Out of context AU #1: Split Personality

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Here you go, some unfiltered extra shorts I wrote ages ago that yall might enjoy

"AYUMI!" I yelled, as I dropped out of hypercore and turned around, just in time to watch my cousin's body go limp. I rushed over to her, but I knew it was no use. I was too late.
He had shot her, right in the source. I hugged her tight, ignoring the awful sound of already broken but not fully healed bones moving.
"R-Racer?" I looked over my shoulder, but Racion was already gone.

I cursed. "W-what do I do?" I asked myself.
"He needs to die," I said out loud. "You need to kill him. Stephanie, you can't let him get away with this." My voice, I realized, was deeper than usual when I said that. No, I corrected myself, it's Amethyst's voice.
"I can't kill him..." I said. "Not alone."
"That's what I'm here for."
I frowned again. I jumped up and over Ayumi, sprinting right to the pond a little further down. I kneeled, and stared at my own reflection.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked my reflection.
Suddenly, my eyes turned purple, like they would when I go into hypercore.
"You're too weak. Emotions weaken you. Can't you see? He just killed your last living family, and you just want to let him go."
"I love him!" I yelled, my eyes turning back. "I can't just kill him!"
"He doesn't love you, I know that much. Look at yourself. Maybe Aidan was right. Maybe you are weak. Look at that flimsy little body of yours. Your tear-stained face. THIS is supposed to be a world leader? This overemotional teenager who can't even avenge her own cousin because she has a little crush?"

"I'm... not weak," I struggled to say as my eyes changed from purple to blue, but immediately back again.
"You are, Stephanie," I shot back. "Face it. You have more potential than any of the other defenders. But where is it?"
"My fight with Aidan," I wheezed.
"That was nothing but a fragment of your power. You can do much more. But you don't. Why? Because you're weak. You're not suitable for this position, and you know it."
I gripped the grass by the side of the pond. "Stop it," I almost begged.

"Why should I?" I questioned, moving my head so my reflection was in my line of view again.
"You're acting like you're better than me," I snapped. "You're not. We are the same person, Amethyst, whether you like it or not."
"Oh, you couldn't be more wrong." I sneered. "We are so different. You just don't see it. You do nothing but drag me down."
"It's not true!" I yelled.
"YES IT IS," I boomed.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shut my eyes tight in the hopes of shutting her out. It was sad that I was now fighting Amethyst, a part of myself that I was supposed to be able to trust with my life. "You're lying!"
But of course, she didn't stay away.

"It's no use, Steph, we're tied to each other." My eyes snapped open, once again the deep purple that once felt so familiar. "You deny it, but we're different people. Deep down, you know. You're the weak one, honey. Even on Earth, when you still had your magic, Racion practically had to carry you, while he barely had the energy to go into hypercore. You even managed to get yourself shot." I flinched at the memory of the bullet ripping through my skin.
"Not very pleasant, is it?" I said, my expression morphing into a contemptuous sneer.

"Amethyst, please."
"NO. Racion has to die!"
"He just came back..."
"And what good did that do you? None. He's only been causing you pain since the moment he died."
"That was not his-"
"Are you trying to tell me that him _aiming and shooting at Ayumi's source_ was not his fault? That it was a mistake? What do you suppose to tell me he was trying to do? Set off fireworks?"
"No, but-"
"Let. Me. Kill him. You KNOW he should die. He killed Ayumi!" I said, my purple eyes burning fiercer than ever. "Your love for him... it won't ever last forever. He doesn't even love you! You want to spare the _murderer_ of your _last_ family member, just because you get little feelings in your stomach when you see him?! I know you still have the mentality of a human teenager, for some reason, but seriously, that is more stupid than the idea that you will ever be a good defender. Or Ionican, for that matter."

That was it. That's when something inside me snapped.

"How _dare_ you insult me like that?" I asked so calmly it was clear I wasn't really calm. But inevitably, my eyes went purple again.
"DO YOU WANT TO DENY IT?" I yelled. "You have NEVER been worthy."
"Oh? A true Ionican would have gone after Racion instantly."
"Well, you didn't do it, either. That makes us equally worthy." I spit out the last word. I was discussing my  worthiness with my alter ego. It felt wrong.

I waited for Amethyst to say something, but my eyes remained blue.

"Maybe you're right," I finally said, "but I can't do it alone. _We_ can't do it alone. Maybe Raleigh could-"
"You want to ask help from the guy who's order not to do the thing to DO THAT THING?"
"Well, it wasn't an order, it was more of a suggestion-"
"Oh yes. That whole 'You can't order me around, I'm your equal, not your inferior' thing was real smooth."
"-And he said nothing about killing him. He said not to try to talk to him."
"Right. What was his reasoning again?"
"Because it would be stupid..."
"Listen, you want to kill Racion, do it yourself. All you do by asking him for help is proving him right. It will be the perfect opportunity to prove him wrong."
"What if he finds a solution-"
"How often do I have to repeat myself, Stephanie? HE. KILLED. AYUMI. YOU DESERVE THIS. AND SO DOES HE."
"Do yourself a favor and stop thinking so much."

My eyes turned back and, even though she'd just told me to stop thinking, I considered what she said. I knew she was right, of course. That didn't make me any happier at the idea of killing Racer.
"I don't want this, Amethyst." I looked my own reflection sternly in the eye. It took no longer than half a second after I'd said this before they were no longer mine, but Amethyst's.
"We don't have a choice," my reflection told me, calmer now. "Just go into hypercore, and I will do the dirty work."

I bowed my head, ready to give in. But I still wasn't quite sure this was the right choice.
"Amethyst? One more thing-"
"I know." My voice sounded sad, almost rueful now, and my eyes were dim, as I knew what I was about to face. "Make it as quick as possible."
"How did you know I was going to say that?"
I smiled softly. "I told you. We're tied together."
"O-okay. Right. Well, I guess..." I sat up on one knee and went into hypercore, finally giving in.

I stood up and shot one last glance at the water. "I hope you realize, Stephanie, that I don't like the idea of killing Racion any more than you do. The difference is that I know I must do anything to protect my loved ones. You've got to face the facts. Sometimes, the person you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger."
Taking a last look at Ayumi's body, I activated my flight pack and flew up. "You have to remember that." And with that, I flew away, off to find--and kill--Racion.

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