The Sweet Truth

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"What do you mean by that"? I asked. That was a very absurd way of questioning but it was only because he asked me a weird question. "Yes. Sorry. My bad". He said looking back at me. I was dumbfounded trying to figure out the meaning of what he had asked. He smiled. I don't think that smile had a reason but it got me into deeper thoughts than before. "Well...Shoko..." he started while picking up the glass pieces. "Is my good friend. Have you ever met him"? He asked me. "I think I haven't". I replied. That was true. I don't remember anyone by the Shoko as a friend of mine. "Then how do you know his name and that he his my friend"? He asked. "Well... I didn't really know that he was someone you knew but his name...I... heard it in my dream..." I hesitated.

"Dream. Yeah. That's a good one. Ever visited a doctor". He said while still piling the glass pieces. "Why is that here"? I asked. "You sound crazy. Ever heard of the psychics"? He asked. "What's that got to do with anything"? I asked. "Well. Dreams, names, that makes no sense. I think you are just tired". He said. "But I never met Shoko". I said with such an arguing tone. He threw the pieces in the bin and looked back at me. "Maybe, maybe not". He said. It was around 7 pm when I got up to leave. "Leaving already"? He asked. "Well, it's been four hours literally". I said. "Take care". He said. I waved goodbye and he closed the door from behind me.

It took me another hour to reach home. "You are late. I had dinner". Yuri yelled. "I am already exhausted Yuri and today it's your turn to clean up the utensils". I said. "Get dressed atleast big sis, I'll set the table for you". She said. After I had the dinner my sister had cooked I went back to my laptop. It was around 11 pm and my sister was asleep in the other room. I scrolled back in my website to read Yen's reply carefully. I didn't care to read it earlier because I was overexcited when I discovered the fact we both live in Japan.

It read:
I and Naomi play different in different places. We are both not together right now so performing a duet will be difficult. But I assure you that we'll soon make it upto you friends and perform another duet as early as possible.
Regards, Yen Smeare.

That reply was so pale and not confirmed. And Yen's words were stuck in my head, Things about the psychics and about visiting a doctor and about me being crazy. The next morning I visited my personal doctor. My aunt. "Ohayo, Aunt Suez". I said. "Uss"! She said smiling back at me. She did my regular check up. "Aunt. Is it possible for a person to be a psychic"? I asked her. "Not proved". She replied. I walked out. I was Thinking about my dream and Yen's words my entire walk to home.

My head stopped helping me.
It was hurting. I bent down. Sat there on the thick, green grass of the field (I had reached the field by that time). I screamed. Faces came in front of my eyes. Names were heard. I pulled myself up and instead of turning back to my aunt I rushed for Yen's home. I remember I had rung the bell hard. "Coming"! His voice came from inside. The door opened. "You again okay"? He asked. I didn't reply, couldn't reply. I fell off on the wooden floor. "Hey. You don't look alright. He picked me by my arms and lay me on his bed (a thin single bed in the drawing room).

"What had happened? You okay"?
"Who are Aaya mitzuha, Kenta tararo, Mia jun and Shoko haroho"? I asked. Some names. These names. I knew the names. The story behind every name. But the question was how. "Yen Smeare". I added. Yen looked at me simply. No replies, no doubts, no questions, no weird expressions. Just stared at me simply. After a long silence he said. "Hida Takayama's school for first to ninth grade. Friends. Games on the field. Transfer of schools..." before he could say anymore, I started. "You had transferred school. Shoko, Aaya, Mia, Kenta and I cried to the maximum. That day. That meeting, he was going to fall off the cliff. Shoko was going to. I...." I could speak no more. Something pressed my voice inside. I remember something I never even experienced, people I never even met.

"You finally remember us". Yen added. "Where is he"? I asked as if I was too confident about Yen knowing whom I'm talking about. "Welsmens weary house". He replied. Something told me to just run. Run to that place. It took me hours. I was tired. Exhausted. But I ran. My shoe came out. It rolled down and fell on the field but I didn't care to pick it up. To go there. My legs were hurting but I ran and ran. I didn't stop. I knew the place was far but I wanted to visit. Visit Shoko. I knew them. All of them. Our memories when we were young. Our tiny jokes and major laughs. Our walks home and the ice cream parlour. I remembered. I recalled everything. Us. Our friendship. Everything. How could I forget.

My feet were sore from running with no shoes on. My nails broke midway. I stopped at a distance. I could hear someone pouring down water on the fields. It was....he looked up. The water can he was holding fell. Water spilled unevenly. He took few steps ahead and so did I. Our visions got clearer. Shoko. Shoko was there. He came running towards me and so did I. Went running towards him. It was a miracle. We hugged. Yen stood there at a distance smiling. Smiling with tears.

"Naomi". Shoko said. "I thought you would never come back". He added. "Say no more. I am here for you. For our friends. For us". I replied. He held my hand and said "now everything is gonna be fine".

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