Chapter Fifteen: VEGETA THE BABY IS COMING!!!!

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It has been five months and Vegeta was excited, I was nervous. My few friends told me that birth was painful, I was currently in bed reading a book about parenting.
Vegeta is looking for a some small Saiyan armor, Vegeta was hoping for a boy. I didn't mind if the baby was a boy or girl, Vegeta came in the room and smiled at me.
"How are you doing Torka?" Vegeta asked.
"Fine Veggie." I said.
He walked towards me and raised my shirt, my bump was huge now. Vegeta rubbed the bump and kissed my stomach.
"Let's name him Vegeta Junior." Vegeta said.
"I dunno Veggie, I was thinking Goten." I replied.
Vegeta growled and said "It sounds like Kakarot's Earth name."
"Exactly, it's so that we can remember Goku."
"Alright Torka, if it makes you happy then okay." Vegeta said.
I smiled and kissed him, he pulled away and walked out of the room. I resumed reading my book.
Later that day when Vegeta and I were watching Trunks crawl I felt my pants and undies get wet.
Oh crap.
"Vegeta, I think my water just broke." I said.
"What!? But it hasn't been six months yet!" Vegeta exclaimed.
"I know, but my water just broke! Hurry take me to the hospital!" I replied.
Vegeta picked me up bridal style and yelled out "BULMA WATCH TRUNKS WHILE I TAKE TORKA TO THE HOSPITAL!!!!"
Vegeta then blasted off into the sky with me still in his arms.
Vegeta was flying at full speed, but unfortunately for me the closest hospital was 35 miles away. Vegeta growled and went Super Saiyan for more speed.
The air hurt as we torpedoed through the air, Vegeta was roaring as he pushed himself to fly faster.
Suddenly lighting ruptured around Vegeta and his hair got spikier, Vegeta was a Super Saiyan Two like Gohan!
Vegeta roared and was going so fast that I feel my skin starting to bleed, same for Vegeta. Vegeta kept roaring as his speed increased, then I saw the hospital.
"Vegeta down there!" I said.
Vegeta growled and started flying down, then he crashed on the ground on his knees. His hair turned black again and he was exhausted.
"VEGETA THE BABY IS COMING!!!!!" I screamed ok panic.
Vegeta growled and with me still in his arms we ran into the hospital. The lady at the front immediately saw us and quickly called a stretcher and doctors.
The doctors took me out of Vegeta's hands and put me in the stretcher, several security guards wouldn't let Vegeta pass.
He growled and started attacking them, but because he was still exhausted they overpowered him. Vegeta roared and they dragged him outside.
The two doctors strolled me into a room and pulled my pants off along with my panties.
"Mam, we are going to need you to push as hard as you can when we say so got that?" The doctor asked.
I nodded and they spread my legs wide and opened up my vagina to help with the pushing.
"Okay, push!" The doctor said.
I started pushing and let me tell you one thing, that was the worst pain that I've ever felt.
I started pushing harder, I wish Vegeta was here with me.
"Push! The head is out!"
I kept pushing while screaming, then finally I felt the pain subside and heard a baby crying. Before I could see my baby I passed out.
Vegeta's POV
I roared as I punched the security men. Why won't they let me see Torka!? I punched one, he crashed against a car denting it.
Another lunged at me, I kicked his face and threw him at a skyscraper. There were five more, two lunged at me.
I dodged their tackle and punched one in the stomach and then kicked the other one in the face. Suddenly two arms got me from behind and wrapped around my armpits.
I growled and front flipped landing on the man who was on my back crushing him. Two more, I made a weak fireball and threw it at one, it was too weak and just made him crash against two cars.
The last one was scared and coward away, I scoffed at his "bravery" and then ran back inside. I followed the scent of Torka.
I arrived at a room, I opened the door and saw Torka was asleep. The lump in her stomach was gone though, so where was my baby?!
I then heard crying, I ran out the room and followed the sound to a door that said:
I barged right in and saw a doctor was tugging on my son's tail. I roared and yelled "Stop that!"
The doctor looked up at me with a crazed smile and opened his mouth saying "Sir, your son has a tail. This could be my chance to become a famous scientist! If I study your son's insides and figure out why he had a tail, I could become rich!"
The doctor was plain out creepy, his weird smile, weird glasses, weird everything!
I growled and was about to lung at the doctor but he said "Nope, you can't hurt me sir, or I'll kill your son."
I growled and clenched my fist in anger.
I need a plan, the doctor picked up my son. That was when I saw it, my son had Kakarot's hair! I growled in anger as I realized this, did Torka sleep with Kakarot?
The doctor tugged harshly on his tail making him cry louder.
"I said to stop that." I growled out.
The doctor smirked and brought out a knife, he put it against my son's stomach and said "I'll do it if you don't leave."
I growled again and then I got an idea, I went Super Saiyan.
"Huh? How did you do that?" He asked.
I roared and threw a hand in front of me and screamed "BIG BANG!!!!!"
A huge blue blast shot out of my hand and at the doctor, he screamed and I quickly saved my son from the blast.
But I couldn't stop my blast exploding half the hospital.
My son was still crying and firetrucks, police cars, and ambulances arrived no second sooner.
I held my son tightly and walked out of the room. When I walked out of the room I saw patients being evacuated, I ran to Torka's room and saw she was still here.
Suddenly that crazy doctor came barging in here and tackled me down, my son went flying out of arms and landed on the bed with Torka.
Oh no, I used all my energy on that blast. The creepy doctor was bleeding and his clothes were torn, he roared and punched me.
His punches actually hurt, I must be so weak right now. He kept punching me, I growled and caught his fist. He growled and threw his other fist at me, I caught that too.
I roared and smashed my forehead against his. Blood spurt out both of out foreheads, he rubbed his forehead in pain. I got up and kicked his face.
He moaned in pain and got up slowly, I roared and uppercutted his chin. He crashed through the roof and into the room above us.
I flew up there too and grabbed him by his collar, a old man was in here on a bed.
I punched the doctor repeatedly and then threw him at the floor, he coughed up blood. When he got up I kicked his stomach, he gripped his stomach in pain.
He roared and threw a knife at me, I dodged it and punched him again.
The doctor groaned and I noticed the window behind him, I smirked and grabbed his face.
I slammed it multiple times on the glass cracking it, blood was all over his face and by now the old man ran out of the room.
Then I roared and threw him out the window, when he hit the ground he was still alive. I jumped back down the hole in the floor to Torka's room.
Torka and my son weren't there, they were probably evacuated. Good, because this building is about to collapse.
I ran out the room and towards a elevator, it wouldn't work. Oh no! I heard the building making strange noises. It was going to collapse on me.
I hope that I'm the only person in here, I rammed my way through several walls and then I was in the air.
Before I could tell myself to fly the building collapsed and I crashed on the ground cracking it, I got up in pain. I was bloody everywhere, I growled in pain and limped towards where I could feel Torka's chi.
After getting treated by a doctor I flew in the sky and looked around for Torka. I had bandages all over me, the doctor had moved their equipment outside in the parking lot.
I spotted Torka on a bed holding the baby, I smiled and flew down to her. She saw me and smiled at me, she was holding our boy and I asked "Why does he look like Kakarot? Did you two have sex?"
"No Vegeta!" She said.
"The only man I've ever slept with is you!"
I sighed and asked "Why does he look like Kakarot then?"
"I don't know." Torka replied.
I smiled and kissed her forehead and asked "We are still naming him Goten right?"
"Yes Vegeta we are." She said.

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