The Last Generation (Part 10)

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Every Year I remind myself how single Author Chan is single so I come here to remind myself I'm not alone on Valentine's Eve.(Author Chan has started a bucket of Ice Cream and watching the Titanic.*starts crying.*) Another Year Single.

Ladybugs POV: (This is a R.I.P Chapter)

I was swing through the streets of China when I saw a guy in a butterfly suit honestly I feel bad about him. I guess he's part of the team are we all symbols of bugs. I approached the Butterfly Boy and said "So your my Par---." I say as I was rained downed upon by a guy dressed in a cat suit. I groan as I rub my head and look up to see the most gorgeous forest green eyes. (Yes Toms eyes are green.) I was thankful that my suit was red because he couldn't see the red blush forming on my cheeks. The Black cat helped me up and said "Sorry I'm new to the road of superhero's." he said as he rubbed his arm and looked down at the ground. "It's fine my name's Sa-- Ladybug." I say as I rub some dirt off of me. "So superhero Identity's Hmmm how about Black Lynx."He say's as he glances toward the alley entrance. "Sounds cool to me."Said a girl dressed as a peacock. "I'll be La Peon." She said as she shook both mine and Black Lynx's hand. I turn towards Butterfly Boy and say "And you." "What me I didn't sign up for this rodeo I just wanted to give this girl I liked a gift and all of a sudden I'm in a clown suit."

I look at him and say "None of us signed up for this we were chosen to stop a person who captured a miraculous of there own and plan on using it for the wrong reason. So are you gonna help us or not" I see the boy look down and say "Fine I'll be Hawkmoth." he mutters as he was about to walk away a voice was heard behind us. "Why thank you for the Introduction Ladybug." We all turn around to see a girl in a fox like suit. "The names Volpina. I only come for certain jewels. Actually there the jewels your wearing."She smirks as she walks towards La Peon who took a step back. "And if we don't." Black Lynx say's as he moves towards Volpina. "Well I'll have to pry it off your dead body." She chuckles as she continues. "So do we have a deal? Or do you have to die for some pathetic jewels." I step forward and say "One why would you care to have these unless they hold great power that you want more power and two I there is only one of you and four of us. I think this is gonna be a easy battle." Well what I didn't know was I jinked myself.

She snorts and say's "You think I would fight you alone. I guess I'll introduce Queen Wasp." As she say's that another girl walk's in with a bee like suit.......

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