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Guilty and devastated, Diego drifted the car into an unknown road. He drove aimlessly heading out of the city in high speed for more than an hour before he abruptly stopped the car in the middle of nowhere. The cars behind his followed suit with a screeching halt, careful not to bump on the front car.

It was dark, the streets barely had enough lights to illuminate the empty road ahead except for the headlights flashing from the cars. Diego remained in the car braving himself to leave behind the horrific memory that happened a few hours ago. Streams of tears rolled out of his eyes.

A hand squeezed Diego's shoulder, tight in an attempt to console him as a silent gesture to stay strong. Demetrio's personal bodyguard, Thomas was equally broken and shattered with what had happened a couple of hours ago. He felt heavy and worried for Diego at the same time, the lad had been quiet ever since they escaped from the warehouse.

Diego almost felt emptiness, a sheer of nothingness took over his soul, guilt threatening him for not being able to think quicker that he did.

"Diego, I understand Demetrio's death is a huge loss but you need to brace yourself. We need to get back to Milan and I'll send my men to Brera once again. We will bring back Demetrio." Thomas's words were only heard as muffles as he drowned himself in grief.

Diego closed his eyes tight, a single tear glided smoothly down his already wet cheeks. Grief-stricken, Diego slammed his hand on the steering wheel unable to accept the fact that he had left his godfather to die alone and ran for his life.

"I won't be able to forgive myself, Thomas. We left uncle D to die," Diego cried, as he gripped the wheel tight with white knuckles.

Few hours ago,

Demetrio Agosti requested Diego to accompany him as he headed out of town alone for a meeting with his old friend and a client of Agosti Firearms. He mentioned that the visit will also be a part of learning for Diego as Demetrio wanted to make Diego a part of his company.

Owning an armament company, Demetrio's Agosti Firearms held the topmost position in supplying the weaponries to the military department of the country. It was after the death of his wife and daughter that he wished to hand the company administration to Diego whom he had raised as his own son. In attempt to familiarise the business, Demetrio takes Diego with him for meetings and dealings on a regular basis.

Agreeing to his godfather's request, Diego drove to a location the GPS was navigating with Demetrio on the passenger seat along with few other cars of Demetrio's bodyguards following behind. "Where exactly is this location bringing us?" Diego asked as he checked the direction of their location on the touch screen display on the car dashboard.

"Brera" answered Demetrio.

"That's far. Who is this client?"

"An old friend, you'll know when you meet him" Meanwhile on their way to Brera, Demetrio filled Diego in with a few details about the client they were to meet.

As Diego drove into a seclude road, he started scanning the area. Cruising through the small road, heavy silence filled the car as both had their eyes focused to their surroundings. It was entirely dark, the lights from the car were the only source of light for their path.

A few minutes later, they reached at the location in Brera where the meeting was supposedly to be held.

"In a warehouse?" Diego scanned the area with uncertainty.

'Why would someone want to have a meeting in a warehouse which apparently far from the town? Don't clients usually have their meetings in the office or maybe in a restaurant? This is highly unusual,' Diego thought as he stared at the huge building standing before him.

Diego hesitated but Demetrio assured him that the meetings between him and his friend, D'Luca used to be in weird places like garage and in a moving car. "There is nothing to be worried about," Demetrio said with a chuckle.

Diego and Demetrio stepped into the empty and spacious warehouse. With the concrete floor finish and zinc roofing, their footsteps echoed around the warehouse, loud and clear. The huge space looked monotonous with the dimly lit interior. Further inside the empty area arranged a few chairs, seemed like it was kept ready for this unusual meeting.

Demetrio gestured Diego to have a seat next to him while the few of his bodyguards stood a little further from the two. The information of the client Diego got from Demetrio seemed to be little unusual just like their meeting place.

Why does a man who runs a private investigation firm needs to set a meeting in an empty warehouse and far from the city?

"This place doesn't look appropriate for a meeting, uncle D. I don't feel good about this meeting," Diego spoke after a long silence.

Nodding slowly, "As much as I want to deny, I agree with you. I wonder why D'Luca wanted to have the meeting here," Demetrio whispered, disquietly.

"Why don't we leave and tell him we will arrange—" Diego's words were abbreviated with a loud gunshot echoed within the empty warehouse.

The bullet that was fired, hit Demetrio in the chest, propelling him backwards with the chair he was seated. He fell hitting hard on the concrete floor, Demetrio held his chest and breathed heavily.

His blood trickled down his hand turning them red while he forced himself not to close his eyes. His breathing hitched. Diego got down and held his godfather in his arms, tapping his cheeks to keep him awake.

"Hold on! Just a little longer. We'll get help," he cried looking around to get one of the men for help.

Demetrio grabbed Diego's hand, he took some time before he spoke, "I think... I don't... have... much time" he winced in pain and breathed heavily, he continued. "My daugh...ter. Find... "

"Daughter? Tell me about this later. Come we have to get you out of here" Diego tried to lift Demetrio up on his feet.

A few more gunshots came through from different directions, one of it hit Diego's arm. The men who were with them had gone to all direction to find the shooter leaving them all alone in the empty warehouse.


Demetrio took a breath, Diego's eyes shifted to his men running towards them before shifting back to Demetrio.

"...araah...araah.," his breath turned shallower. Diego felt his hand being weakly pushed by Demetrio. "Go," he breathed.

Four of his heavily wounded men surrounded them. They stood for a second to show respect before pulling Diego out of the warehouse.

"There are more armed men out there, Diego. We can't fight them. We have lost a couple of ours. We have to leave immediately" said Thomas dragging him out of the building.

Composing himself, Diego took a glance back at the warehouse before getting into the car and speed off from there.


The loss was too heavy for him to endure, Demetrio had been his mentor ever since. But the fact that someone was after Demetrio's life did not made any sense to him. He was a clean guy, no rivals, no enemies with personal issues yet what could be the reason for Demetrio to be killed?

Diego Shekhar found himself seated on the couch in his room after Demetrio's funeral service. It has been a week since the incident yet he isn't able to get out of the trauma. The police had come the morning after the gunshot with an all new story. Demetrio Agosti was found dead in an exploded car, completely burnt. Reportedly, the police officer had informed that the car met in an accident before it tumbled and exploded. The identity of the deceased was identified through the deceased mobile phone that was found outside of the car.

Diego's mind was erupting with unanswered questions, Why did they faked Agost's death? Why would they want to get rid of Demetrio? What is the motive behind Demetrio's death? Who is D'Luca? Is it D'Luca or was the meeting just a bait for Demetrio? Does Demetrio knows someone is after his life? Does owning an armament company be a threat to life? Was that the reason Demetrio had been training Diego to handle his business and clients Demetrio was associated with?

"Beware of your closed ones, trust no one until you find the truth. Demetrio's death could be an in-house plan." Thomas's words the night Demetrio died rang behind his mind throughout.

Trust no one. The same phrase Demetrio used to tell him every time he explains and trains him in his business.

Diego couldn't just ignore Thomas's words especially when it was also from Demetrio, Thomas been working with Demetrio for years now. Thomas must have his own share of information that might help start a direction for Diego.

He fell asleep with many questions unanswered waiting to uncover the hidden truth behind Demetrio's death.

After losing his wife Ruffina Agosti and his daughter in an accident twenty-one years ago, the only people Demetrio saw as family was his close friend's, the Morettis. Bringing up Diego as his own son, he decided to hand over the management of his armament company, Agosti Firearms to Diego. This was done legally and secretively.

Demetrio was well aware that there was someone after his life, naming Diego as the guardian of Agosti Firearms was one of the precaution steps he took to save from going into the wrong hand.


"Contact the JobLane's HR to get in touch with me directly soon" Diego spoke through the intercom to his secretary as soon as he entered Demetrio's office.

Diego learnt that the police will not trust his statement of Demetrio died in a gunshot and not in accident as it was clearly shown as an accident. Furthermore with no evidence to strengthen his statement, the case had been closed by the department. He now needed someone to get things into better perspective.

Ten minutes later, he received a call. "Good morning sir, this is Ella Falco from JobLane. We were asked to contact you regarding recruitment" the lady voice from the other end of the call spoke.

"Yeah, I need you to get a set of candidates to be interviewed for a few positions. I need them urgently. Get them in two days, interview will be held in your place on Friday. I will be personally doing the interview" he spoke without a break.

"uhm... sir, two days is too soon to shortlist candidates" Ella hesitated.

"I know but try. Friday interview starts at ten morning, sharp. I'll email you the positions" he hung up the call.

Diego needs highly skilled people to hack Demetrio's office, though Demetrio had handed him the authority to handle the company but it would take a month for him to be legally able to access the system. And after witnessing one of Demetrio's employee trying to sneak in to his office, he begin to be skeptic on everyone.

The employee made a smooth escape with a lame excuse as to get a file, was later let to leave the office with no valid reason to keep him for investigation. From family to employee, Diego had them all under the list of suspects.

Trust no one.

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