Chapter Six: Time Alone

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Torka's POV
I woke up in bed, I turned my head and saw Vegeta next to me. He had bruises from the fight with Beerus and so did I.
I sat up and Vegeta stirred, then he woke up. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"Hello beautiful." Vegeta said.
"Hello handsome, good morning." I replied.
He also sat up and hugged me. Vegeta put his chin on my hand and pulled me into his lap.
"So Torka, I've been thinking. Let's go camping for two days for some time alone." Vegeta said.
"Alright. When do you wanna go?" I asked.
"Right now." Vegeta said. I nodded and quickly wrote a note for Trunks and Goten, stating that we are going camping.
Vegeta grabbed my waist and I yelled "WAIT!!! WHAT ABOUT OUR CLOTHES AND STUFF!?"
"A real Saiyan doesn't need clothes to survive in the wilderness." Vegeta replied and zoomed out the window towards a forest.
When Vegeta landed he placed me on the ground softly. I crossed my arms and said "I didn't want to be in my pajamas for two days, in the woods!"
"Well, I like them. So you have to keep them on!" Vegeta retorted.
I crossed my arms and thought Vegeta was a perv. My pajamas are just my panties and a big t-shirt. Vegeta grabbed my hand and said "Let's go fishing."
"KILL IT VEGETA!!! KILL IT!!!" I shrieked as I saw another beetle.
Vegeta sighed and squished it with his his finger.
"It was just a beetle." Vegeta said and went back to hiding in a bush.
"Vegeta, why are you hiding in that bush?" I asked.
"To catch us food." Vegeta replied.
Then he zoomed out of the bush and pounced on a moose! He but into it's neck and suffocated the moose. The moose died and Vegeta placed it on the ground.
"Now time to cook it." Vegeta said and blasted it with a weak blast.
Then I could smell yummy cooked meat, I walked over to Vegeta and we sat on the ground, then we started eating it.
After starting to eat the moose I heard several footsteps behind us. I turned my head and saw a pack of wolves. They growled, they seemed to be staring at the cooked moose.
"Just ignore them." Vegeta said through a mouthful of food.
Then the wolves started running at us! Vegeta sighed and got up, he stared at the wolves and growled. His face became a little hairy and his teeth became pointed.
He then roared, making the wolves stop running at us. Their tails went in between their legs, except for the biggest one and Vegeta smirked.
"I have challenged their alpha to a duel. When I win I will be their new alpha." Vegeta said.
The alpha growled and lunged at Vegeta, Vegeta dodged and slammed his foot against the wolf's face, killing it.
Vegeta laughed and started barking orders at the pack. When they were gone his hairiness went away and his teeth went back to normal.
"How did you do that?" I asked.
"I was using a ability I used to have when I had my tail. That was why that form was incomplete, now let's go back to eating." Vegeta said.
I nodded and we dug back into the moose.
I was laying on the ground, looking at the night sky. Vegeta was out getting more firewood. I looked around me and saw two bears mating. Then two mountain lions, two moose, two fox, what the heck!? Why are there so many animals mating!?

When I woke up Vegeta was already up.
"Hey Babe." I called.
He turned to me and said "Hi beautiful, good morning."
"Good morning, Vegeta." I replied and sat up.
I saw Vegeta was looking at something, I got up and saw that he was watching two bears fight.
"I want the one on the right to win." Vegeta said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because, she started fighting the male to protect her cubs." Vegeta stated.
"Really? We should go help her." I said.
Vegeta nodded and we zoomed to the bear fight.
Once the male bear was down the momma bear walked back to her cubs and they walked into the forest. I sighed and grabbed Vegeta's hand.
"I want another baby, and I wanna him or her to be named Ai." I said.
"You want another baby?" Vegeta asked.
"Yes, I know we've already had sex like a million times, but you always wear that dang condom. This time I want a baby, please." I pleaded.
"I don't think I'm ready for another child Torka." Vegeta replied.
"We will mate again in four months, then we will have another child." Vegeta said.
I smiled and hugged my precious mate!
After we hugged Vegeta pulled me towards a stream, we drank water and splashed around the stream. A crocodile tried to eat us, but I killed it and made cool armor out of it's skin.
Vegeta told me to only wear it on Halloween. I said no and put it on.
Vegeta started laughing at my armor! I growled and realized I made this armor too tight! I took it off and decided I would mix it with my Saiyan armor in a fusing machine Bulma made.
We started walking together with our hands together, we saw many amazing things. Like a werewolf, it tried to attack us, but we knocked it out.
We saw two dinosaurs mating, mating really hardcore. They were destroying the forest and scratching each other while they were mating and the male was thrusting in and out really hard.
Vegeta and I laughed at the sight and we flew to the top of a mountain. There we sat down and I started to feed animals.
When I was going to feed a lone cub, I saw it start playing with his little balls.
Vegeta and I were making out on the mountain top. I could feel his erection through his pants, and my panties were as wet as a ocean.
We pulled away from the kiss and laughed at each other's excitement. The moon was up and it was actually a full moon.
"Didn't Piccolo destroy the moon?" I asked.
"Yes, but somehow it came back. Just like me, even if I ever leave you, I will come back." Vegeta said.
I blushed. Then Vegeta wrapped his arm around me and said "Goodnight Torka."
"Goodnight my Prince." I said and fell asleep in Vegeta's strong arms.

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