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A/n before we start I have a few rules:
•Don't swear in the comments, any inappropriate comments will be deleted.
•Please be kind to one another! Please don't tear each other down, instead say something nice ☺️

Also this is a fanfiction, all rights belong to Cross-Warrior except for the ones I created. Happy reading! Please let me know what you think!


Many know about faes and fairies, dark and light magic, curses and gifts. But what everyone is forgotten about is the third, most powerful being that harnesses magical abilities. The genie.

Genies are thought to be just a myth or legend, little do they know that one still remains.


The streets of Cabra were silent, then again most places are at one thirty in the morning.

Strangely enough, two men on horse back quietly rode past the last row of houses in the edge of the the city. Once they were out of the city limits the men took off galloping into the hills of the countryside.

They stopped three miles away from the hub of the city. The first man walked up to the hillside. He placed a beatle shaped medallion on the ground and jogged back to his companion.

The medallion began to glow and separate into pieces. The different parts crawled apart forming a horseshoe shape on the hillside. A rumble flowed through the ground as the medallion pieces formed into the mouth of a strange cave.

The second man, who had remained silent, walked up to the entrance to the cave cautiously.

"Who dares to enter the Sacred Caverns!" a dark voice cried out.

The hill transformed into the head of a dragon, his mouth being the cave.

The man stood awestruck, his words came out shakily. "It is I, Taman of Cabra."

"Enter," the dragon growled as he opened his great maws.

Taman stepped inside warily, but as soon as he got past the first step his confidence grew. Before he could even move toward the second step, the dragon snapped his mouth shut, trapping the man.

"To reach the treasures my Caverns, you must bring me the diamond in the rough." The dragon faded back into a grass covered hillside. The medallion pieces glowed once again as they reformed into their original shape.

"Another failure," the man sighed while he remounted his stallion. He wheeled his horse around and raced back to the awakening city.


The Crest house bustled with activity as the ladies prepared themselves for yet another royal ball. The Sultan of Adali was hosting a summer ball for his son's birthday.

Edris saw this as another opportunity to try to find a proper suitor for her eldest daughter, Hazel.

But not every member of the family was thrilled at the idea of another three day long party. Piper, Edris' youngest daughter, was disappointed that she have to spend another three days in room full of snobby nobles in a stuffy dress.

Breaking herself out of her thoughts, Piper smoothed out her red gown. She anxiously twirled one of her auburn tendrils around her finger. Ever since her thirteenth birthday her mother made her fuss over herself even more than before. Edris wanted her daughter to be the pristine example of a proper lady.

Piper was not enjoying it.

Before Ashlin went off to live in the castle, Piper adored her mother. Piper used to drink in Edris' words like a fish that returned to water after being in the desert for six days.

Things were different now.

After Edris locked up Ash like some prisoner and trying to deny the prince his mysterious lady,. The fact that her mother was so cold and willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants no matter who she hurt or what lives she destroyed along way disgusted her. Piper could never look at her mother the same.

Piper finished pinning up her hair and walked downstairs to join her sister and mother. Though something told her that things were not going the way she was expecting.

"Are we ready to go?" Piper asked trying to keep up the facade of being the happy daughter.

Edris' eyes darkened, "Piper, you will not be attending the ball. You're recent behavior has made you unfit for attending a formal gathering."

"What do you mean 'recent behavior'?"

"Where shall I start. Perhaps the constant running around the property, jump the brook, or climb the trees. Oh how about how you prank the servants." Edris was fuming at this point, "is that any way a lady should be acting?"

"No Mother," Piper mumbled. "But I just don't see why I have to act like a lady, I'm just a kid still and I want to have fun."

"Fun is not what is important, what is important is that you can become a suitable bride."

"I don't care about that! The right man should like me just the way I am." Piper's face had now turned the same shade of red as her gown.

"That is it, I have put up with your repulsive attitude for long enough." Edris grabbed Piper's arm and dragging her up to her room. Edris pushed Piper in and locked the door.

"You are staying in there until you learn how to properly conduct yourself," said her mother from the other side of the door. Edris turned on her heel and ordered the servants, under no circumstances were they to let her out.

Piper groaned as she flopped onto her bed. Most of her interactions with her mother had been this way for the past few months.

This is exactly what happened to Ashlin! thought Piper. If she got out, so can I.

Piper shot from her bed and ran to her closet. She pulled out a simple dark green dress and quickly changed into it. Smiling at the comfort of her favorite dress, she made her way to the window.

Piper's room was on the second floor, but that wouldn't stop her from climbing down the side of the house. Carrying only a messenger bag filled with a few necessary items and a grey cloak, Piper began to slip out the window.

It was a lot easier in her head versus actually climbing down the side of a building. She managed to get level with the first floor by simply grabbing onto the grapevines that crawled up the wall, unfortunately that's where her luck stopped.

"Oh no no no, please don't," Piper begged as the vines began to separate from the brick.


Piper landed safely in the gasp of the lilac bush below, snapping only twenty braches in the process. Despite her aching body, Piper slipped out of the bush as quickly as possible.

Piper snuck through the garden and made her way to the front gate. This was one of the moments she was very thankful that scaling the fence was one of her skills.

Once past the fence she knew from then on out she would be on the run. To Piper, the risk was worth it, not knowing her actions would impact millions of lives...

Including that of a thousand year old genie.


Hola guapos! I hope you have enjoyed the first part of my entry for the Midnight contest held by Cross-Warrior.

Questions? Thoughts? Concerns? All of the above? I will accept any constructive criticism, just please don't be mean.

Chapterly question: what is your favorite childhood Disney Princes movie?

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