The Interrupted Festival

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Hey, Readers! FINALS ARE OVER!!!! I AM FREE!!!!!!! You guys have no idea how happy I am. I could literally jump around and act like a freaking rabbit to express my happiness!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 6, ENJOY!!!! >.<


Lucy P.O.V

After an over night stay, I woke up to a cluster of different sounds. There was the sound of crashing, the sound of yelling, and the sound of popping. I groaned and got up from the mattress I was sleeping on. I rubbed my eyes and yawned to myself, "Who could actually be awake this early in the morning?" I got up and walked to the front door. When I opened it, I was completely caught off guard by what was happening.

A festival was being made.

I stood there in a blow. There were stands all over the village. The smell of food drifted in the air, and music was being played. "Geez, it's so early!" Natsu growled behind me. I could hear Happy yawn as well, and Shira was tugging my dress with question. I looked over at her and asked, "Do you know what's going on?" She shook her head.

"Oh, Lucilia!" It was Bojo. He ran over to me and said, "How are you liking it?"

"Um...What exactly am I suppose to like?" I asked awkwardly.

"This festival, of course! We just found out our sister species is still living, and you expect us not to celebrate! People are cooking foods and getting ready the entertainment! This is a joyous day sent by the gods themselves!"

"Food?! You mean like....Fish!" Happy exclaimed.

Bojo laughed. "Of course, my furry friend! Plenty of fish that could feed a god!"

Happy sniffled and sobbed, "This heaven on earth!" Bojo laughed even more and gave Happy a too-hard pat on the back, making him cry out in pain. He then took out stoned necklaces and placed them all over our heads. "This is a day of celebration, Dragonite! Join in the festivities!" He then walked away, humming an unknown song to himself. Shira ran outside exclaimed, "You heard what Bojo said! Canlave! Let's go!"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. I turned around and grabbed Natsu's wrist. "Come on!  You haven't experienced fun until you've been to a festival at Halevana!"

For almost three hours, we looked around at shops and stands. Happy was obsessed with the fist stand at first, and was even more thrilled about it being free. By one, he was all big and chubby. "Lucy...I can't eat anymore fish...."

"Then how about we play a game," I offered. We found a stand that had a shooting game. Everyone did well, except for me of course. I laughed awkwardly. "I guess I'm not really good at this." I continued to miss the targets each and every time. Why can't I get any of them, I complained. Suddenly, I felt muscular arms wrapping themselves around my own. "It's all about aim," Natsu's voice told me. I flinched in shock, but Natsu quickly adjusted my arm. "Okay, now shoot."

I pulled the trigger. Bulls-eye. I wanted to exclaim with excitement, but for some reason, my heart was doing all the cheering by beating as fast as the wind. C-Calm down Lucy! This is just Natsu! And he has Lisanna! Your heart shouldn't be going that fast"Thanks," I muttered. "Where did you learn to shoot like that?"

"Bisca and Alzack used to teach me whenever I was bored when I was younger. I guess I still remember some of the techniques."

"Oh," I said. In the end, I ended up losing, and Shira was the one that one. We all stared at her with shock. She winked at us and explained, "All you have to do is calculate the air resistance, find the distance using velocity and time, and then find the actual velocity. Duh."

"Well, I'm gonna go take a leak. Be right back," Natsu said, walking away with Happy. As they got farther away, Shira began to chuckle mischievously. "You're heart is beating quite fast, isn't it?"

I blushed and looked down at my sister. "W-What are you saying?"

"And you want it to stop, yet you secretly didn't," Shira sighed, folding her hands together all lovey-dovey. My face went redder and hotter. "How on earth did you...wait...did you do an empathy link on me!"

Shira snickered. "You guys gave me no choice! You guys looked so lovey-dovey!"

"T-T-Truuna!" I exclaimed. "He has a girlfriend!"

"No he doesn't," Shira said. "Lisanna and Natsu broke up not so long ago." My eyes widened. Natsu and Lisanna...broke up? When was this? They were just fine yesterday before this whole mess. Wait. Did that mean that...I broke them up? Did the truth about myself cause them to split? My heart sank. "How...How do you know that they broke up?"

"I accidentally went too deep into his subconscious and saw the whole break up in his head...It was pretty sad."  Maybe that was why he was in such a cranky mood. Maybe he was just cranky about the break up. Either way, it was I who caused the break up, which gave him the right to be angry at me. Just when I was so gloomy, Natsu returned with Happy. "Hey, did we miss anything?" Happy asked.

"N-Nothing much," I laughed awkwardly. "Let's go to another stand!" We found passed by a few stands, when suddenly were confronted by a few old women. They held my hands together and said, "The gods have given you the gift of life. Your father and brothers would've been proud of your survival; including your mother."

I smiled politely. "Fevret. Thank you."

After walking by a few more stands, I noticed that Shira stopped at a certain stand. It was a stand filled with decorative mirrors and charms. I looked over at my little sister and asked, "Do you want one?"

No answer. She just continued to stare at the mirrors. Her eyes flashed from purple to gold for a split second. I knew what that meant automatically. "Um Luce...Is your sister alright?"

"By the look of her eyes, she's having a premonition," I said.

"A what?" Happy asked. 

"A premonition. It's when you see events before they happen. Kind of like Carla." Suddenly, Shira gasped  and began to stumble to the ground. Luckily Natsu was able to catch her before she could fall to the ground. "Oi, are you alright?" Natsu asked.

"You had a premonition, didn't you?" I asked. She nodded silently. But the look of her wide eyes, it was something pretty horrifying. "What did you see Truuna?"

She attempted to speak, but all that came out were noises. Finally, one single word was able to spill out of her mouth.


At that moment, there was a huge explosion from far ahead, plus the sound of screaming. We whipped our heads to the other side. "What the hell was that?" Natsu whispered. At that  moment, we saw what exactly was terrorizing the village. Running at full speed in our direction was a giant bull at least the size of Fairy Tail. "N-No way," Happy muttered.

"How did something like that get here?" I muttered in shock. Suddenly, I heard something too familiar to not recognize.

The sound of Natsu getting excited.

"I was wondering when I was going punch something," Natsu snickered. I noticed his fists light up in flame. "I'm fired up!"

Natsu P.O.V

My hands were itching for this excitement. I ran towards the beast full speed. "Natsu!" Lucy yelled from afar. I ignored her. There was no way I was going to miss a perfect chance. The fire inside of me was aching to burn something. I swung my fist and yelled, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" My flaming fist hit the bull on the snout, repelling it back. It used it's hooves to stop, and it gave me angry eyes. It mooed with anger. I laughed. "C'mon,  I could eat you for dinner if I wanted to! You could do more than that!"

The bull mooed even more in anger. It then bent his legs and springed up in the air. I looked up and noticed that his stomach was completely made of metal. Shit, how am I supposed to deflect that, I thought to myself. 

"Natsu!" I heard Lucy cry out. She was suddenly right by my side, holding her hands in the air. I big gust of air came out of her stoned hand, halting the bull's fall. She used another huge gust of wind to push the bull up, making him fall on the other side of the rode. I looked over at her and said, "Thanks."

"No...problem," she breathed. "Let's just defeat this thing quickly before it destroys the rest of the village."

"Alright! I'll hit the air, you try from the ground." She nodded, she went sprinting to the bull. I yelled, "Happy!"

"Aye!" He replied, sprouting his wings and picking me up. We flew up and ended up on top of the back of the bull while it was charging full-speed at Lucy. "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" I attacked the bull, and I cheered to the sound of it crying in pain. I could see that Lucy built a wall out of stone right in front of the bull, who made full contact with. To my surprise, the bull just rammed straight through it, destroying the wall. It's stronger than I thought it was, I thought to myself. I noticed then that it had a locked target on Lucy. It raised its front legs and slammed them against the floor. The ground began to erupt, and before Lucy could even react, she was thrown in the air. "Lucy!"

She cried out in fear as she flew in the air. Before she made contact with the ground, her body suddenly began to levitate. I thought it was her own doing, but then I saw Shira sticking her arm out towards her. Her hand lowered, and so did Lucy. She's okay, I thought with relief. The bull was getting impatient with me and flung me and Happy off his back. I was falling full speed; not enough time to channel my magic. I closed my eyes, getting ready for the painful moment. But instead, it wasn't as painful as I thought it was.  I groaned and looked at what exactly I landed on. 

It was Lucy.

"L-Lucy!" I cried.

She groaned with pain, but still gave me a warm smile. "I've almost forgotten how heavy you are."

My eyes widened. I quickly got off of Lucy and helped her stand up. "S-Sorry," I muttered.

"Let's just finish this big piece of meat before everything turns into rubble!"

"It''s not real!" Shira suddenly yelled. We both looked at her with confusion. "What do you mean it's not real?"

"It's mechanical!" Shira yelled. "I used my remote viewing to figure it out! That piece of metal on it's stomach is the weak spot! We need to pressure it with lots of heat of at least 456,324 degrees in order to make it malfunction!"

"But I don't think my fire could be hot enough," I said. 

"I could also do some fire, but would that be enough?" This was getting dificult. Shira looked at me and suddenly asked, "Lend me your fire." 


"I can manipulate fire with my mind. It's called pyrokenises. Now do it!" I obeyed her and lit my fist on fire. Suddenly, the flame arose and practically slid  off my fist. It was now levitating in the air in front of her face. "Let's do this!"

The bull began to run towards us full speed. Just as expected, he bent his legs and jumped up in the air. As he began to fall, I yelled, "Now!" We all released a giant flame onto the stomach of the mechanical bull. I could feel the heat scorching both the bull and me, and I was usually okay with the heat. Finally, the the metal shield began to melt. "Stop!" Shira suddenly yelled.

"Wait, what? Why!"

"It's going to explode! We have to push it out of the village!"

"But how!" Lucy yelled. 

"More fire pressure!" I yelled. "Just like a rocket, it'll fly up in the air!"

"Alright! The Drakos sisters said in unison. All together, we made one giant fire blast, sending the bull in the air. The bull continued to moo even more  and more as it flew higher and higher. Finally, after it's third moo, it turned into a big ball of fire and exploded. Shira smiled. "We did it!"

"But there's still the matter of how did this thing go through the barrier," Lucy muttered. I wondered that too. That thing was colossal sized, yet Lucy told me that nothing too big or too small could get through the barrier that surrounded the village. As the sky begin to dim from the explosion, I noticed something falling from the sky. "Happy! What's that thing up there?"

"I don't know, but I'll get it!"  Happy flew up and grabbed the mysterious item in the sky. He flew back down and dropped it to my hand. It was a scroll with a weird symbol of three horizontal lines in a square. "Do you know what this means?"

Lucy took the scroll and saw the symbol. Her face darkened. "It's...the symbol for the ShlavekThis was their doing...I should've known."

"So they were after you?"

Lucy shook her head. "I think this was some sort of message." She run rolled the scroll and read, "'You are in such a bad position, Dragonite. You are just a lost bull who shouldn't be roaming free. Sooner or later, you will be in our hands, and we will get what we want.'"

"So all they want is to get you?" I asked.

She shook her head. "We've never known what they've wanted. They have just been eradicating our kind for such a long time...I think once they capture me will everything be clear."

"Well, we won't let that happen!" Happy exclaimed.

"Exactly! We-" I stopped mid-sentence when my chest suddenly began to ache. I clutched my chest as it began to hurt more and more. My head began to throb horribly. "Natsu?" Lucy said.

My vision was getting blurry. I fell to my knees and began lose consciousness. My hearing began to fade as I kept hearing Lucy's voice. "Natsu! Natsu!"


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