Lunahreim's Travels Chapter 3- Ranuulo's Sword

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~Chapter 3- Ranuulo's sword~

         Lunahreim traveled along the slopes of a great mountain before reaching its summit. At the top he saw dozens of Sky Lands floating, with many of this world's insects flying around them. Mosquitoes, bees, fireflies, all of them hundreds of times larger than him. But he wasn't frightened.

          The nearest of the sky lands floating above him. Lunahreim took a running start before jumping hundreds of meters into the air and landing on one of the floating masses. He jumped from one Sky Land to another, drawing ever closer to the one with the volcano.

         He passed through dark purple and red clouds before reaching his destination. The island wtih a volcano; The lava flowed off the edge, away from the marble courtyard at its center. Lunahreim was pleased to see that this place was undamaged. There was an elevated stage with the sigils of a Raccoon, Penguin and Moth.

         Lunahreim knelt beneath these sigils of long-lost friends. The black gem of the amulet that Lunahreim wore began to wriggle once more. The earth near him morphed until another rock-face formed from the ground. The body-less Densius, Ebonheim.

         Ebonheim asked, "Why did we come all the way up here?"

         Lunahreim walked to the center of the courtyard. There was pedestal with a small slit in it, "I came here looking for a sword, but it's gone."

         "Where could it be?"

         "In the hands of a new heir, no doubt. I only need to find them now." 

         A mosquito, a massive flying insect, flew past the Sky Land. Its thin legs landed in front of him, its weight shaking the land they stood upon. It had a thin proboscis it used to stab the things it wanted to ingest, and it eyed him.

         Lunahreim was certain he could handle this creature, even as massive as it was. The mosquito lunged forward, and Lunahreim jumped down from the floating island. He bounded between descending Sky Lands before finally returning to the mountain he had climbed.

         He looked at the landscape around him. To the west was the Link Temple. The south led to the Denomi sea. The southwest would lead him to the western portion of the continent.

         If memory served him correctly, the kingdom was to the east, beyond a bridge of land. Surely the new heir of the sword would be acting as king. The nearby populace would tell him where he was.


         Lunahreim traveled along the land bridge for days, passing by the poisonous bogs and nests of powerful animals that lived there. There was a large metallic structure partially embedded in the ground, with hatches along the top. He believed this place was called the Khalm and was a sort of prison.

         Several guards stood at attention around this location, all of them Ranuulan like Lunahreim. They had ebon arms and legs, as well as spotted skin and luminescent eyes of varying colors. They wore the black armor of the kingdom. Lunahreim chuckled, if they possessed true strength, they would have no need of armor. He left them be.

         Lunahreim came upon a small village near the coast. There were cascading stakes of wood surrounding the village, acting as a deterrent against the creatures in the area. This village was colonized mostly by Ranuulans, with a few Regenek among them.

         Before he could reach the village, he saw a militia heading into the town wearing black armor. Lunahreim jumped over the stakes surrounding the village and into a large tree at the center of the rural community.

         "Give us half of your stock and we'll be on our way," A luminescent blue-eyed member of the militia demanded. Their leader. They drew people out of their homes.

         It wasn't right, Ranuulans harming one another. This wouldn't be happening if not for the curse laid upon this world. But as soon as he returns, all would be better.

         But Lunahreim couldn't allow this act to go unpunished. He jumped down from the tree and landed between the militia and the villagers, "Leave. Now." Lunahreim said, his eyes firmly on the leader of the militia. 

         The blue-eyed Ranuulan felt affronted, "How dare you speak to me that-"

         Lunahreim struck the man's skull and tore it from his shoulders with one clean kick. The lifeless, headless body fell to the ground.

         "The rest of you. Leave." Lunahreim threatened calmly. He tossed the disembodied head to the militia, and they shambled away in panic. Lunahreim turned back to the villagers.

         An old wrinkled Ranuulan with luminescent grey eyes came forward. His shoulder curled over from age. Lunahreim pitied him. Thanks to the blessing he had, he would never know the frailty of an old body.

         "You didn't have to kill him. More will come now," The old Ranuulan said.

         "I don't think so. Men like them only prey on the weak. After seeing power like mine they'll leave you be," Lunahreim said, "Tell me, who is the current king?"

         The old Ranuulan thought for a moment, "Well, there are a few who claim they are the true ruler. The King of the Tundra. The Queen of the Lost. But most would agree that Zantii is the true king, whether they like it or not."

         "Was that Zantii's militia?"


         "Tell me, does Zantii wield the sword of Ranuulo?"


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