Collector Chapter 6- Cherish it

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~Chapter 6- Cherish it~

Aero spent every possible moment tending to Hopper. Whenever the Chihuahua tried to move around, the boy would coax him to rest. Even when Hopper could properly walk again, Aero still made sure that he didn't overexert himself.

Veena loaded Digger onto a large carriage. Originally they planned for Hopper to pull the carriage along, but Aero didn't want his buddy exerting himself. When the time came for them to leave, Aero pulled the carriage himself.

Hopper began the trip back to Veena's home at a slow speed, but throughout the trip back he built his strength back up until he was back to normal. It was night when they made it back to Veena's home.

Digger sauntered to a pile of hay on the land and fell fast asleep on it, completely content now that he was back home with Veena. She rubbed his forehead as he slept.

"If not for you, I might not have seen my boy ever again," Veena remarked, "I'm glad I'll have some time left with him."

Aero paused, "What do you mean?"

"He's getting old. I know he doesn't have much time left."

"Don't say that."

"His body isn't as strong as it used to be," Veena placed a hand on the sleeping Digger, before turning back to Aero, "Cherish what time you have with Hopper, alright?"

"I'll take care of him," Aero said steadfastly, "I won't let anyone hurt him ever again."

Veena nodded.

Aero and Hopper stayed the night around Veena's home, deciding to reside in one of her barns before heading out for Lupine Lake in the morning. Hopper slept soundly, but Aero lied awake at night thinking about what Veena said.

The thought of Hopper not always being there was... not something he wanted to think about. Aero didn't like the idea of losing anyone, ever. Despite reality, he convinced himself that as long as he kept his dog out of harm's way, he'd always be there.

He realized that ever since he beat Cook, he'd become cocky and unnecessarily put Hopper at risk.

Aero scratched Hopper's chest as he slept and whispered, "I'll never let anything bad happen to you ever again. I promise."

In the morning, Aero prepared to head northeast. Veena made him a meal for the trip and said, "You and Hopper are welcome here anytime. We'll be happy to have you."

Aero jumped onto Hopper's back, "I promise I'll come to visit soon!"

With a farewell, Aero and Hopper began through the grassy plains. Aero looked back one last time and saw Veena gently caressing Digger's forehead. The two couldn't be happier than in each other's company. 


Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed this story! Consider this a sneak peak of the many Lands of Ralosia short stories that I've been working on and should be releasing in the near future.

The story that chronologically follows this one

The Lands of Ralosia: The Three Deities

A future story that features the duo of Aero and Hopper

The Lands of Ralosia: The Ichino Tundra


A small tribute for a dear friend


~November 30th, 2004 - December 25th, 2020~

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