age 990 will be a spectacle to behold!                  

(12/30/22) Self edited, audio edited, and peer edited.

Peer edits by Mikrokosmostae


~Chapter 1- Ralosia's Comet~

~Age 990 B~

The Masked Boy perched on top of the clock tower of Dialtown as the day turned to twilight. When the 15-year-old looked up, he saw a shimmering blue object beyond the sky, a comet. At the end of every decade Ralosia's comet flew over the land and was visible for several days. Some believed it was formed by the Goddess herself, serving as a reminder that she would return one day. But the Masked One didn't care for that.

The boy's mask was white and featureless and covered his entire face, except for his eyes. He floated through the air over the city. Dialtown's buildings and homes were all formed from wood, made by the many talented carpenters who resided there. But one home was made from stone and metal, the home of a council member.

The tendrils protruding from the back of the mask wrapped around the young man's head and wriggled as he drew closer to the council member's home. Another orb must be there.

He waited until night fell. He stepped off the clock tower and floated through the air, flying to the ornate home. The mask's reactions only became stronger as he drew closer, and he allowed it to guide him.

He flew to a window where the mask's reaction was strongest. With a casual kick, he shattered the glass of the window and flew in. He moved swiftly, knowing he likely woke those inside. But soon he came upon his prize. A floating orb emitting green light.

The boy frowned. It was not the one he was looking for. He took it into his palm and flew out of the window before anyone had discovered him.

At the top of the clock tower, the boy looked upon his collection - yellow, blue, green, and pink orbs, multiples of each. Several of them had mended together into a single larger orb. But they were useless in their current state; he needed a complete set to use their power. He needed a red orb.

But in his travels, he had only ever come across one, and it was in the possession of Aero, a black-haired boy who was the same age as him and nearly his equal in strength and skill. Nearly.

But Aero was never alone and was intent on keeping the orb out of his hands. The Masked One tried to take it from him months ago and failed. But he was running out of alternatives.

The boy noticed a flyer posted on one of the buildings. He flew down, tore it off, and quickly flew up to a roof.

It was a flyer for the Festival of Peace held every three years at Challenger's Isle. There would be all manner of leisure activities available; it made him rather angry. The land the boy came from was a harsh one. The people there would never be afforded such luxuries.

However, one entry on the flyer did interest the boy - the highlight of the festival.

Join Age 990's Fighting Tournament at Challenger's Lake

With the passing of Ralosia's Comet, we will be accepting all challengers, including past champions

500,000 Ivases prize to 1st place

Registration occurs at Challenger's Isle on the first day of the festival

The boy smiled. Aero entered the last tournament, and he certainly would join this one. The boy flew north over the lush green plains of the land.

He came upon a familiar lakeside tribe, the one Aero resided in. The people there stitched their clothes from the pelts of the animals they hunted - the Wolf Riders of Lupine Lake.

The hunting wolves began to bark as well as the giant Chihuahua that lived among them. The Masked One perched at the top of a tall tree where he could look at their settlement. He saw many of the tribe members leave their canopies to investigate, including Aero.

The boy extended his hand and flexed. A ball of purple light formed at his fingertips, illuminating the area around him. As expected, Aero noticed the light. He left the rest of the tribe to investigate it alone.


Aero and Oopa shared a canopy together. They slept with their faces mere inches from one another. His arm was wrapped around the girl to whom he had promised his life. They were happy.

They were awoken from their sleep by the barking of the hunting wolves of the tribe. Even Hopper, Aero's massive Chihuahua, emitted a high-pitched bark. They left their canopy to investigate, but nothing out of the ordinary could be seen.

The men of the tribe searched around, trying to identify what riled their wolves up. Aero saw a bright purple light blink around the trees that surrounded the community.

He gritted his teeth. That Masked Boy was back! Aero knew none of the other members of the tribe were strong enough to deal with the Masked One, only him. He went alone to go after the source of the light.

Aero traveled through the trees, keeping his guard up. The Masked One descended from above to meet him. He had his hands up as if in surrender.

"Easy, Aero!" The Masked Boy said as his feet gently touched the ground, "I'm not here for a fight. Not today anyways."

"What do you want?"

"First off, I want to see if you've changed your mind about the orb you're holding onto. Can I have it?" The Masked One asked, his green eyes staring intensely as he spoke.

"Absolutely not. Not after stealing from Oopa's tribe and the Fighting Academy."

"Figured. So, I want to make a bet with you."

"What bet?"

"I know you're entering that tournament coming up. How about we see who is better between us? Whoever wins gets all of the orbs the other one is holding."

Aero raised his eyebrow, "You'd give up everything you've collected so far?"

"Until I have a complete set, they're useless to me. I need yours."

Aero paused for a moment, "What if we don't fight in the tournament?"

The Masked One scoffed, "Didn't you make it into the semi-finals last time you entered? We've both gotten a lot stronger since then. If I enter, I'll make it to the finals, so you ought to as well."
"That's pretty cocky, dontcha think?" Aero pointed out.

"Fine. Whoever gets farther in the tournament wins the bet. But I plan on making it to the finals," The Masked One extended his hand to Aero, "Do we have a deal?"

Aero merely looked at his hand, "What if I refuse?"

"Don't be an idiot. We can end it all at the tournament, and no one else has to get hurt," The boy's green eyes darted in the direction of the tribe for the briefest of moments.

Aero saw the threat between his words. Play his game, or the tribe would be at risk. But he sensed urgency in his voice as well, even desperation. Aero let out a beleaguered sigh and shook his hand, "Fine. We'll end it there."

The two young men squeezed the other's hand in equal measure. The force could've broken any normal person's hands. But for these two, it was merely a small show of strength.

"Great. I'll see you at the tournament then, Aero." The Masked One floated off the ground and flew towards the night sky, disappearing from sight.

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