~* EnD *~

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I felt an urge to write more scenes in the epilogue. It might be slow paced, LONGGGGG epilogue. 


There is a surprise waiting for you before the story and I say good bye.

It's been a day full of surprises as Ella stood at the entrance of the Agosti Villa welcoming people she had never seen in her life but who knew she exist. They conversed to her as if they knew her for very long but it had only been minutes ago they met. She ended up nodding and smiling till her jaw stiffened.

By the end of the day, the house was filled with relatives related to Ruffina and Chandra along with Demetrio's.

Ella had no idea she belong to such a huge family when Chandra told her about the size of their family until she saw them for real.

She was amazed.


They were all gathered in the Agosti Villa for a very important event and had been personally invited by Chandra.

To the wedding of Arabella and Diego.

Though Diego and Ella along with Thiyagu had insisted Chandra not to invite many guest for the wedding, Chandra had demanded to invite them all since everyone in the family had thought the daughter of Ruffina and Demetrio died in the fire. Now that it is a prefect time for gathering, she decided it was time to announce Ara's survival.

"Don't you dare stop me! It's been more than a year since we found Ara, I can't let the rest of the family still believe that she is dead. No, I will call all of them for your wedding and introduce Ella as the daughter of the Agosti couple. That's it. This is final!" Chandra stated.

None could say no after that.


The most awaited day had finally arrived. Ella stared at her reflection adoring herself in a beautiful white chiffon gown with her hair twisted along with small white flowers. Nervousness crippled in her as the time for her to walk down the aisle neared. Two of her mother's cousins stayed with her to help her in getting dressed. Ella was glad that at least they choose to stay with her though she hardly spoke to them since they met.

One of them named Vittoria, came to her with a huge smile. She then clasped a bracelet around Ella's wrist.

"What is this for?" Ella asked checking the intricate design on the bracelet.

"It's your mother's. Ruffina had given this to me when my daughter was born. But I think, I should return it to you as my gift" she said and placed a light peck on Ella's cheek.

Ella felt tears forming as she stared at the bracelet. It had to be the only belonging of Ruffina, Ella wore on the day and she missed her dearly, wished Ruffina and Demetrio was with her.

"Thank you" Ella whispered and hugged her.

"Your parents will be watching you from wherever they are and I'm sure they will be proud of their daughter. Now, stop crying. You don't want to ruin that makeup of yours when you walk down the aisle, do you?" Vittoria used a tissue to dab off the tears rolling down Ella's cheeks.

Ella nodded and thanked her.

The knock on the door signaled it was almost time.

She was excited and nervous both at the same time, she could feel her heart pouncing within her chest. She held her wrist close to her chest. Though Ruffina wasn't with her, Ella was glad that Vittoria thought to gift her, Ruffina's bracelet.

It made her feel her mother's presence next to her. Ella instantly felt relaxed and composed.


Diego entered the venue and stood at the head of the altar while he waited for the ceremony to begin. Trying to look less nervous than he already was. Somehow, standing at the altar as a groom was giving him butterflies in his stomach.

"Relax, Diego. You are making it obvious" Thiyagu whispered to his ear as he noticed Diego rocking on the balls of his feet.

"I know but I can't help it" he replied.

"It happens son. Now, deep breath in, deep breath out" Thomas tried to help Diego a little in easing his anxiousness.

"I guess if Diego continues to be this anxious, he is surely going to pass out when the bride walks down the aisle" Thomas jested and laughed a little loud pulling the attention of the guests.

Diego stared at Thomas, squinting his eyes and fell silent.

The wait and the silent evoked the void which had been there for more than a year now. The void of his father.

Despite all the sins he had committed, Bernardo Moretti never failed as a father. He had always taken care of them, thought them to always be righteous, to protect their loved ones yet Diego failed to understand why did his father never implemented these values in his life.

Diego sighed, there is no point thinking about why he didn't do this and that.

He missed his father at the moment. He wished his father could have been with them today so, his mother wouldn't had to walk alone as the groom's parents. Chandra smiled and brushed off the tears as she took a seat on the front row.

Regardless to the betrayal Bernardo had done to Chandra, she still loves him as she always did. She had told her sons that she has no hard feelings towards her late husband, "... and if I hate him, my love for him all these while will be a lie. My love for Bernardo had always been true and selfless. He, as a husband never failed me and I believe I had done my part as his wife too. Hating him now will do no good to me. I can only pray he blesses you both from wherever he is" she had said long ago.

'After all, those who truly love, never stop loving'

Watching her sit leaving an empty space next to her, twisted his soul. Diego snapped his eyes shut and seek for forgiveness, for causing pain to his mother. He felt a grab on his shoulder, pulling his out of his thought.

"Relax. Get ready. Smile" Thiyagu reminded him as the music began playing louder.

Gasparo had earlier walked down the aisle on behalf of the bride's parents followed by Chandra. This time it was the little girls and boys in the family walking down the aisle before the bride's entry.


As much as she tried to be calm, the event was as such she couldn't keep calm. It's her wedding day and she would be the center of attention when she walks down the aisle. She hoped she will not trip and fall on her way to the altar. She hoped not to get restless because she was sure her heart would take a leap if this doesn't stop beating fast.

She tried to breathe in deep breaths. Blowing out each time she inhaled. It was helping.

There was a light tap on the door before it opened and closed.

She turned around as Lazaro stood before her with an ever charming smile. He looked smart and classy in his black suit.

"There we go, what a beauty" he said.

Ella had personally requested Lazaro to be the one to escort her down the aisle. For he had always been there for her, protecting her like how a father would.

Lazaro felt honored to be asked to escort the bride. He instantly agreed.

"You look drop-dead gorgeous. Diego is very lucky to have you"

"Thank you, Zaro"

Lazaro held out his arms, "Ready?"

Ella nodded, "Yes... and a little nervous too" she said.

"You will be fine, sweetheart. Relax." he reassured and squeezed her hand lightly.

She nodded. Yet felt the racing heartbeat. Stepping out of the room they minced their way to the entrance and waited behind the closed door. Beyond the door awaits her, a new beginning, a new life. A fresh start with the one. The only one.

"Ready?" asked the person who was assigned to open the door.

She merely nodded and smiled.

The door opened and revealed a hall full of people focused their attention on her. Some had their phones extended to capture the moment as she walked towards the altar. She smiled and nodded ever so lightly to some of those who complimented her. The music played slowly faded away as her focus fell only on him.

Diego was a total knockout, she felt lightheaded. He looked absolutely dashing in the black tuxedo as he had his gaze fixed on her.

Ella felt grateful to have him in her life, for everything he had done for her. And she looks forward to have a wonderful life ahead with her friend-enemy turned friend who is about to be her husband in a few minutes.

It was time to exchange vows.

As she stood before him, it felt surreal. Never had she ever imagined to be standing here before this very man about to exchange wedding vows two years ago. However, destiny had it's own agenda.

Lazaro handed her hand over to Diego and gave a single nod.

"She is all your's now. Take care of her" Lazaro said.

Diego nodded back and gently took her hands in his, they turned to face the officiator.

The officiator begin the ceremony and proceeded to the wedding vows.

"Diego Shekhar Moretti, do you take Arabella Teresa Agosti for your wedded wife, to love and cherish, To respect and honor in all circumstances for as long as you life?"

"I do," he said with his ever charming smile.

"Arabella Teresa Agosti, do you take Diego Shekhar Moretti for your wedded husband, to love and cherish, To respect and honor in all circumstances for as long as you life?"

"I do," she answered quietly, smiling all long while tears were forming as she gazed him.

The officiator then asks for the rings, "You may now exchange rings,"

As they did, the officiator took the lead.

"May unconditional love and peace surround upon you now and forever.

You may seal your vows with a kiss"

She gazed at Diego as he held her face between his hands; it was a delicate kiss yet strong enough to race up her racing heartbeat.

"Now, let me be the first to introduce, Mr. and Mrs. Diego Shekhar Moretti" announced the officiator.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Diego Moretti" Diego whispered to her.

"Congratulation to you too, Mr. Husband" she said suppressing her smile as she couldn't help but to find it a little weird to call him, husband.

They walked out together as newly wedded couple, with Chandra following them behind; happy tears rolling over her cheeks. She couldn't be more than happy to fulfill the one wish Demetrio had ever said to anyone.

Chandra prayed to see her kids living a happy and a life full of love.


All that nervousness they had in the morning before the ceremony had vanished and they were ready to enjoy the night. A reception dinner with close friends and family. Chandra Moretti had personally organised the food, the decoration and the songs the DJ would play.

Ella was amazed with Chandra's arrangement, she thought Chandra ma will be a great event planner if the latter decides to do something in her leisure time.

The reception dinner went on with photo sessions and best wishes from family and friends, business associates; a hearty dinner, a joyful first dance and a night to remember.

They were sent back home to retired for the night, earlier than any dinner party would end. Thiyagu's silent mischievous grin gave away what he had in his mind however, Diego did not say a word to his brother.

Ella had straight jumped on the huge soft mattress as soon as they reached home, she hardly bothered about the thought of changing her dress. Diego entered sometime later only to find her dozing off in her wedding dress.

He shook his head and smiled at her child like behavior.

"Ella, wake up. Go get changed. You can sleep comfortably afterwards" he said while removing his coat.

"I'm tired... I need sleep" her voice muffled through the pillow and adjusted her self comfortably.

Diego stopped whatever he was doing and stood next to the bed. He hands were on his hips, staring at her curled figured.

"Ella. Get up now" she shook her head not wanting to move away from the bed.

He quickly picked up a pillow from the other side and hit her lightly, "Wake up! Go get changed!" he pulled her out.

"Why do you do this, Diego?" Ella whined and dragged herself to the closet before heading to the bathroom.

"I never knew you were a lazy girl. Or have I forgotten about it?" he asked as she stepped out of the bathroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with arms crossed over his bare chest.

Ella's breath hitched at the sight, she quickly moved keeping away her wedding dress and jumped on the bed, covering herself under the duvet. She tried to calm her breathing.

The sight was too much to not get bothered with.

"What are you doing?" Ella almost jumped out of her skin, his voice shouldn't be this close if he was still in the same spot Ella had seen him. The movements next to her was enough to tell he was preparing to sleep as well.

"Trying not to get distracted so, I can sleep" she answered with her back still turned away from him. "... As if I could sleep hereafter" 

"Distracted?" he asked attempting to pull the duvet that she held over her head. "Am I a distraction for you? I never knew that" he sulked, letting go of the duvet. He immediately laid on his side and turned away from her. 

Had she upset her husband by telling him being her distraction? Now she felt bad about it.

"It's not you, Diego" she reasoned and sat up staring at his back. 

"Then what?" 

"This" she pointed at his well built body. "This is a distraction. I need to sleep and wake up early tomorrow. We have plans in the morning, don't you remember?" 

Diego smiled wider, "You aren't getting distracted, you liar. You have been talking to me looking straight into my eyes. How can this be a distraction then?" he asked, wiggled an eye brow. 

She looked elsewhere avoiding his questions while suppressing her smile.

"And.... considering tomorrow's plan... That is why mom sent us home early" he inched closer and whispered to her ear. 

Ella quickly jumped out of the bed, "See. Distraction!" she restated, pointing to him. 

Diego threw the duvet off him and marched to her, "Say it again?" he demanded. Ella intend to run a way, but... 

She got distracted. 

Her self-control had gone too far to catch now as he pinned her to the wall staring into her deep brown eyes intensely. It was the beginning of an inferno to come. 


The newly wedded couple left home early as soon as they had their breakfast with the family. Ella had requested Diego to stop at the florist and quickly grabbed three bunches of white lilies and three bunches of white roses.

They were heading to the gravesites of their parents. Ella wished to get their blessing as she begin a new life with the man they wanted her to be with, just as how Demetrio wished. They stood by the tombstone and place each bunch of white roses next to Ruffina and Demetrio's. 

"Mom. Dad. I wish you were here today with us to physically bless us as we step in to a new life. I wish I could hug you both. I miss you" Ella begin weeping, Diego held her by her shoulder. 

"I'm sure they will be watching and are happy to see us here. Don't cry, okay" 

She nodded, "I'm such a cry baby" she commented.

They spent a few more minutes there before they walked a little further to another tombstone that belonged to Bernardo Moretti. Placing the white roses next to the tombstone, Diego felt the gush of guilt being a reason for his father's death. 

No matter how many years, Diego knew the sense of guilt will never leave him though the reasons for him to do so was right. Him taking the decision to end his father's life was wrong. Sometimes, he would get thoughts about; 

'what if, I did not pointed the gun at him, what if, I had called the police or what if, I had just brought Ella out of the place without an argument' his mind wavered.

Ella's touch on his cheeks brought him out of his thought, he did not realise he had been crying.

"Please don't cry. You are making me feel guilty as much as you do" she said, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"I'm sorry. It just isn't easy to let go of the day. I hope I'll be out of it soon" he smiled rather sadly, "Let's go, we have a few more to visit" he took her hand and lead the way. 

They then visited two more graves of those who had lost their life during the search. Despite not being involved in the search directly or indirectly, Mia Boni and Paolo Bianchi had to see the end unexpectedly. 

And the last visit was to Luciana's, the woman who stood at the wrong side thinking it would benefit her. But the greediness took her life. Ella felt sorry for her, in a way she had played a role in Luciana's life to help her get close to Diego which ended up in disaster. 

However, Ella came to an understanding that not all that happened in Luciana's life was her fault. Luciana had herself fall in the trap. 

Ella was slowly coming out of the guilt.


"Any plans for your honeymoon?" Thomas asked as he sat on the revolving seat before Diego in the Agosti Firearms office. 

"We haven't planned anything yet. Thought of thinking about it sometime later" he replied. 

"It's been a week since your marriage and you have no plans about bringing your wife anywhere?

Very well, I have a gift for you both" Thomas dropped a travel brochure on the table. 

Diego looked confused, he stared at the brochure and Thomas. "What is this, Thomas?" 

"Your honeymoon trip to Sicily" Thomas said. 

Diego looked at him perplexed, then responded. 

"Thank you. But you don't have to do this" Diego said appreciatively. 

"It's my gift, son. Don't say no. I came to know that Ella have not been out much so, I thought Sicily would be perfect for her to look around. In fact, it's a pretty good relaxing place. 

I have a friend there, you can meet him once you get there. He will be ready to help you anytime. 

Plus, the flight to Sicily is tomorrow. So, go back and get started with your packing" Thomas informed with a smile. 

"Tomorrow? How did you...? Thomas, seriously?" Diego couldn't gather a word to the old man before him but he was grateful for the gift. 


Ella and Diego were picked up by Thomas's friend Santo from the airport and had dropped them at his guesthouse a few streets away from his house. Santo had directed the way to a few nearby shops for them to get something if they wish to and with very little interaction, he whooshed away in his car.

It was a small, cozy house just enough for two people to stay in. And they felt very much comfortable with the arrangement made. 

Diego made sure to call Thomas to inform about their arrival.

While he was in call with Thomas, Ella received a call from her dearest brother-in-law. 

"Yup, we are at the Mr. Santo's guesthouse. It's a pretty cozy house, I'm thinking of settling here, Thiyagu" Ella laughed as he groaned in frustration.

"Don't you both plan to leave me alone here! I'll come in search of you two" he barked, jovially. 

"You are most welcome here, caro. There are two bedrooms here, you can take one. It will be so much fun if you were here too" she said, noticing Diego had hung up the phone and frowning, trying to make out who is she speaking to. 

 "Trip to Palermo is no fun without you. Diego is so boring and I'm here in the house since we had arrived. I'm—" Diego figured out who could the person on the other line be, he snatched the phone from her and said nothing placing the phone to his ears. 

"I know, right. That's why I asked if I can come with you yesterday. Jealous Diego. Never likes us to be around. He is afraid we will team up and taunt him forever. If you are bored, go to the nearest club. Order a beer and relax. Don't wait for him, he is boring...." Thiyagu continue to speak without noticing the silence from her side.

"Yeah, right. I'm boring and you are the epitome of fun. You two should be barred from talking to each other. You are teaching her the wrong thing" Diego scolded him as he stared at Ella who was trying to control her laugh. 

"Diego!" Thiyagu's voice turned excited hearing his brother's voice. "Who said you are boring? I told El, how a no-boring person you are. That's all" he tried to cover up. 

"Don't ever call Ella while our stay here in Sicily" Diego hung up the call without waiting for his brother to say, bye.

"And you. It's not even an hour we got in and what did you say? Stuck in here?" he scolded. 

"Sorry. I was bored so, thought of annoying you.... and have a little fun" Ella giggled and ran further from where she was. 

The few days that followed was all about going around famous places, going for wine tasting, biking and street food tour. 

Walking through the many shops selling varieties of foods, Diego and Ella made it a point to taste every food in the food market. 

As they walk down the street to try more foods, they met Santo on their way. 

"Bon sira!! How do you find Palermo?" he asked.

"It's beautiful" replied Ella. 

"Very well, glad you are enjoying your stay here" Santo nodded his head with a warm smile. 

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" he asked. 

"Not really" 

"Perfect!! I would love to invite to my house for lunch and maybe you can stay for dinner as well. My wife cooks well, by the way" Santo chuckled.

Accepting the invitation, the couple followed Santo to his house that was in few streets away from where they stayed. 

"Feel like home. I'll be back with something special" said that, Santo disappeared inside. 

A lady in mid-sixties came and placed two glass of water on the coffee table and left without exchanging a word. 

Diego settled on one of the couch while Ella took a moment to notice the many photographs hung on the wall. A few of it seemed familiar to her, yet she wasn't able to recollect to where she had seen them. However, she continued to scan each on of the old black and white photographs, intending to recall the memory.  

As she was staring at one particular photograph, the sound of glass shattering made her to jump out of her skin. She turned to Diego who had dropped the glass, he looked shocked, terrified and had turned pale. 

Turning around to the reason of his shock, Ella felt her heart would leap out of her mouth, she held her breath at the sight in front of her. She begin shaking terribly. 

At that moment, they both looked as if they had seen a ghost. Both turned white as chalk as tears gathered in each other's eyes. 

In front of them stood the man who was the beginning of the story. Who was the reason the search of Ara Agosti begin. 

Demetrio Agosti.

Ella was trembling, confused as to how she should react while Diego forced himself to talk. 

"Uncle D?..."he took slow steps towards his Godfather. 

"You... were... didn't you... how... is it you?" he finally asked though he stammered. 

"Yes, it's me, Diego. Demetrio Agosti" the man said reducing the space between them. 

Diego's breathing were so heavy he felt he would pass out any moment but he held himself and asked, "You were shot. How...?" 

Demetrio ignored Diego's question and shifted his soft gaze to Ella who was rooted to the ground, she stood there like a statue. She was clueless, out of her own sense as she stared at the man who supposedly her dead father. 

"Sunshine" he called her as he used to when she was a little girl. 

Tears from her eyes rolled down like an open damn the second her father called her. Her lips quivered, her body shaking, she couldn't believe the man is her father. 

"Sunshine... I'm so glad to see you as my daughter" he said, feeling proud to have protected his daughter as he promised. Tears were pouring out equally from his eyes too. 

"Won't you come and hug your papa?" he asked and opened his arms. 

Ella instantly ran like the five year old kid he had last seen running to him, she cling tightly onto her father. Crying her heart out. Her father, alive, healthy and safe. 

"You remind me of your mother" he whispered to her. 

The love she had yearn for is now holding her in his arms. Ella felt like a baby in Demetrio's arms. They spent a long time in each other's arms, settling the reality in them that, what they see is really.

"That's true, Diego. I was shot and I was fighting for my life holding it tight when you had to leave me. I thought I will die, that it was my time to leave the earth. But I was saved. I was saved in the nick of the time by Santo" Demetrio said. Ella sat next to him, wrapping her arms around him as if he would go away and stayed silent through out. 

"Thomas had informed me about the strange meeting arranged by Gasparo way before you reached there. Me and my men had surrounded the building, standby in case of emergency. That was when the shooting happened. 

Before we could reach to Demetrio for help Thomas had pulled you out of there thinking it was Gasparo's men. However, we didn't had much time. Figuring out Gasparo's men will want to see Demetrio death, I immediately instructed my men to replace Demetrio with one of Gasparo's man. 

Demetrio was rushed to the clinic, he was losing a lot of blood however, the doctor managed to save his life. Demetrio was in coma for about eight months." Santo disclosed. 

Ella looked up at her father for sometime and said, "You are a very strong willed man, papa" 

He smiled and ruffled her hair. 

"But... how did they not find out the man wasn't Uncle D?" Diego asked. 

"I had the same doubt. It turned out to be, Gasparo had sent his men to do it and there were no one to identify Demetrio. So, the men thought it was him and performed the fake accident" 

"And Thomas knew about this all the while?"

"No, he didn't know about it until a month ago. I had flew Demetrio to Sicily for his safety and said nothing to Thomas. Your trip to Sicily was mainly to let you know about Demetrio" said Santo. 

Ella on the whole was quiet, feeling happy about her father alive and with her at the moment, she hardly could think of anything else. 

For Diego it was an entire roller coaster ride from the beginning up till the end. He was still in shock on seeing his Godfather alive, he too hardly conversed to any of them. As time went by, the reality slowly sink in. 

The remaining days of their trip was fairly enjoyable. 

"Aren't you coming back with us, papa?" asked Ella when Demetrio did not say a word about him going back with them. 

"I'll stay here, sunshine. I don't intend to return to Milan nor do I want anyone to know about my existence" he said to his sullen daughter.

She wasn't really happy about the news of her father not returning home with them, she was about to say that when Diego interjected. 

"Uncle D had spoke to me about this already. Let's not force him, alright. We can always come back to visit him" he said playfully shaking his frowning wife. 

She jerked his hands off, "but papa... now everything is fine. No one is after anyone's life. You can come back, right?" 

"It's hard to explain, cara. If I ever change my mind, I'll come back. For now I want you to keep this matter to yourselves. Maybe you can share it with Thiyagu.

Come on Ara, cheer up. You can always call and talk to me. 

Now, get going. You are going to be late for your flight" Demetrio move passed her, fetching a luggage on his way out. 

She stared at her father's retreating figure then shifted to Diego. "Do you know why he isn't coming back?"

"I don't know. He didn't want to tell and I didn't want to nag him about it either. I assume he has his reasons to stay here instead of coming to Milan. Let's go, it's time" Diego held her hand, lead her out of the room.


"I don't think it's even necessary for me to tell this. You have taken care of my daughter even better than I would, I'm proud and happy for you both. Take care of each other and keep the love growing" Demetrio said and hugged Diego then Ella.

"I'll see you soon, papa" she waved as the car begin moving. 

Demetrio stood and watched as the car disappeared speeding away. He felt content to be able to finally have the girl whom he had hidden from the world back to him as his daughter. 

He couldn't thank Diego enough for protecting his daughter and yet felt terrible for so many unexpected heartbreaks. Demetrio feared, that problems would rise within them if he returns hence, distancing himself and keeping his demise as it is seemed like a better idea for a peaceful living. 

Demetrio stared at the street where the car headed, his only wish is for his kids to live a wonderful life filled with love and happiness. 

And he knew his godson will keep his last Agosti the happiest. 

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