This might be kind of sort of important-ish

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Okay, okay, I left the last chapter on a cliffhanger. I know, I promised another chapter. I know, I put my story on hold after months of inactivity, I suck, blablabla.

That's not what I'm writing this message about.

What this message is about two things. First of all, the next chapter might still come. If it does, it'll be by the end of February. If it hasn't shown up by then, I'll have moved on to rewriting the story. Rewriting the story will take place on a DIFFERENT ACCOUNT(!!!), if anyone hadn't gotten that.

I'm moving it there because I feel like I'm taking way too much credit for the story by writing it under my name. It is, after all, not completely my story. It's kinda as if it's a fanfiction that's called an original story. It's an original story, I just didn't make it up - which isn't the point, because I'm pretty sure I've said this all before and I'm pretty sure we're all bored of hearing this.

The account name is  TheIonicaProject.

Be sure to actually check out that account and keep a close eye on it, if you want to keep reading this story. It might take a few months, but that WILL be where the story appears when I start on the rewrite. That was my second thing. The other account. It's also where my friends' stories will appear... probably... hopefully... someday... maybe...

I hope you guys don't hate me too much for putting my story on hold, it's just that I felt like there was a lot of pressure on me, and now that it's on hold, the pressure seems to have faded, and I instantly feel like I can write again.

So, hopefully you guys'll hear from me soon.

Until then,
Xx Rissa

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