Chapter 0

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3rd. Pov.

Kuoh A city of devils and debauchery. Many people here are only trying to fulfill their greatest desires. Not manty people are genuinely kind. We see an elderly woman in her backyard working on her garden when her husband came out of their home with a pitcher in one hand and a couple of glasses in the other.

Man: Hi honey. I brought lemonade.

Woman: Thank you dear. I suppose a break would be nice.

As they sat down they looked out and gazed at the sky with smiles on their faces. As time passed it was starting to get dark.

Woman: It's getting dark. Let's head on inside dear. 

Man: Alright.

As they were about to enter a low rumbling was heard. They looked around trying to figure out what it was. Suddenly, the wind began to pick up Suddenly a vortex appeared in their backyard. After some time a monster came out of it. It stood on two feet with a large head and tail.

It seemed confused until it saw the elderly couple. It growled at them and slowly approached them. Just as it was about to lunge at them another vortex appeared. This time instead of another monster a figure wearing a cloak with a giant sword comes out. He stumbles around a bit until he lunges at the monster. The monster roars and charges at the figure, attempting to bit them. The figure slides under it and slashes at its legs. The monster roars in pain as the figure jumps in the air and stabs his sword into its back. The monster goes limp as some kind of black mist starts to come from it. After some time he drew his sword and a giant shadow appeared underneath it as it sunk into it. After it completely sank into the shadow it disappeared. The figure dropped their sword and collapsed. The man and the woman were horrified at what just happened. The woman however slowly approached the figure as her husband was trying to stop her. Once she reached the figure she kneeled down and pulled the hood of the cloak back. The woman gasped at the sight. Beneath the cloak was a boy with black hair who looked no old than 17. She called over her husband for help. As the two got the boy inside the husband noticed that the boys sword was still on the ground. He went to pick it up, but when he touched it he yelled in pain, retracting his arm. It felt as though something was taking a bite out of him. He decided to leave the sword alone and help the boy.

??? Pov.

It's so dark, but also so warm. Where am I? Who am I. I can feel something soft on my head. And, I can hear someone's voice. Who is that. It doesn't sound familiar. I need to open my eyes or at least move something. My eyes slowly started to open. It was a bit blurry, but I caught a glimpse of a woman cleaning my face with a damp towel. 

???: Shhhh. It's ok. You're safe. Just get some sleep.

I don't know why, but that voice sounded comforting. My eyes grew heavy and I closed them once again.

Dream Pov.

It was raining, but there were still some flames on the ground and some metal structures. Many people were screaming and running away. There were some people who were charging towards a massive dust cloud. From the dust cloud was a massive roar and two glowing eyes. I felt someone grab my hand and looked to my side. It was a girl, but I couldn't see her face.

???: It's going to be alright. We're going home Y/N. Together.

I was confused. Was that my name? She charged forward with the others as she carried her massive weapon. I just stood there wanting to follow her, but my legs wouldn't move. I heard growling from behind me. I see some massive monster staring at me.

 I look down to my hands and see a similar weapon in my hand. I don't know why, but when I looked back at it I felt this rage build up within me. I roared and charged at the monster before me until a bright light overtook me vision.

Y/N Pov.

I opened my eyes and see that I'm in what appears to be a Livingroom. I'm lying down on the couch with a damp rag on my forehead. I took the rag off and sat up and looking around trying to figure out where I was. I stood up and looked out a window to see a neighborhood. I then smelled something delicious. I went towards the scent and saw a man cooking. He looked busy so I went back to the couch and sat down. I looked on the coffee table and saw a book that had a plain cover. I opened it and saw that it was a photo album. It had pictures of a couple in different locations. They seemed so happy. Suddenly I hear a voice behind me. It was the same one from before.

???: Oh! You're awake.

I looked behind me and saw an elderly woman standing with a plate in her hands.

???: I thought you'd be hungry so I brought you some breakfast. My husband made it. She places it in front of me as I just stare at it in wonder. I've never seen something with such variety. There was toast, eggs, some bacon, and a glass of juice. I picked up the silverware and took a bite of the food. It tasted amazing. I ate so fast I started to choke on my food. I was hitting my chest until I washed it down with the juice. After some time passed I finished my food. The old lady came back into the room With a cup of tea in her hands ands sits down in a chair.

???: How was your meal.

Y/N: It was good.

???: Good. Now how about we introduce ourselves to each other. My name is Chifuya.

Chifuya: It's nice to meet you. May I ask you for your name?

Y/N: My name Y/N.

Chifuya: Well it's nice to meet you Y/N. I must thank you for saving me and my husband from that monster.

Y/N: Monster?

Chifuya:That thing that attacked us last night.

Y/N: I don't remember any of that. Actually I don't remember anything. I had a weird dream though. I could have been some of my memories.

Chifuya: It looks like you're suffering from amnesia.

Y/N: What's that?

Chifuya: It's when you have a large portion of you memories missing.

Y/N: What!? But, I need to know what happened  to me!

Chifuya: Woah. Calm down. There's no need to worry. There have been cases where memories have been recovered over time. All you need is to be patient.

Y/N: Really?

Chifuya: Yes. Now please take a seat and calm down. Take a deep breath.

Y/N: A-Alright. I sat back down and tried to calm down. A second voice was then heard from the side.

???: Is everything alright in here? I heard screaming.

Chifuya: Everything is just fine dear. Y/N here was just worried that his memories wouldn't come back to him.

???: Oh. Don't worry kiddo. These kind of things are only temporary. Oh, where are my manners My name's Satoshi.

Satoshi: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

Chifuya: Now That that's out of the way, my husband and I have decided to let you stay here. At least until you can figure out how to get home.

Y/N: You don't have to do that.

Satoshi: Nonsense. It's the least we could do after saving our lives.

Y/N: I did what?

Satoshi: You really don't remember?

I shook my head nd looked down.

Satoshi: Hey, it's alright if you don't remember. We can help you, or at least make some new memories if we can't.

I looked up at them as they smiled gently at me.

Y/N: Why are you two being so nice to me?

Satoshi: Why not?

Y/N: Huh?

Chifuya: Isn't it natural to help those in need?

Satoshi: She's right. If someone calls for help, it's only natural to do the right thing and help them.

Y/N: It is, but what if you get hurt?

Satoshi: Well helping someone is never easy. It's only obvious that you'll get hurt along the way. The best thing you can do is lick your wounds and do your best. Now, we decided to enroll you in the school. You'll be going in a few days. In the mean time why don't we go out and get you familiarized with the town.

Y/N: You don't have to do all of this for me.

Chifuya: True, but we want to. Now let's get you outside. Grab what you need and let's be on our way.

Y/N: Ok.


Y/N got up and went to the kitchen with his dishes. While he did that Satoshi and Chifuya looked at hi with gentle smiles on their faces.

Chifuya: Such a gentle soul.

Satoshi: Even though he has a giant sword.

Chifuya: Did you ever manage to get it out of the backyard?

Satoshi: Not yet. Whenever I touch it it feels like something is biting into my hand. I'll try wrapping it in some cloth later.

Moments later Y/N comes back and all three of them go out and enjoy their day. Meanwhile in the underworld the four devil kings are sitting around a table discussing their duties.

Sirzechs: So that's the last of it. Anything else that we missed?

Beelzebub: We've located the source of the strange power output.

Serafall: Where is it?

Beelzebub: It was located in Kuoh.

Sirzechs: It could be Rias or Sona and their perrage's.

Beelzebub: That's what I thought at first, but the energy output was different then that of magic.

Asmodeus: What do you mean? How is it different?

Beelzebub: It was almost like a tear in reality, similar to that of a portal.

Sirzechs: I'll inform Rias and Sona to keep an eye out for anything that could be connected. Aside from that let's keep each other informed if anymore anomalies pop up.

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