Chapter 1

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The rain fell heavily. Despite the loud booms of the thunders, everyone slept without any problem.

Raijin from the other side... had a hard time sleeping. He just kept tossing and turning, trying to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes, he opened them again startled by the thunders.

This night however, the rain wasn't the only thing he heard. He sat up when hearing a whaling sound, that looked like a roar at the same time. Whatever it was, it sounded... scared.

All these kept Rai awake the whole stormy night.

Another normal day. The kids where already outside, playing. Rai was sitting aside, looking himself in a puddle of water.

"Hey Rai, do you want to play with us?"

"No, I... I just want time to think.", he responded. The other kids just lifted their shoulders and left to play.

Rai got up and walked up a hill, where he had a view of his village. It was lost in a big valley. He was always told stories of a big, flying creature coming and kidnapping people to take them to the Master of the Valley. Now it was nothing more than stories. But the creature wasn't.

How was it called? Toriko... No Trico, it's called Trico, Rai thought to himself. He didn't know much about it.

The Trico was said to be huge. Real huge. Feathered body, dog like face but with a beak like mouth, and bird like legs and also had wings. That's all he knew about it.

Then in his mind came again the sound he heard last night. A whaling roar. It wasn't heavy voice, but seemed to belong to a young animal.


Here it was again. The same sound as the previous night. Rai stood up immediately and turned around. The sound was coming from the forest in the other side of the hill. The boy cautiously walked down the hill and the trees surrounded him.


The sound was heard closer and it was shorter this time.

It sounds so sad and scared... What it might be?, Rai thought, following some scratching like sounds now. They came from a hollow under the roots of a tree.

Rai crouched to look inside. A pair of purple glowing eyes was seen.

The animal had a long, feathery body. Its legs tall and bird like. Its long tail and head had fur. The creature's horn were glowing too. Two small wings were moving over its back.

It was a baby Trico.

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