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《f i v e》

A FEW MONTHS LATER, you were finally experiencing what it was like to be truly at peace. Master Makarov had followed through on all of the promises that he had made in accepting you into the guild (he had started calling you his child along with the others, which made you feel more at home). You had befriended Mirajane, along with almost everyone else in the guild, who gave you and Sparrow your guild marks. You got yours in f/c (favorite color) on your b/p (body part). You also had started to become well known around the guild for being the spirit of Fairy Tail, as your happiness of escaping from your prison and being accepted into the guild gave you spirit to support it and treat the members like your family. Everyone reciprocated, but Erza was still a bit skeptical about your ability to control your power.

Makarov had also followed through on getting you into some training sessions. Every other week you had your training sessions so you had the other week to do stuff on your own. On the weeks that you did train, you spent every Monday with Natsu, who helped you with your Demon Dragon Slayer powers. Wednesdays were spent with Erza, who helped you with both your sonic screaming and your flora and fauna manipulation (even though some of them ended with you two getting into fights about your intentions). Thursdays were spent with Gray who was helping you to strengthen the little bit of Maker Magic you had unlocked during your time in the bird cage and to keep your emotions under control as to not activate your glow stick energy by accident. Saturdays were with Macao who helped you with your peregrine transformation and with your astral transportation powers. And finally, Sundays were with Mirajane who helped you with the summoning of both spirits into your body and evil puppet spirits as well as you Witch Doctor Healing spells. Sparrow and Happy accompanied by Natsu at times would come to watch as you trained. Gray and some of the other guild members would often come to watch as well, especially on the days when you dueled. Even Makarov showed up to all of the duels to watch your performance.

And last, but not least, you and Sparrow had been living with Natsu and Happy ever since the day that the two of you had showed up here. Natsu would always drag you places with him and Happy, his childish aura never failing to make you smile and laugh every day. He even convinced you to go on jobs with him and Happy and Sparrow where the four of you would fix problems or fight off monsters. It was an incredible experience for you to go on jobs and fix them for good purposes. You had thought that Natsu and Happy would be creeped out by your powers and the puppets that you summoned, but you were almost as shocked at them having a full blown conversation with Elmal and Kermal (Kermit the Frog) as you were when they told you they thought you were cool. Those two meant the world to you, as them plus Sparrow were your best friends who truly accepted you. Not to say that no one in the guild accepted you, you had just formed deeper bonds with Natsu and Happy quicker than you did with them.

And as the two of you had gotten closer, it didn't take you long to realize that you had feelings for Natsu that were more than just friends. But when you thought back to the decision that you would have to make one day to either become a source of evil or good, you decided that it would be best to just keep your feelings to yourself as it would be too hard for you if the two of you separated one day.

But now, both you and Sparrow had finally felt as if though you had found your happiness and your freedom. You were beyond Cloud 9 when you saw Sparrow smile once again. Sparrow would often run off with Happy and when not with him would always be right by your side. You told her everything, including your feelings for Natsu and your decision, which she was supportive of.

No one had been able to figure out a cure for your legs, but after a while you began to adapt to it and were soon able to walk without even noticing the difference. Everyone in the guild kept their mouths shut about it and Natsu always helped you feel better by telling you he thought they looked cool and made you more unique. He even started giving you the two nicknames Oddball and N/n, which you loved it when he called you either one. No one had ever given you pet names before except for Sparrow, but she was different.

But things were finally starting to turn around for you. You were finally free. You finally had a family again. But dread still filled your mind about Zeref and if he would ever try to come back to kidnap you again. But you knew that you were safe at the guild, as they would do anything for their Peculiar Y/n. It took a while for all of them to adjust to having someone who had defeated the all powerful Zeref walking around their guild, but they soon realized how harmless you were. You just wanted to be happy.


Just getting back from your training session with Erza, you slammed open the door to the house you and Natsu shared and dragged yourself inside, shoulders slouched and eyes baggy as you stood before the couch and allowed yourself to face plant onto it. Natsu, who had been eating some fish with Happy at the table watched as you groaned.

"How'd it go this time, N/n?" he asked, stuffing his face with more fish. Sparrow came trotting through the door after you and bucked the door shut. She walked over to the table and sat next to Happy, slamming her face against the table, causing her horn to make a dent in the wood. Happy jumped back slightly but then stroked her mane as he sweat dropped.

"I guess it didn't go that well, huh?" Happy asked.

"She interrogated me about why I hadn't gained full control of my powers yet and when I explained to her that I was the supposed 'Chosen One' she told me that I was full of myself," you mumbled angrily into the throw pillow.

Sparrow raised her head only to slam it back down again, nearly making Happy drop his fish. "Then when I tried to stand up for N/n, she told me I shouldn't be among wizards and I should be back in the forest where I belong."

A tick mark appeared on both Happy and Natsu's heads as they let what happened sink in.

"You kidding me? Why can't she just be nice to you! It's not that hard! Next time I see her I'm going to challenge her to another match in your honor!" Natsu growled, ripping off another chunk of the fish he was eating and slamming his fist down on the table, making both Sparrow and Happy jump.

"Aye!" Happy chimed.

"You don't have to do that for me, Fire Boy," You lifted your head to look at him only to see him already staring at you. A blush spread across your cheeks once more and you hid it by planting your face back into the pillow.

Natsu stood from his seat and walked over to you, extending his hand out for you to grab. You looked at it and frowned.

"Come on, hun, I have an adventure for us to take today that I think might cheer you up!" Natsu gave you his signature grin, sending your stomach into twists and turns once more. You made your hand hover over his uncertainly, looking deep into his eyes from the couch.

"It has to do with finding Igneel~" Natsu sing-songed his last tempting offer, and it was the one that made you grasp his hand and spring up, your anger over Erza gone for the day.

Finding Igneel, the dragon that raised Natsu, was always something incredibly important to him. And something that was important to him was important to you. You offered him your own grin and tightened your gasp on his hand.

"Let's go then!" You chorused. Happy and Sparrow came stampeding out of the house with you and Natsu in tow as you headed out towards the city.

"To the train station!" Happy cheered.

"Aww, man~" Natsu groaned.

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