Sacred Weapons Chapter 5- Ralosia's Gauntlets

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~Chapter 5- Ralosia's Gauntlets~

Corri was astounded by how quickly the battle had turned to chaos. Dama initiated some sort of Focus attack that was repelled, the enemy attacked, spears of light shot into the air and landed all around them, and now everyone was in a scramble just to survive.

The earth beneath them quaked as powerful individuals clashed. All the while those of weaker constitutions did all they could to hold their own. But people were dying.

Corri, Ruben, Nout, and Hita handled themselves well, using their superior abilities to repel the enemy. But Temp struggled; he wasn't as strong as the others. One of those stone beasts, a Feral Densius in the form of a tiger, attacked and pinned him to the ground. Nout rushed to his aid, using his tusks to strike it. But the creature shrugged it off and turned its attention on him. Even Nout struggled against the beast.

Corri knew she wasn't as strong as Nout, but she had to help. She charged through the chaotic terrain, knocking away soldiers as she went. The red-haired girl climbed on top of the Feral Densius and struck it once with her gauntlets.

A chunk of the beast flew off, and her gauntlet's glowed. The Feral Densius went limp, and the light in its eyestone disappeared. With a single blow, she somehow managed to kill it.

Nout helped Temp off the ground, and the two looked to Corri. The golden gauntlets she wore emanated a light that slowly dimmed. Did the gauntlets help her? She turned to the battlefield.

"Everyone stay behind me!" She shouted. She ran towards the army with the others at her back. She eyed a peculiar enemy, one with four spider-like limbs sprouted from its back. Corri clenched her fist and lunged at them. When her gauntlet made impact with them, they glowed suddenly burst apart.

Corri was right; the gauntlets had great power within them, one that would surely give her an edge. She and her friends made their way through the battlefield, and every person that faced Ralosia's Gauntlets fell. Corri felt outright invincible.

Corri found her father Razan engaged in battle with a reptilian-like woman with extending arms. In fact, it looked like he was losing. Even someone as powerful as her father was struggling against this army.

Razan tried to dodge her attacks, but her extendable limbs were unpredictable and raked her claws across his chest. He punched the air and released a massive Focus Burst which shattered the ground beneath them. But the woman avoided the red flash of light.

She gripped Razan's leg with her tail, flipped him around before slamming him against the ground.

Corri had to get over there fast. She turned to Nout, "Throw me!"

Without hesitation, he picked up Corri and used his great strength to launch her through the air like a spear. She torpedoed towards her father, landing on her feet and skidding between him and the enemy.

Razan struggled back to his feet, "Corri! Get out of here! It's not safe!"

The reptilian-like woman lunged at her, teeth and claws bared. Corri dodged a swipe of her claws and struck her in the jaw, bursting them apart. The red-haired girl followed up with another strike that tore cleanly through her abdomen, and she fell over dead.

Corri helped her father off the ground and he looked at her incredulously. "How... how did you?"

"I can explain later!" Corri asserted, "We need to keep fighting!"

Corri, Razan, and her friends made their way across the messy battlefield; they started to become desensitized to the violence around them.

Across the plains, there was a silver-eyed man with a jagged great sword among the enemy. Many tried to attack him, but he cut down everyone who dared try. He seemed to be commanding those around him, and Corri surmised that he might be their leader.

Corri didn't want any of her friends to be killed by this man. She looked back at them and said, "Stay here!"

Before they had a chance to question her, she sprinted through the plains toward the silver-eyed man. She brought down every enemy she could as she went with her gauntlets until she was face to face with him.

She lunged forward, intending tofinish him as quickly as possible. But he brought his sword forward and blocked the strike from the gauntlets with it. This stunned Corri. She figured the gauntlets should be able to shatter the weapon.

The man swung his sword over his head, and Corri blocked the blade's edge with the gauntlet's. The silver-eyed man had an astounded look on his face as if what happened should've been impossible.

Corri and the silver-eyed man clashed, and their weapons bounced off each other on each strike, light shining off them. Small shockwaves were created from each impact.

As fast as she was, the man was markedly faster. So fast that she could no longer attack, only struggle to defend. A few swipes of his sword nearly caught her.

Corri lost her footing and fell over, and the man raised the sword over his head for one more swing. But before he could follow through, a wall of water manifested between her and the man. The wall of water spread across the battlefield, separating the enemy army and theirs.

A strong voice reverberated over the chaos, the voice of the Water Deity, Tortus, "Flee! Flee to the north!"

Corri rose to her feet and looked back and realized why Tortus was commanding them to retreat. Although she had been faring well, everyone else hadn't. The army they started with had been reduced drastically. She looked through the wall of water at the silver-eyed man once more before running. 

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