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《s e v e n》


You could feel it. One of the perks to you being a Peculiar wizard was being able to sense whenever some thing wasn't right. Unfortunately, you were on your own for figuring out just exactly what was wrong.

You, Natsu, Sparrow, and Happy had just left the restaurant and were heading back towards your house when you suddenly felt the strange urge to follow Lucy. She hadn't left that long before you guys did, and by glancing behind your back you were still able to make out her figure making its way through the throng of people bustling around the streets. Trying to ignore the urge, you decided to try and push the butterflies that refused to leave away from Natsu wrapping his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walked once again. You couldn't tell if he did it out of his own liking or just to make Sparrow mad, but whatever reason, you were secretly happy.

But just the thought about how broken you would be if the two of you ever split nearly brought tears to your eyes. You were just about to slip out from under his grasp when he suddenly muttered something to you, almost inaudible so Sparrow and Happy didn't pick it up.

"You should follow her. I see that look in your eyes. Go, I'll distract them," you shivered as his warm breath tickled your skin, turning to face him and turning a deep crimson as you realized how close your faces were. Your noses were touching just slightly, and his deep onyx eyes were staring delicately back at your glistening e/c ones.

You noticed a faint tint of pink rise onto his cheeks as well as you hesitantly pulled away, nodding slightly. You saw, for a brief moment, a look of disappointment cross across Natsu's eyes as you offered him a small cracked smile.

"Okay, I'll be back home before dark." You promised, watching him give you his signature grin back as he turned and continued walking with Sparrow and Happy, as you began walking in the opposite direction.

You tried your hardest to stop the aching in your heart as each step you took, regretting the chances that you missed to make a move, made your heart tremble a little more every time.

Was... was this how it felt to be in love? Because if it were, you didn't like it. Love was supposed to bring you joy.

But now all you felt was longing and depression.


Lucy was a, how do you say this without being rude, very easy person to follow. You had been stalking her for the past fifteen minutes without her even noticing as she made her way through the crowd, ignoring most of the passerbys that offered her smiles as she was off in her own La La Land. You sweat dropped and shook your head when she was so busy mumbling to herself about some Sorcerers Weekly edition that she tripped over a garbage can, but was able to straighten up and keep walking like nothing ever happened.

How on earth can I be familiar with such a, well, stupid girl? You couldn't help but wonder. She finally stopped to sit on a little empty park bench in a clearing, and pulled out a strange magazine with what appeared to be a model on the glossy front cover.

Hiding around the edge of one of the bushes, you quietly watched as she flipped through the flimsy pages, fangirling to herself over a girl with snow white hair and beautiful blue eyes... wait a minute! That was Mira!

You didn't have to lean in closer to hear her next words, thanks to your dragon hearing, about, you guessed it, Fairy Tail. So, she wanted to join the Fairy Tail guild, huh? Not that shocking, plus, it would give you more time to interrogate her about her familiarness and help you get to know her better. She was a very... strange person. Her aura was a very strange one, almost the complete opposite of Natsu and Happy’s.

At just the thought of Natsu, you felt a blush rise to your cheeks, but you pushed the butterflies away before they could get to you. Shaking your head slightly, you brought your focus back to Lucy just as you felt another aura, this one all too familiar.

Lucy must have been very inexperienced in the world of being on guard, or maybe you were just the most powerful wizard in the world and you could sense things others couldn't, for when Fake Salamander suddenly popped his weasel head from out of the bushes like some pervert, Lucy reacted as if though she didn't even know he was there.

"I hear that you want to join Fairy Tail, is that so?" His voice was soaked with the same desperate charm he had been using before. It made you sick to your stomach just to hear his voice. Standing upright, you waited until it was the right time to intervene. Maybe she could handle this on her own.

"Salamander!" Lucy cried out in despise, her hands forming into fists.

Fake Salamander crept out from his bush and rested his hand on his chin. "I've been looking for you. I wanted to personally invite you to my party tonight. I was also looking for your little h/c haired friend, but the Belle seems to be nowhere in sight!" Fake Salamander shrugged, flashing Lucy a wink.

The second you saw her guard slightly falter from his charm, you stepped out from your hiding spot, shocking the both of them until they blanched. "Your charms won't work on the two of us," you stated blankly, watching in silent amusement as he attempted to gather back up his charms.

"Y-yeah!" Lucy joined in, recovering from your sudden appearance. You sensed her eyeing your legs once more, but decided to ignore it. "That magic's weakness is awareness!"

Fake Salamander, having regained his composure, let out a low chuckle, staring at the two of your curiously from the corner of his eye. "Well, aren't you two smart, beautiful ladies. I should have known you two would figure me out. But the offer still stands."

"We wouldn't be caught dead at a party hosted by a creep like you," Lucy scoffed, turning her back on him. You rolled your eyes as hurt filled Fake Salamander's eyes.

"A creep? Why would you call me that?"

"The charm spell?" You answered, doing your best to frost your tone to a hostile effect. It didn't seem to work as Fake Salamander's eyes only grinned at you in more curiosity.

"Well, aren't you just the little detective. I appreciate that. But, anyways, little lady, weren't you saying before that you wanted to join Fairy Tail?" You internally groaned and face palmed as you watched Lucy stop in her tracks, eating up the bait like a fish. How dumb was this girl? You were a Fairy Tail wizard and you were one hundred percent positive you had never seen this guy before. Any promises he made to her regarding your guild were as fake as botox implants.

"Lucy-" you started your warning, but was interrupted by Fake Salamander already placing his deal on the table.

"If you come to my party, I promise that I'll put in a good word for you as Salamander, one of their most famous wizards." You could almost taste the phony from the words spilling out of his mouth, but in Lucy's desperate daze, you watched her completely fall for it.

Hearts formed in her eyes as she floated closer to him, her mouth in a loveable O. "I would love to come to your party tonight!"

You face palmed at the sidelines, now completely invisible to the two love birds. You knew that any attempts now would never work.

"Wow, that was easy! I'll see you at my party tonight! And I hope to see you there as well, my Bella?" Fake Salamander asked, pointing his ridiculous nickname my direction.

Lucy turned to me and gave me a pleading stare as I contemplated my options. Which, in this case, there was only one; and I knew for a fact Natsu wouldn't approve.

"Of course, I would never miss it!" You offered him a fake warm smile, and it worked almost instantly.

Smirking to yourself, you watched as his fooled form disappeared into the baby blue sky from his Red Carpet, and once the two of you were alone, you turned to Lucy and smacked her upside the head. The red hearts in her eyes cracked on impact and you sighed, shaking your head with your hands planted on your hips.

"You were fooled again, Lucy," you sighed, watching her rub the back of her head. "Are you sure you're an actual wizard? You seem to have no guard whatsoever."

A tick mark appeared on Lucy's head as she heard your words. "Wha? Of course I am! I was just... a little... distracted." She kicked the magazine that had been lying on the ground behind her with her feet.

"You do know he won't actually get you into Fairy Tail, right?" You asked, hoping that she wasn't one of the blonde stereotypes. Sadly, you were proven wrong.

"Are those weird legs of yours cutting off your circulation? Of course he will! Don't you see? I'm playing the sleezbag so I get what I want!" Giggling, she turned away from you and started skipping down the sidewalk. "I'll see you at the party, Y/n!"

And just like that, she was gone. You felt your blood boil in frustration over the stupid girl as her figure bounced away. How on earth could she not see through his lies? Was it because you were so... different?

You looked down once again at your legs and felt the tears prickle from the pain once again. Only it was internal pain. You felt the self hatred come around the mountain once again, but shoving it in your pocket for another time, you shoved your hands in your pockets and proceeded on the walk back home, trying to think of a clever way to get Natsu to let you go to the party.

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