Chapter 5: Ionica

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It was hard. It was hard to resist the urge to back away. But I knew it was my only option to stay where I was. I was surrounded for a reason.

Why was I surrounded?

I didn't have much time to wonder.
Before I realized what was really happening, someone was by my side, fighting the guys who were surrounding me. Before they could recover,  I glanced over to see my savior. He had dark red long hair, darker than my own red-painted hair, which was often said to be blood red. He also had red eyes. They seemed to be glowing, and I could've sworn there was a familiar light in his eye.
The people surrounding us managed to recover, even though they'd already lost two men, on the stranger's side. This had all happened within a second.

So before I knew it, the men — I assumed they were men — dressed in black were gaining up on us.. on me, more specifically.

'Try to keep them away from you!' It was the person next to me. I sighed, exasperated.
'Thanks for stating the obvious,' I called. I realized we were standing shoulder to shoulder when I felt him shrug. Except for the fact that it was closer to shoulder to elbow, since I'm tiny, and he was pretty tall.
'I figured I'd—STEPH, WATCH OUT,' he yelled. Instinctively, I ducked, and just in time. Some sort of laser went right over my head. I didn't see what happened to it, I was a bit busy dodging it. Then I paused. There was something that had been out of place... I couldn't process what it was.

Then, out of nowhere, instinct took over. I jumped up, threw my hands up, palms toward the attackers. From there, I don't remember what happened. But I was told later that I yelled something, followed by fire shooting out of my hands, disabling most of our attackers. Then I passed out.

I woke up in a room that looked strangely familiar. I sat up in the bed I was in. Surprisingly comfortable for a temporary place to put someone, I thought. I looked around. It looked like a miniature library that someone put a bed and a dresser in. There was at least one shelf with books on every wall. But there was still plenty of daylight. The bed I was in was on the long wall on the left side of the entrance. In the righthand corner by the door was a cozy but well worn chair. I suspected it had been used to read in. I nodded to myself. This was a good room to be in. I was still struggeling with the question why this looked so familiar.
Then it hit me. My dream! I thought, this is just like Diana's room! Wait... What If it is Diana's room... I shook my head, dismissing the thought. That couldn't be... Or could it?
I put my hand on the bedstand that was on my right side and stood up, leaning on the bedstand, just in case I'd injured myself and was to weak to stand up. Turns out I wasn't. I felt a bit woozy, and particularly tired, but otherwise I was fine.
I opened the door, and found what I expected to find: a long corridor, with all the doors on one side. Those were entrances to some other rooms. On the other side of the corridor, it was mostly open. There was a railing, looking onto the bottom floor. I frowned. This couldn't be true. It was a dream...?
Across the hall, parallel to my room, there was another door. This was the last thing that could prove me wrong. If this was what I thought it was...
I opened the door. I paused in the doorway, looked around, and gasped.

The library.

I hesitated. This seemed surreal, for a dream to be... Well, real. What if I was in a dream right then? I shook my head, dismissing the thought. This felt even more real than the actual dream. I didn't waste time looking at the books. I'd do that later, I decided. Instead, I walked over to the door that should bring me to the landing. Again, I was correct. There was a set of stairs leading from the roof to the floor I was on, and another from the floor I was on to the first floor. If I was right, at the bottom of the stairs, you would look right at the front door. And you would be able to turn left or right and double back, and encounter a big hall with a long table used for most things you can do at a table.
I took a deep breath and went down the stairs. It was an exceptionally long set of stairs, and halfway down, I could hear the buzz of several voices. It sounded like a somewhat casual talk between a few friends. I paused on the stairs. Five voices. Five people. Five complete strangers.

I took a deep breath and went down the rest of the stairs. I went down as loud as I possibly could, so that there was a chance that I would be heard and people would start a conversation with me, instead of me having to interrupt their conversation. I failed. I turned around the right side of the stairs, since that was the side I was closer to. I had stopped paying attention if everything was as I expected it to be, it had been proven to me that this was the same thing.

What I saw was indeed 5 people, sitting around a big round table. They looked to be between the ages of 15 and 18. Three guys, two girls. The girls were either twins, or they just happened to look pretty much the same. They had long blond hair, green eyes, and looked to be about 16. One of them had slightly shorter hair. On her left side, right for me, there was one of the guys, who I estimated to be about 15, probably almost 16. He had blond hair and blue eyes, reminding me a bit of Alex, but the hair and eyes were darker than Alex's, the hair especially. Alex had had extremely light blond hair, but this guy's hair was closer to brown than anything else. That left two guys. The one sitting next to the first guy also had blond hair and blue eyes, but his hair was lighter in color, and he looked older, about 17. And then I looked at the last guy. At that point, people had realized I was watching them, and the last guy was looking me in the eye. He spoke.

'Welcome to Ionica,' said Dino Darkblade.


(Sorry Aidan, I left you waiting, and then gave you another cliffhanger...)

What do you guys think? It feels kinda bumpy to me, but it'll have to do. I wasn't looking forward to doing this chapter, because I had to start play- I mean writing with a whoooole bunch of characters that aren't mine. So again, I kept it short, and kept the conversation to a minimum. Usually there's a lot more conversation in my stories, but I feel a bit out of place with these characters. It'll be fine soon enough, I just need confirmation that I'm doing okay, so I feel a little more confident writing with these characters. And I'm also not quite used to fights, so that is a bit meh too... It'll be fine... Okay, now I'm just talking to myself.. Sooo.. lemme know what you think, and I'll try to update as soon as possible. I'll try to update at least once in the coming week, because I will be going on vacation soon.. I will write during that time, so hopefully I'll have a few updates as soon as I come back, and maybe if I have wifi in the meantime during my vacation as well. I'm just rambling now, so, cya'll later!

xx Rissa

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