Chapter 1

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My parents named me Irridessa because I was a miracle baby in their. They were very young when they met. It was love at first sight. They married soon after graduating high school and soon after serval failed attempts to have a child they finally had me. I was their little miracle baby. But I was born different so the doctor was concerned for my well being. I was born with wings like a fairy. They had a unique butterfly design that lit up every color of the rainbow. My eyes and hair were a deep shade of purple. If anyone looks directly into my eyes they turn it a beautiful rainbow of colors and see my true identity. I had several powers not to mention I'm strong and smart. My parents taught me how to hide my identity and control my powers. My true self comes out when I feel intense emotion. So parents kept me out of school till they were sure I could handle it. I was so excited. But my parents lecured me everyday about not letting any get to close to me or see my as I am. I understand their reasons for worrying so much. But they kept me caged up and isolated my hole life it was like a whole new world to me. Even from my other relatives. So I've never even met my grandparents. I was beyond determined to make friends no matter what. I didn't care the consequences. I researched every thing I could about bonds like friendship. So I could better understand how the human mind works. Since the only contact I've ever had was with my parents and the verious pets they bring me so I don't get loney. Fairys have close connections with animals and plants because our power manly revolves around nature.

I woke up when my naightmare started licking my face. A nightmare is a excotic rare creature that can shapesift into nightmarish creature. I named him Razor he normally took the from of a black werewolf like creature. I giggled peting his head.

"Okay Razor I get it." I tease as he backed up so I could get up. My parents designed my room like a jungle. It was filled some of the most exotic planets and creatures.

"So how are you feeling my queen?" He asked as I stood up. He was one of my creatures that had the ability to speak.

"Very good actually I pretty excited but also pretty nervious." I replied streching my arms and walking over to the waterfall to shower I stripped down walking under it washing my hair with natural conditioner. After washing hair throughly I dryed off, slipped on some clothes and brushed my hair. Nice blue fitting dress drecrated in veins and leave. Mom and me make most of my clothes by hand so most of them looked like something from nature. In other words looked proper for a fairy to wear. Like something out of a story book. Then I put on some glasses so no one could see my eyes putting my hair in a up in a bun ontop of my head. I fed all my pets and ran out to the kitchen to me. I placed the food I specially made for each of my pets specifically for each one. Since most of them were a different species. Which is why there so healthy and strong. Once they were all eating I sat down and my mom set a full plate infront of me.

"Eat up cherry blossom you've got a big day ahead of you your going to need your energy." She said softly smiling kissing my head but I could tell from the look in her eyes she was far more nervous then me.

"I know moma thank you and don't worry I'll be fine." I forced a smile assureing her.

"I know dear but I'm your mother its only natural for me to worry about my child's well-being." She replied, ruffling my hair as I ate.

"Now you got your schedule, supplies, and books for class?" She asked I pionted at my big over the shoulder purse she bought me for school. It had butterflies stitched into the fabric. It was quite cute. She knew how much I adored butterflies. I would always watch them out the window. They were so peaceful and free. While I was stuck inside but I mostly envied them because they could fly. I might have wings but I have no idea how to use them. I felt trapped so withered.

"How about your cell phone I gave you?" I nodded holding it up.

"Good girl now keep it on you at all times in case something happens. Text me once your done with school and I'll come walk you home." My father said, I nodded finishing my breakfast and drinking my juice. I got up giving her a hug and kissing her cheek as she grabbed my empty plate and cup my juice was in and kissed my cheek.

"I love you angel be careful and have fun just don't forget to pay attention to your teachers. But your a very young lady. So you'll probably already know the answers. But I still want you to try so you can have a normal school experience." She said, hugging me with her free arm.

"I love you too momma I know. Your probably right about that with how much time I spend reading and studying. But I will I know." I answered her leaning away and my father handed me my purse. I took it pulling it onto my shoulder and we headed out the door. I shut the door and we started walking. I smiled as I grew more and more excited the closer we got. It didn't take long since we lived on the outskirts of town which happened to be near the school. As soon as I seen the huge brick building that was my school come into veiw. I felt my heart start to race with anxiety.

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