Comet Tournament Chapter 5- Finalists

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~Chapter 5- Finalists~

The next day at noon, over a thousand spectators filled up the wooden bleachers surrounding the finalist's stage - a large circular arena made of stone which was as large as all the preliminary stages combined. It was created to allow the finalists to show off the extent of their abilities. A giant drum sat next to the stage.

Beneath one of the bleachers was the finalist's lobby, where the remaining competitors would wait until they were called up for their matches. From the lobby, they had a clear view of the fighting stage, with benches for them to sit on.

Cho walked onto the stage with a grin on his face. He spoke into a horn so all in the stands could hear, "The greatest fighters of the tournament are ready to compete for you today! And this is an incredible bunch. Seven of these combatants are under the age of 18. Even more amazing is that five of these fighters are champions of past tournaments, including the great Oshu from the tournament of Age 960! No matter who ends up victorious, this should turn out to be a great tournament!"

The crowd roared with excitement at this news. Oshu gestured to the bracket displayed for all to see.

"In the first round, Emil will face the champion of Age 987, Tyro!"

"Next, Modi will face Oshu, the champion of Age 960."

"Warden Celcius will face Granul, the Densius Champion of Age 969 next. "

"After that, Ruben will fight Aero, a semi-finalist from the last tournament."

"Then, Nout will face Hathi, the Phantine champion of Age 981."

"Following that, Jirro will face Watt, the Mecarne Champion of Age 975."

"The two young girls, Hita and Corri, will battle after that."

"To finish off round one, Efilon will face the massive Densius, Seraphi!"

Emil and Modi sat with each other. The finalists grew restless waiting for their matches to begin, all of them exchanging glances with one another. Seraphi was especially anxious; the lobby was barely tall enough for him to fit in.

The elderly Oshu was a short man with an unassuming physique; he must've been about the same age as Modi. Brimming with confidence, he walked up to Modi, "Well, my dear, it looks as though you and I will be fighting in the first round."

"It appears so," Modi replied coldly.

"You are Dama's older sister, aren't you?"

Modi rolled her eyes. Emil could tell she was annoyed at being mentioned alongside her outgoing sister, "What of it?"

"It's just surprising how much more beautiful you are than her. I'm sure you're just as fierce a fighter as well," Oshu praised her.

Modi nearly blushed at the old man, "You don't look so bad yourself, handsome."

Emil's stomach churned as he listened to the two elders flirt.

"Don't take it badly if you lose our match. I have quite a bit of experience," Oshu responded.

"Of course. But I don't see myself losing."


Aero and his friends sat together in the finalist's lobby, doing quick stretches to warm up. Aero and Ruben were both giddy at the idea of fighting each other - they never once sparred in the past. It'd be an interesting bout.

But Aero's attention was divided between his friends and the Masked Boy sitting silently in the corner, the one going under the name, Efilon. He doubted that was his real name.

"That guy is creepy, isn't he?" Jirro said as he looked at Efilon, "Why is he wearing a mask?"

"Maybe he's cute underneath the mask?" Corri posited.

"Why would he be wearing the mask then?" Nout queried.

"I wouldn't worry about him. Modi is the one to keep an eye out for," Jirro remarked.

"The old Ralosian lady?" Ruben asked.

"Yeah. Back when we first met her, she seemed unstoppable," Jirro explained, "We've gotten stronger since then, but I'm not sure if we've caught up to her yet."

Hita approached their group, her eyes firmly on Jirro, "I'm looking forward to fighting you in the semi-finals, Jirro."

Jirro raised an eyebrow at the brown-haired 12-year-old girl, "That's assuming we both make it that far."

"I know I will, and you better," Hita declared, "I hope I get to fight that Efilon guy too."

"Why?" Jirro asked.

Hita frowned, "I couldn't prove it, but he stole the pink orb the academy had."

"He's the one who stole from Oopa's tribe too," Aero added.

Jirro unfolded his arms, "THAT guy is the one?"

Aero nodded.

"He's stupid for coming to the tournament then. He has a lot of enemies here," Jirro said.

A member of the tournament staff entered the lobby, "Is everyone ready and accounted for?"

The finalists all nodded, "Very good. Emil and Tyro, you're up in just a moment!" 

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