Chapter 7

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"What a freak!" A boy yelled as he pulled 9-year-old Yuki's hair harder, "Stop! Grandma will make you regret this! She water bends!" Yuki cried out trying to get out of the boy's grip.

Yuki felt cold frozen water splash over her as the hairs of her back stood making her shiver down her spine, "Let go of me!" She screamed in horror,

The kids continued laughing as they spilled more frozen water inside her clothes and threw mud on her school uniform, "Where is your grandma, ha? She's not here, freak! And she will never be!" he yelled as he covered Yuki's eyes with his stinky old socks.

"Stop right there or else I will murder you!" A girl in sport shorts and a white hoodie approached them running, her hair pulled into a ponytail bounced as she got closer "Get lost! I will make you regret this so bad that you'll wish you were never born!" she yelled in a mocking tone,

"Are you threatening us?! Ha! Grab her, she'll regret disrespecting us!"

The three other boys immediately grabbed Jennie by her ponytail as they pulled her to where Yuki crouched, they weren't that built up but to Yuki and Jennie, they looked like hungry beasts that were ready to harm them.

The older boys finally left leaving Yuki and Jennie curled up into balls with bruises all over their bodies, "ow... That wasn't that bad.." Jennie groaned trying to cheer Yuki that cried the whole time they were getting beaten.

"Why are they so mean! I hate them." Yuki cried as Jennie helped her get up and walk back home, "At least we went through it together.." Jennie chuckled,

The two of them walked home hand in hand as they watched each other's sides to protect themselves from those bullies. They have always been bullied even though they moved to multiple schools, but they always stuck by each other which made the experience less painful.


"Again?!" Jennie's mother exclaimed as she kneed down to check Jennie and Yuki's bruises.

Jennie's mother looked at the two kids smiling at each other as they held onto each other's hands not letting go even while they tried separating them to treat their bruises.

Jennie stood still looking around, her legs became wobbly as she tried to hold onto the creamy white wall to balance herself. She suddenly felt weak and woozy as her surroundings began spinning, she soon collapsed on the ground, her mother rushing to help her stand up and placed her hand on Jennie's forehead, "Oh my god! Jennie you're burning!"

"R-really? Fire? Where?!" Jennie closed her eyes as she fell asleep in her mother's lap

~Next day~

Yuki cautiously walked out of the school gates, she knew they were waiting for her today too. She tried to convince her mother to ask Jennie's mom to let her go to school with her but she was too sick from yesterday, Yuki felt guilty for dragging Jennie in with her, but wasn't that what friends are for? To go through good and bad things together?

"Where do you think you're going our little freak?"

Yuki turned around facing an older chubby boy three heads taller than her with two other boys holding a girl that looked Yuki's age as she struggled to free herself from them, Yuki squinted her eyes slightly to see who it was, her classmate, Akari?

A fourth boy came from behind Yuki pulling her by her ears as he threw her into the mud and pinned her down so she wouldn't escape, he looked at her with dead eyes as he chuckled, "Well well... We got two of them now, let's take them to our secret basement and have fun... You're pretty you must have a pretty scream too, don't ya? We have knives so don't try to run our make noise, got it?!"

Yuki looked into the boy's eyes as her lips trembled with fear, she didn't know what they were capable of or what they meant by taking her to their basement. A million thoughts ran through Yuki's head as they pulled her along with them and headed to their unknown basement. She felt a fluttery feeling in her stomach as she turned around to face Akari just as terrified as she was.

They didn't know what horror was they were about to experience..


Hello! what do you think of this chapter? can you imagine what they're about to go through? thank you so much for reading! :D

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