The Last Generation Part 12

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Ladybugs POV:

I was just wanting to know what the hell just happened. "What the Hell was that?" Hawkmoth shouts as I mutter "No clue." I walk towards the alley way to see that Volpina was talking nervously and then all of a sudden my miraculous started to beep. "OK um until we meet again. I've got to go home." I wrap my yoyo around a roof top  when I heard Black Lynx yell "Watch Out!!"

 I turn to see Queen Wasp had made her attempt to attack and almost struck me with her stinger top. I jumped back into the alley way saying " I might not be leaving anytime soon.  I watched Volpina jump into the alley way smiling "You thought I was done didn't you." I only glare and say "And like I said Over My Dead Body." She only shrugs and says "Your wishes are my command." All of a sudden she blew in her flute and a multiple army of her showed up. Black Lynx jumped head first in and when he hit one of them with his baton they disappeared. "There allusions." La Peon said as she joined in. "Meaning there fake." I smiled we fought until I was tackled by Queen Wasp she tried stinging me but I held it with all my strength yelling "Hawkmoth a little help would be nice." He nodded and all of a sudden a white butterfly appeared and he said "Little Akuma help me by controlling Queen Wasp's negative emotions." The butterfly started to approach Queen Wasp who started to back away and run away. "Come back Akuma." He said as the akuma flew in to his staff. Volpina must of had seen Hawkmoth's power because all of her allusions disappeared. I was helped up by Black Lynx who looked concerned saying "You have two minutes." I clasped my earring and ran out of the alley way and into another.

 I looked to see if anyone followed but there was no one so I said "Tikki Spot's Off." Tikki flew out of my earrings and into my hands saying "Why'd you blush?" I rolled my eye's and say "What are you talking about." She only teased and said "I'm talking about Black Lynx I can see everything you know." I only stay silent and feel the butterfly's in my stomach flutter at the sound of his name. As we walked out of the alley way I saw Emilie walk my way yelling "You made it to the market place early for once." I smile and walk towards her when I heard some annoying boy yell "Hey there Milady."

HEHEHEHEHEHE I think its funny don't you. Cliffhanger hehhehehehehe A funny word.

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