Lunahreim's Path Chapter 1- Returning Home

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(17) The Lands of Ralosia & Ranuulo: Lunahreim's path (5.5k Words)

Lunahreim travels through the hostile Lands of Ranuulo in search of a sword, traveling to an ancient altar in the sky before facing the new wielder of the weapon. Meanwhile, Lunahreim's old students, Diva and Vos, acclimate to their new lives in the Lands of Ralosia.

(2/11/22) Self edited, Peer edited, and Audio edited

Peer editing by Mikrokosmostae


~Chapter 1- Returning home~

~Age 991 B~

         The moon shone down on the desert and brisk winds swirled sand into the air. Lunahreim dismounted from his crow mount at stood at the door of the Link Temple. Most of the temple resided beneath the sand, with only a small outcropping of stone acting as the entrance.

         "I'll be back," The orange-eyed Ranuulan said to his crow. The great bird flapped its black wings and created a gust of air before flying into the sky.

         Lunahreim dug his spotted hands into the door and slid it apart. As he stepped in torches along the wall were lit. A long descending staircase laid before him, and he began down them.

         He had lost count of how many times he entered this temple. As always, a giant golden statue emerged from the wall to defend this place, and as always, Lunahreim subdued it in moments. He did a sweeping kick through its metal legs and shattered them before continuing on.

         On the walls of the temple were glyphs of the Goddess Ralosia and her three servants. A Ram, Turtle, and Owl. Facing them was the God Ranuulo and his creations, depicted to be monstrous and evil. But Lunahreim knew otherwise.

         He continued until he came to a circular gate in the temple. On the other side of the gate was a similar looking temple, but that was dimly lit and weathered. Lunahreim stood at the gate and took a deep breath before walking through.

         Though he only took a step, he was now on the opposite side of the world, in the Lands of Ranuulo. He could hardly see in this side of the temple. Lunahreim flourished his hands and an orb of light appeared at his fingertips, allowing him to see the vine covered walls.

         He stopped at a particular spot on the wall, he tore the overgrown vines from it and revealed the images of the God Ranuulo, and his three servants, a Moth, Penguin, and Raccoon. Lunahreim placed his hand on the raccoon's visage for a moment, recalling their time together so long ago.

         He left the temple and saw a desolate and jagged terrain with only sparse vegetation. The sky was dark red and purple, and lightning sprouted from it.

         A silver necklace rested around Luanhreim's neck with a black onyx gem embedded into it. The gem began to vibrate, and the earth around him began to shift. From the terrain emerged a stone face.

         "This is the Lands of Ranuulo?" The stone face asked.

         "Yes Ebonheim. My homeland."

         The stone face sifted through the landscape and looked at the chaotic sky, "Can't imagine why you'd want to come back here."

         Lunahreim looked up. There were many lands masses floating in the sky, one of them had a volcano on it, constantly dripping lava down into a reservoir.

         The last time Lunahreim was here, the sword was located on that Sky Land with the volcano. He'd have to climb the mountain nearest to it if he wanted to reach it. He sprinted through the landscape, leaving a trail of dust in the wake of his great speed. He was intent on reaching the island as soon as possible to fulfill his mission.

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