Chapter 4: The Zombie Parade

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The next day, the heroes and kids went out into the town to do something fun. Quint, Cisco, Ray, and Barry created two vehicles for the heroes to use here so they won't have to all fit in Big Mama. Cisco named them Colossus and Brutus. Colossus was the the black one with blow on it, fireworks missiles, bottle-rocket launchers, butter-slick slingers, and shuriken shooter. Brutus was painted forest green with gold flames. It was armed with the same thing but instead of a shuriken shooter, it has chain gun that fires tennis balls on the top. These vehicles were truly useful just as Big Mama is.

The kids were driving in Big Mama and Oliver, Cisco, Sara, Mick, Flasheart, Hotspur, and Freddy riding Colossus with them. Barry and Kara ran/flew along with them. The rest decided to stay back and guard the area.

"When the whole world has been turned into a nutso post—apocalyptic crazy land, you always got to be ready." Jack narrated.

"Who is he talking to?" June asked.

"I don't know." Quint answered while eating chips and threw a chip to Rover. They finally stopped by parking to a building.

"Between bone-crushing monsters and mysterious missing zombies, there's one thing you can say about being the last kids left in this crazy world along with superheroes. It ru—" Jack narrated before being cut off.

"It rules!" June finishing Jack as they all rush in to play some bowling, even the heroes except Oliver, Mick and Hotspur played.

"Hey! That was my line!" Jack said.

"You were busy doing a weird movie announcer voice. Race you to the snacks!" June said as she and Barry rush to the snacks.

"Dibs on —" Jack started.

"All the bowling shoes!" Quint exclaimed looking at all the shoes for bowling.

"Guys, you're about to make a lot of friends. [laughs]." He said to his shoes.

Everyone was having fun eating, drinking and bowling. Oliver, Mick, and Hotspur just stood guard.

"The entire bowling alley, just for me, my buds, and our superhero pals. Championship bowler, Jack Sullivan, lines up, centers himself, and——" Jack said as he was about to bowl and ends up slipping throwing the bowling ball into the shoes rack, knocking Quint and the shoes down.

"My babies! Now I'll never be able to find my size." Quint complains.

"Pfft! Let me show you how it's done." June said.

"Same here with me." Sara said as she and June press the button to bring down new pins, but instead of pins, it brings down zombie bowlers. Oliver, Mick, and Hotspur saw this and quickly sprang into action, so did the rest of the heroes.

"Uh-oh." June said as they back up.

"I think we found some of the missing zombies." Quint said.

"It's worse than that. It's League Night!" Dirk said.

"Spread out!" Oliver shouts as they all fight the zombies. Each of them fighting these zombies with whatever they got.

"What do we do, Dingus? There's a gazillion of'em!" Dirk asked Jack. He looks at his slicer, the pins and gets a idea.

"Huh! Dirk! Batter up!" Jack shouts. Dirk then begins to throw pins at his as Jack swings them at the zombies, knocking them all down except one.

"Aw, that should have been a strike." Jack said as Rover tackles it down and more down.

"Good boy, Rover. Hey, Quint, Freddy, you see that? Quint? Freddy?" Jack said.

"Over here Jack!" Quint and Freddy said waving at them. As they did, they failed to notice a zombie behind them. They noticed and fall on the ground to be surrounded by zombies. Freddy fires Energy balls at them but they were too many.

"Stay away! These are high in saturated fat!" Quint shouted as he holds up a bag of chips. Aaah!"

"Quint!" Jack shouted.

"Freddy!" Flasheart shouted. The two rush over to knock the zombies away. Two zombies were about to take a bite in Quint and Freddy.

"QUINT!" Jack yelled.

"SON!" Flasheart yelled.

Before the zombies could sink its teeth into Quint and Freddy a loud shrieking sound filled the air, calling the zombies to it.

"The shrieking." Jack said. They all watch as the zombies walk to the source of the sound. Quint and Freddy were fine and sighed in relief. Flasheart rushed over to Freddy to see if he was okay.

"Are you okay, Freddy?" Flasheart asked worried.

"Yes, relax dad. I'm fine." Freddy said comforting his dad who was freaking out a bit. Flasheart then pulls him into a big hug which almost choked Freddy.

"Thank goodness you're okay." Flasheart said. Jack walked up to Quint panicking a bit.

"You——you——th-they almost—— You're ok!" Jack stutters as he hugs Quint.

"[chocking] I was." Quint said as he tries to breath.

"Sorry." Jack said as he lets go. Dirk walks over with a golden trophy.

"Huh, guess that's game." Dirk said as he chugs down a drink in the cup. They then headed back to the treehouse where the other heroes are.

"Well, that was creepier than I expected. And I expected a solid eight on the creepy scale." Dirk said as he, June, and Sara walked together.

"Did you see how the zombies reacted to the shrieking? It was like dogs hearing a dog whistle or something." June said.

"Whatever it is, we need to find it." Kara said.

"Yes, that was most peculiar in...deed?" Quint said as he sees Jack acting as a stool for him.

"Hey, buddy. Just checking on the car for anything that might kill you. Zombies, monsters, rusty nails. Eh, you can't be too careful." Jack said.

"Thanks? I suppose?" Quint said.

"We gotta revise our theories on the disappearing zombies, Dirk and Kara. I really thought my Cryptosaurus Rex hypothesis was on the money." June said.

"And I guess I was wrong about alien abductions. No offense, Kara." Dirk said.

"None taken." Kara replied.

"What do you think, Brainiac?" Dirk asked Quint.

"I'd like to do some real observation, possibly set up a control group of zombies. And maybe— Jack, what are you doing?" Quint said as Jack was carrying him.

"The ground is very uneven over here. You could sprain an ankle. Then it gets infected. Next thing you know, I'm getting out the saw. I blame Dirk and June's terrible groundskeeping skills." Jack said as he cradles Quint.

"What?! Hey! Jinx!" Dirk and June said.

"Jack, put me down. Why are you acting like my nanny all of a sudden?" Quint asked him. Even the heroes were finding this awkward.

"Pfft. I'm not acting like your nanny." He then cleans off dirt off Quint's face. "Besides, it's way past your bedtime. Let's get you a warm glass of milk and hug you in a hand..." Jack stopped when Quint gave him a look. Same with Oliver, Barry, Cisco, Kara, Sara, Flasheart and the others.

"Oh, all right, fine! You're almost dead city a few minutes ago! It's freaking me out and me hyperventilate and I'd breathe into a paper bag if there were one lying around here... [inhales] but there's not, no thanks to Dirk and June's over-the-top excellent groundskeeping skills." Jack said.

"Hmm? Jinx again!" June and Dirk said.

"Jack, relax. Being almost dead city is the norm, but the key word is "almost." Quint said as he's walking down the plank over the moat of the treehouse.

"He's right, Jack. Come on take it easy. Plus you got us to protect you." Barry said. Jack then imagines zombies climbing out of the moat about to attack Quint.

"Quint! No!" Jack shouted as he tackles Quint away from the imaginary zombies.

"Jack! What are you doing?" Cisco asked.

"Quint, are you okay?" June asked.

"Nothing a long, hot bath with a cure." Quint said.

"Uh, we don't have a bathtub." Dirk said.

"Gross." Oliver said.

"Hmph! Then I am not okay." Quint said as he storms off.

"Maybe we have one in our houses?" Barry said. Jack watches them leave, still worried about Quint. Later that night, everyone was sleeping. Barry, Oliver, Kara, Sara, Cisco, Flasheart, Freddy, and Hotspur were sleeping in the treehouse with Jack, Quint, Dirk, and June. Jack woke up from having a nightmare about losing Quint. He decides to get some fresh air by heading out to the deck pass everyone sleeping.  He looks down at Rover sleeping and "accidentally" wakes him up by hitting him with a ball. Rover wakes up startled at looks at Jack.

"Oh, Rover, you're awake! [nervous laugh] look at us, just a pair of the night owls. Might as well come up." He said. Rover gave him a look. Jack pours him and Rover a drink while he looks at the stars.

"I don't know why I'm so jumpy lately. I know it bugs everyone, but I just, like, worry, ya know?" Jack said to Rover as he finished pouring a drink/snack for Rover.

"I guess it's just that Quint and Dirk and June and me feel like this awesome crew...which makes me majorly super petrified. And now that we have superheroes fighting alongside us now, it makes me feel a little better, but they too could get turned into zombies or worse." He said. He then stands up looking at the view of the town.

"I've got to protect them." Rover nodded in agreement. "I'm gonna lock 'em all up in this treehouse so none of them can ever, ever leave! Not even if they ask." He said darkly. Rover whimpers and shakes his head 'No' in disagreement.

"Yeah, I mean, I'll still feed them and they'll get sunshine on the weekends, if they behave, and... Yeah, no, I heard it as soon as I said it. That was creepy." Jack admitted. Then all of a sudden, the shrieking started again.

"[gasps] The shrieking. It's starting again!" Jack said as he rushed to the telescope. He looked through it to see zombies following the source of the shrieking.

"It's like some sort of zombie summoner! That's it." He said as he gathered his backpack and weapon with Rover walking to the elevator.

"I may not be able to hide my friends from danger..."the elevator takes them down ground. "and we both agree I definitely can't lock them up but I can figure out the source of the shrieking. Let's go! Just you and——" He suddenly gets tackled by something.

"Aah! The zombie summoner got me!" Jack wailed.

"Jack! It's me, Quint." Quint said.

"Quint?! You're the zombie summoner? Why?" Jack asked.

"I'm not a zombie summoner." Quint said as he fixes his robe.

"Oh. Well, then, why'd you tackle me? You can't just go around tackling people like that." Jack said.

"You tackled me this afternoon!" Quint reminded him.

"Oh, weird, I don't remember that." Jack replied.

"I tackled you to stop you. I know you want to protect us, but we're also all rather talented heroes in our own right... I'm coming with you!" Quint said.

"What?! No way!" Jack said.

"Come on, Jack. With the two of us, what's the worst that could happen?" Quint said. Then Jack imagines zombies gathering around him and a giant monster toad grabbed him by the tongue and ate him.

"Toad!" Jack yelled and tackles Quint/toad to the ground.

"Why do you keep doing that?! And did you just yell "toad?" Quint said.

"I keep imaging bad stuff." Jack said.

"Well, stop it! Now it's just the two of us, or I wake up Dirk, June, and the League, and it's the group of us." Quint said.

"We're coming too."

The two jump in fear, they turn around to see Flasheart and Freddy awake standing behind them.

"No way guys. Besides, Rover only fits two on his back." Jack said.

"Who said anything about us riding Rover?" Flasheart asked.

The two click their Moonbands and begin to change, Jack, Quint, and River watched their transformation. Then in a puff a smoke, they transformed into their werewolf forms.

"Whoa! So cool!" Jack said.

"What a amazing sight to see." Quint said.

"Thanks. So, we are coming or like Quint said, we'll wake everyone." Freddy said.

"Ahh, fine. But change out of your weird bathrobe Shark slipper outfit." Jack said to Quint. Then the shrieking sound happens again.

"No time! Let us make haste!" Quint said. The two with Rover and the two werewolves set off after the shrieking. Soon they were down the road of the town.

"So, Quint, don't you think it's a little chilly for a robe?" Jack asked.

"Oh, yay. Nanny Jack is back." Quint complained.

"No. I got your point about us all being heroes, and I've taken it in." Jack said. Just as he finished, handcuffed criminal zombies came out of a truck walked to them. Rover, Flasheart, and Freddy got into fighting positions.

"No—o—o—o! Leave Quint out of this! He's an innocent guy in a fuzzy bathrobe! Take me instead![sobs]" Jack cried. The shrieking echoed again calling the zombies to it.

"[panting] Hoo! Right, the shrieking. Heh. [gasping] Ih, I really want a paper bag to breathe into." Jack said.

"Are you okay, Jack?" Freddy asked.

"Yes. Yes, I am. You know what we need? A higher vantage point." Jack said pointing at the mountain cliffs.

Meanwhile back the treehouse, the others were still sleeping when the doors are burst opened by the force of the shrieking.

"Huh? What? Uhh! Huh? What? Hey! You woke me up! What? Jinx! Ah! Well, if you didn't wake me up it must have been..." Dirk and June said as they are woken up along with the other heroes. They look up to hear nothing else.

"Hey! Where are Quint and Jack?" They both said.

"Hey." Dirk began before June covered his mouth.

"I can't take us jinxing each other anymore. It's too weird. Huh?" June said. Dirk just mumbled. Dirk took her hand off his mouth and spoke.

"Unh. Agreed." Dirk said.

"I agree with you two jinxing each other." Hotspur said.

"Did Quint and Jack seriously take off without us?" June asked as they walk outside.

"Looks like the booger brothers took Rover, too." Dirk said looking down at the ground.

"It also looks like my brother and his son went with them as well." Hotspur said.

"But where would they go in the middle of the night?" June asked. Then the shrieking echoed again catching their attention.

"The shrieking!" They all said. Dirk gave June a look.

"I'll allow that one." June said.

"Come on, they couldn't have gone far." Oliver said as they prepare to follow them. Hotspur then clicked his Moonband and changed into his werewolf form.

"Whoa, so awesome!" Dirk said as he saw him transform.

"So cool, Hotspur." June said.

"Thank you, now come on." Hotspur said as they prepare to follow.

Meanwhile with the two kids and the two werewolves, they arrived at a graveyard on the mountain.

"Here we go." Jack said as they entered the graveyard.

"The graveyard? Isn't a graveyard, by definition, zombie central?" Quint said.

"I agree, zombies with no doubt about it be here." Flasheart said.

"Nah, all the zombies are following the shrieking. Besides, it's one of the highest points in Wakefield." Jack said as he and Quint get off Rover.

"We'll be able to see the whole town from that tomb over there." Jack said pointing at the highest tomb in the graveyard. They push over the gate doors open and walk to the tomb. Rover then rubs his side against a tomb that breaks.

"Sorry, Ethel Crumb Bean. Rover. You stay here, bud. But stay alert!" Jack ordered Rover who nodded  with confidence.

"We'll be right back." Jack said as they continue to walk. As soon as they turned around, Rover rolled on his back and began to sleep. The four continued to walk through the graveyard while still feeling creeped out.

"Man. Do you think that after you'd seen monsters come through a portal in the sky, a graveyard would be less creepy. Turns out—" Jack said.

"—Just as creepy." Quint finished.

"Agreed." Freddy said. They finally made it to the tomb covered in vines. Just as Quint and Freddy were about to climb up, Jack and Flasheart stopped them.

"Hey, you know what? You two stay down here while we climb this totally—not—dangerous, totally—not—high—up, easy-peasy mausoleum thingy." Jack said.

"[sighs] fine." Quint and Freddy said.

"Kay, great! BRB." Jack and Flasheart then climbed on top to get a better view to locate the zombies.

"Whoa. That's a lot of zombies." Flasheart said.

"There's so many. They're everywhere. It's like the Thanksgiving Day Zombie Parade. Literally." Jack said as he sees parade zombies walking with the others. Jack snapped a few pics of the zombies.

"Wow." Jack said.

"Indeed." Flasheart said.

"Jack. Flasheart. Are you able to see where they're headed?" Quint asked.

Yep. They're headed, uh, that way?" Jack said pointing in the direction where they're headed to.

"Great! We're coming up!" Quint said as he and Freddy climb up.

"No! Quint! Freddy! I don't want anything to happen to you two." Jack said.

"Freddy, I think you'll be safer down there." Flasheart said.

"Just stay down there where it's safe." Jack added.

"Aha! I knew that's the reason you wanted us to stay dow——" Quint said before he and Freddy are force pushed into some tombs from a bang in the tomb.

"Quint!" Jack yelled.

"Freddy!" Flasheart yelled.

A giant eyeball monster with spiked quills on it growled at the two. It then opened it's eye revealing it's sharp teeth mouth.

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