Passing of the Legend

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1. Prepare your tissues.

2. Due to the military background of this story, I took "Amazing Grace" in Bagpipes as video cover, as it was popular in United States military and emergency services (police, firefighters) funerals.

3. The symphony I mentioned was chosen by random, but the 1812 Symphony by Tchaikovsky was due to it's epicness (with artillery pieces used in the climax. You can search in on Youtube, which has many orchestra covered it using army howitzers!)

4. This fanfiction inspired me to create this death-themed story. Credits for the author:

5. As the "Symphony of the Sky" has characters imported from school idol-themed franchise Love Live!, so are this "closing" sequel.


Arima's Mansion, somewhere in Hokkaido, State of Japan, February 18th, 2084

An old man, a war hero and legendary pianist can feel that the day which his first love left him will also the time when he will joined her and many other people he loved who had predeceased him, which included a fellow musician and war veteran, and most importantly, his wife, fiery and passionate Emi Arima, perished six months ago due to congestive heart failure.

Four days before, almost the entire Arima clan visited him and stay in the enormous mansion, normally occupied by Kousei, an assistant android named Saki in tribute of his mother, built by an AI expert Ryo Takeshima, a personal friend of Kousei which he had met in his thirties, and Emi before her passing as they grow old.

He remembers his only 6-years old great-grandchildren, Kenichiro Arima, asked in the previous day. "Hii-ojiisan, let me show you my piano!" and proceeded to play "Symphony No. 40 (Mozart), K.550" and "1812 Overture", greatly brought joy into the former fighter pilot. Kenichiro was dubbed as another prospective heir of his legend, after his eldest daughter, Kaori Arima the first, a violinist and cellist, and two of his grandchildrens, Sadao Yamazaki, with jazz as his primary engine, son of Kaori the first, and classical-aligned Fumihiro, son of Natsume, Kousei's third son.

Kaori, with her husband, Renzo Yamazaki, a surgeon, has two more children along with Sadao, by the name of Hikari and Takami Yamazaki.

Natsume was interested in politics in his younger days, and as a professional diplomat, had a distinguished career with the Liberal Democratic Party, still dominated the nation's politics in the mid 21st century, and currently, at 59, after two periods as a Representative, served as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Along with 28-year old Fumihiro, he was blessed with a fraternal twin; Keizo, a cadet in the Japanese Naval Academy in Yokosuka, and Keiko, an aspiring idol.

His second son, Taki, was a fusion-power nuclear scientist, which compared to his siblings, had most troubled family life; his marriage almost collapsed due to his only daughter, Kaori the second, a band singer, was a drug junkie in her college days and had twice been committed to rehab before the extended family's intervention finally helped Taki rearrange his household in order.

In addition, after the Korean War he had also adopted two war orphans from Northern Korea: Pung Do-yeon, lived a quiet life as a typical Japanese salaryman, passed away in 2077 of cancer, and Su-Yeon Hee, which later took Korean citizenship and was killed in a Maglev train crash in 2047 in Seoul. Some of their descendants, either Korean or Japanese citizens, also visited him to pay their respect to one of the man who help reunify the peninsula back in the day as a pilot.

Then he remembered his fellow pilots, especially former idols Major Honoka Kousaka and Captain Kotori Minami, and his other friends, war veteran or not, both with happy moments such as the time when Makoto and his wife, former idol Koizumi Hanayo have their first child, Haruka obtained gold medal with Japan's softball team in 2024 Olympics, or Jiro's twin children graduated from university, and heartbreaks such when he performed in Sydney, he learned that Major Honoka had passed away due to pneumonia.

Later he also reminisced when finally, Korea was officially reunited as a whole country in 2045 as the Autonomous Region of Koryo government ended its mandate and he and Emi was invited to play together in the "Reunification Concert", and time when he refused an offer by Takeshi to run for Diet.


That night, Kousei, in the Air Force reserve list until he reached 55 and retired as a Brigadier General (ni-kuushousho, literally vice major-general), lays in his bed, with members of the Arima Clan present gathered in front of it together with Saki.

The moment was also broadcast live to the entire extended family.

Kaori was in his side, and she asked with tears in her eyes, as she meet Kousei's one, still sharp as a falcon, testament of his military service. "It's finally time?" as she held the wrinkled hand of her father, followed by Taki and Natsume. Among both sons, Taki held the most resemblance of Kousei.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'll met them at last; Emi, Kaori, my mothers, Father, and all who had paid the ultimate price for the Fatherland."

The assistant android Saki even shows her feelings by the virtue of her AI.

Kaori soon picked up her violin and started to play "Love Sorrow" the piece who changed her father's life from a traumatized child into a free musician and an intrepid fighter pilot.

As the song played. the ace said his parting to the world.

"To all my family and all my friends. It's an honor to have you all in my long life. Every symphony, will have it's conclusion. And for me, it's time for the Coda. To all who stay, follow things that you love and I will always with you, forever.

Blessed be the Emperor and our family!

As he said the benediction, he looked up and see his loved ones awaiting him, youthful, healthy, and bright.

"Welcome home, Arima Kousei-kun. I'm proud of your service!" said Miyazono Kaori.

Emi run towards him, and while hugging her love called him with his personal callsign. "Welcome aboard our eternal flight, Love Sorrow."

His father, his biological mother, his stepmother, his mentor, and even the entire members of Muse with two among them had served alongside him above Korea, Honoka and Kotori, along with fellow veterans Umi and Eli.

Watari and Tsubaki also run to greet him, also with their prime looks and civilian clothing, along with his former student, Aiza Nagi and her brother, Takeshi along with their respective families. All of them left the world in the same matter as Kousei, old and peaceful, then, his adopted siblings which predeceased him; Daigo, Nana, and Risa.

Kousei soon looked down and found he was his 30-years old self once more, in a suit instead of miltary dress uniform, and began his ultimate duet with Emi, while Kaori's violin accompanied the duo, before the idols followed with their eternal performance of their own, with audiences include Kousei and Emi's fellow pilots such as Natsuki Hanae, wearing dress uniform and his Major General insignia, and their friends like Kashiwagi Nao, Kaori Naehara and Makoto Kawashima.


The funeral was grand with attendants include Emperor Mutsuhito, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs of the Japanese National Military Forces.

People lined up the street as his ashes were brought into Totsuhara General Cemetery, as written in his testament for him to be buried along with two women he loved, Kaori and Emi.

Orchestra from the Japanese National Aerospace Force, renamed from the Air Force due to their expansion into a space capable force as space militarization, including combat satellites, has been accepted in the late 2040s, played both Japanese and Western military songs accompanying the burial, along them Umi Yukaba and Amazing Grace.

In testament to his extremely meritorious military and civilian service, along with a posthumous promotion to Major General, the country fired a twenty-one artillery gun salute for him, followed by a missing-man formation from four restored, Cold War-era F-15J Eagles and four scramjet Mitsubishi/Lockheed Martin F-91J Scorpius air and space superiority fighters, capable for both normal and space operations.

Along with the burial, some of his ashes was scattered over Tokyo in a full view of his family in an F-91 with a multipurpose weapons pod converted into a flying urn carrier.

And so the legend ended his symphony, but his deeds will be an inspiration for people to come...

A/N: Hope you appreciate this one-shot sequel of Symphony in the Sky! Vote and comment!

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