Out Of Context AU #3: The Drunk Story (uncomplete)

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You know, Racer, Raleigh and Dino aren't the only the only one's with an embarrassing (and in their case, dangerous) story about them being drunk. Believe it or not, I do too. Me. Goody-two-shoes Stephanie Gray. I got drunk. I know, I can't believe it either.

I didn't just get _drunk_, either. I got so drunk, that I don't even remember anything that happened. Heck, I don't even know how I got drunk. Sadly, nobody witnessed it either, so it's just a huge mystery. This is also the reason I doubt it even happened and everyone has just been making me think it happened to mess with my head.

Now, this story is a little different, considering I heard all of it second hand, when I woke up the next day with a blank memory and a serious headache.

Raleigh told me the beginning of the story, telling me that I had disappeared at the start of the morning. After checking pretty much every place in Astravia where I was likely to be, since I never strayed from those places. Usually. He told me that, eventually they got a call from Racer, and added, snickering, that I should probably check with him if I wanted to hear the rest of the story.

So I did. Later that afternoon, when I actually felt a little better, I headed over to Destinar. As soon as he saw me, Racer backed up a step. _Oh god, what did I do,_ I thought. I instantly put up my hands to say that I didn't mean any harm, however, that made him back up even further.
"Alright," I said. "Racer, I have literally no clue what happened yesterday. Please tell me because I'm getting more confused by the second."
"You really don't remember?" he asked carefully. I shook my head. Racer laughed. "Oh boy, this is not going to be any fun."

It really wasn't.  I sat there with my face buried in my hands, looking through my fingers, as if I didn't want to watch but couldn't stop myself from doing so, even though I wasn't watching but listening.

This is the story, according to Racer.

I arrived in Destinar fairly early in the morning (which doesn't tell me much, because I'm guessing that Racer's "early in the morning" is probably different than mine). Racer thinks I basically just roamed around until I eventually literally walked into him.
"Racer!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
"Uhm... I think that's the question I should be asking, considering, y'know, it's not unusual to find a defender in their own nation." He was initially confused, but he realized quickly what was going on. Quickly, meaning about five seconds later, when I hugged him and refused to let go.

"I loooooove you," I told him. (I groaned out loud when Racer told me this. "Yes. Yes you did." he said in reply.)
"What?" he said.
"I love you sooooooo much," I said.
"Oh. Gotcha." This is when Racer made the conclusion that I was, in fact, drunk. Either that, or I was acting really, really strange.
"You're adorable."
"Is that so?" He was struggling in an attempt to get me to let go of him, but my grip didn't lessen one bit.
"You're like a teddy bear," I told him.
"You are so drunk," he answered.
"What's drunk? Is that food? I'm hungry, not drunk, silly. You're drunk. Shut up."
"Alright, Alright. Hang on." He contacted Skyal. "Hi. Are you by any chance missing a drunk 14-year-old?"
"Drunk?" Skyal asked. "Well, that explains why she left without telling anyone. How the hell did she get drunk?"

"Why would I know? Look, I'm having a bit of a situation here. Something to do with a wild Stephanie clinging onto me and refusing to let go."
"Right, well, if she's not going to be going anywhere, could you try to keep an eye on her?"
Racer sighed. "Fine. As long as she's not getting away with this without a lecture."
"Oh, believe me, she wasn't either way."

Racer spent a very long time trying to get me off of him. He sighed. "I'm starting to see why Skyal was so annoyed with us."
"I love you teddy bear," I told him again.
"You are insufferable," Racer replied. "And would you PLEASE let go of me?" He pushed me again, less than gently this time. I finally stumbled back. I apparently saw it as an offense, AKA I got ready to deliver a counter attack. I backed up a step, and held up my balled fists defensively, bouncing back and forth.

"You wanna fight?" I challenged. "Come at me."
"You really want to fight me?" Racer asked.
"Alright," he said easily, then calmly walked over to me and picked me up, carrying me fireman-style. While I was furiously trying to attack his back, he said, "I think I win."
"Put. Me. Down!"
"Yeah. No. Don't think so."

He carried me to Astravia (we went by spacebridge, obviously. *cough* I didn't get that and I had to ask *cough cough*) and, conveniently, ran into Ayumi.
"Ayumiiiii!" I exclaimed. "Help meeeee!"
"Uuh... What's up with her?" my cousin asked.
"Long story," Racer told her. "Hey, could you by any chance do me a favor?"
"Depends on the favor."
"Don't help hiiim," I stage-whispered.
"Let me guess." Ayumi ignored me. "You want me to make her fall asleep?"
"I think that would be the safest for all of us. Buuut mostly me."
Ayumi nodded. "Come with me, then," she said, and without further warning, but her hand on Racer's shoulder and teleported the three of us to my room.

"Whoa. A little heads up would be nice next time," Racer said, as he laid me down on my bed.
"Sorry," Ayumi said, although it didn't sound very sincere.
"No! I don't want to go to bed," I protested, but Ayumi looked at me with a stern face, and managed to shut me up.
_"Sohi,"_ she said, swiftly waving her hand over me, and I instantly fell asleep. Didn't wake up again until earlier that morning.

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