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Ch. 3: Tape

Once all the heroes were gathered, Batman put the tape in.
Robin popped up on the screen. 
"Okay. Hello! Uhm.. the tape was found while someone was cleaning out my room which most likely means I'm dead." Robin said.
Tears started flowing down most of the heroes's cheeks.  
"If I am dead, I don't want any one to loose any sleep over me. I want you all to keep going. DON'T blame yourselves. i don't care if it was an accident or not. DO NOT blame yourselves or else I will come back from the dead and kick your asses!" Robin threatened with a smile.
The heroes laughed a bit till it got sad again.
"But the real reason for this tape is to say "goodbye" and to tell you that hidden around the world, there are other boxes like this. They all have something in them. The catch? You have to solve the riddles. AND NO HELP FROM ANY ONE BUT HEROES!! That's cheating and I will know if you cheat." Robin's masked eyes narrowed. 
"Anywho! The first riddle:
I am up in the sky.
But I'm not that high.
I am in a city, not dark but light. 
Only one hero but many villians, but this city lets other supers in.
It's the sister city to another." Robin said.
"Figure it out, find the box, open it. But be warned the next riddles will get harder with each box you open." Robin said.
The heroes started to ponder over the riddle, but they didn't get far before Robin said something else.
"And Batman? I love you, Tati!" Robin said his head crocked to the side, a large smile on his face, and his hands making a heart. 
With that the video stopped on Robin's smiling face.
Everyone looked over to find tears rolling down Batman's face. 
"Let's find this box." Batman said. 

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