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《t h r e e》

"PLEASE HELP US,"  Just hearing Sparrow's pleading tone almost made you want to cry yourself. Again. You had successfully made it to Magnolia, thanks to Sparrow, and now you were trying to find someone to help you two. You had gotten sick of lying on Sparrow's back and once you had gathered up enough courage, you had forced yourself to stand up on your two dead leaf legs and made yourself continue to walk with one arm wrapped around Sparrow's neck.

Unfortunately, it appeared as if though everyone was ignoring you. Well, the few people around anyway. At the very smell and presence of your Peculiar aura, everyone had fled, afraid that someone bad was coming. Truthfully, they were not quite wrong, concerning the magic you practiced. Tears were beginning to form in your eyes both from frustration and from the pain as Sparrow kept you both moving.

"Please! Help us!" Sparrow called desperately at the empty streets as she dragged you along with her.

"Sparrow, just turn around," I whispered. "I'll be fine."

Sparrow furiously shook her head. "No-I made a promise to you that I will always protect you and I'm sticking to that promise. Wait-do you see that?"

Lifting your head, you looked up with your droopy eyes to try and see what Sparrow had asked. Your eyes widened slightly with hope as you caught sight of a furry blue ball with what appeared to be wings flying through the air. Was that an exceed? To another Dragon Slayer? Your vision was rather blurry from lack of rest and it made it hard for you to tell.

Suddenly, Sparrow sprang out right from underneath you and started running, causing you to fall side first onto the pavement. You let out a small cry in pain as you crumbled onto the ground, wincing as you heard the dry leaves crack once more. Above you, Sparrow was rushing towards the flying blue ball and skidded to a stop when she was directly in front of it.

"Wow, are you a for real unicorn?" You heard an unfamiliar voice ask. It was high pitched, but had a light airy tone to it. Whoever it was, it's aura gave off one of gentleness, and you decided that they were a source of good. At least, most of the time.

"Yes, I am. I need your help. My master and I just escaped from a big bird cage that the evil wizard Zeref has kept us imprisoned in for ten years when he kidnapped us and my master was able to fight him and free us. But now she's injured and she used up a lot of her magical strength... and he took her legs! Please, is there someone you know who can help us? We have nowhere to go!" By now, Sparrow was sobbing, bending on the ground with her horn touching the pavement as her back racked with sobs. The blue cat flew down to the ground and, with pitiful eyes, gently patted her head.

"It's alright, please don't cry! I know somewhere we can go! My best friend Natsu is in the guild Fairy Tail, I'm sure he'll know what to do!" The cat smiled softly at Sparrow and she raised her head to look him in the eyes.

"Thank you!" Sparrow cried, standing up and trotting back over to where I was, motioning for the cat to follow.

"My name is Sparrow and this is my master, Y/n L/n."

"Nice to meet you both! I'm Happy!"

"Happy?" You echoed, slowly forcing yourself to sit up. "That's a really cute name!" You forced a smile, but then winced when you felt the pain from your dry leaf legs once more. Happy took one look at you and immediately took to the air, tears filling his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you look horrible! Come on, let's get going!" Happy cried, pointing in the presumable direction of the guild. Sparrow helped you up to your feet and you wrapped your arm around her neck once more.

"Wait-where are we going?" You asked curiously as you put one foot in front of the other, trying your best to ignore the crunching of the leaves.

"To Fairy Tail!" Happy yelled out. "By the way, what type of magic do you use?"

Sparrow sweat dropped and turned to look at you. You took a deep breath and looked down at the ground as it went by slowly. You were having a mini debate with yourself on whether or not to tell Happy about your Peculiar magic. If you did tell him, would he run away and forget about helping you? Or would he still want to help you? But then if you didn't tell him, you were sure the secret would come back and get revealed at some point. Secrets hardly ever remain secret for long. So, you made your decision.

"I'm a Peculiar wizard. I'm the last of my kind."



"Natsu! Come quick!" Happy cried out, pushing open the guild doors. The moment the doors opened, blaring chattering came pulsing out of the guild, making your ears ring as you suffered to keep yourself upright. You were panting heavily and you were seeing spots, everything else was fuzzy.

But you were still able to hear the huge silence that rang out the second everyone in the guild saw you. They could feel the drastic change in the aroma as it shifted from light hearted to peculiar and apprehensive. You tried desperately to lift your head, but the blinding lights from both inside the guild and outside forced you to leave it hanging with your eyes shut tight.

"Happy? What's wrong?" That voice. It sounded strangely familiar. But... how? Forcing your head up, you opened your eyes only to be met with a returning stare of beautiful dark onyx eyes with flecks of green throughout. You looked him top to bottom with his spiky salmon hair and his strange outfit that you had never seen before. Then again, you had been locked in a cage for ten years. But as you looked at him, you noticed a slight tint of red flash across his cheeks as he looked at you, almost as if though he were dumbstruck.

Why is my heart beating so fast? You wondered, suddenly sensing the gradual increase in your heart rate.

"This is Y/n and her unicorn, Sparrow. Zeref kidnapped them when they were younger and kept them imprisoned for ten years! Y/n was able to fight him and win so they could escape, but now she's really hurt and apparently he took her legs away." Happy explained, fear and worry evident in his tone. Gasps and cries of shock were heard throughout the guild as they inspected you.

"You fought against Zeref?" Natsu asked in surprise. Then he suddenly flashed you his signature grin, which set your stomach into twists. "Now that's my kind of girl!" He laughed.

You tilted your head to the side, slightly confused, but then let out a cry in pain as you crumbled to the floor, slipping off of Sparrow's neck. You hugged yourself tightly as the pain from your scars and legs got to your head. Natsu swooped down and was about to pick you up when a girl with fiery red hair stopped him.

"Stop Natsu, we don't know if we can trust her," she eyed you closely as Sparrow gritted her teeth with Happy resting on her head.

"Listen, whatever your name is!" Sparrow growled. "Y/n is hurt! I don't care if you let us stay here afterwards, I don't even care if you trust us! But please! Can't you see how much pain she's in? Are you seriously just going to leave her like this? Is that what you guys do as a guild?"

The girl kept her poker face strong and looked down at you once more. You looked up at her with dead eyes and stared at her, awaiting the verdict. Finally, she let out a small sigh and stepped back, giving room for Natsu to step in. He gently draped one arm under your thighs, eyeing your dead leaf legs with fearful and curious eyes and the other around your back. The same tint to his cheeks never left and appeared to only get worse as he carried you inside the guild. You hoped he didn't have a serious condition. It wasn't too hot in the guild.

"Take her to the infirmary." The red head ordered. "You, unicorn, explain to us what happened while they're gone."

Natsu nodded and carried you to the infirmary.


"It's okay, Sparrow," Happy reassured her. "Just tell them what you told me."

Sparrow took a deep breath as she eyed the guild master Makarov, Mira, Gray, Erza, Macao, and a couple other guild members that had come over to inspect the situation further. They had made the introductions after Natsu and you had disappeared into the infirmary.

"I will tell you. But I need you to promise me something." Sparrow negotiated.

Makarov gave her a interrogative look, as if though he were trying to look into her mind. But once he saw her tired grey eyes he relaxed. "What is the promise?"

"You have to promise not to call the army or the guard or whatever on us. Y/n has been through enough already." Sparrow replied, staring down at the ground. She was quivering slightly, so Happy rested his chin on her forehead.

"We promise. Now, please explain." Makarov pressed gently.

Sparrow heaved a sigh and looked back up at the concerned faces of the guild members. "Y/n and I got kidnapped many years ago, when she was eight and I was just a filly. She and her parents were the last carriers of her kind of magic. She, unlike her parents, holds a full familial dose of her magical powers, but she has been able to survive getting totally consumed by the magic and still live to see the next day. That's why Zeref kidnapped her, because she's special. He says that she's the Chosen One. He locked us up in a giant bird cage and kept us there for so many years... I presume it was around ten. But finally, we had had enough and she formed a plan of attack and she fought against him and won, but she got taken over by her magic power during the time as well. She only came out because Zeref struck her legs and took them away from her. But then I carried her here because even though I can heal, I don't know how to heal that... even her bones are gone. And we have nowhere else to go because her family died off, they killed each other and..." She trailed off, tears spilling over her cheeks.

Mira handed her a tissue and she used her horn to wipe her cheeks. Erza and the other guild members hung their heads, lost in their own thoughts.

Makarov cleared his throat, closing his eyes gently. "And what magical power does Miss Y/n possess?"

"...she's a Peculiar Wizard, sir. But technically you could include Demon Dragon Slayer in there as well."

"A Peculiar?" The entire guild cried out in shock, Makarov and Erza looking like they were about ready to die from shock.

"I thought that Peculiar magic was banned long ago because it drove those to kill when they were consumed!" Erza angrily shouted. Sparrow nodded rapidly.

"It is, Miss! But that doesn't stop families from passing down their magical abilities! The Peculiar magic is meant for killing and evil purposes, but Y/n doesn't want to be the bad guy!" Sparrow spat in frustration. "I can see the light in her! She wants to learn how to use her powers for good! She's the only wizard in history who was not only able to stay alive after a take over, but she has been able to lock up most of her power so it doesn't happen all the time!"

Sparrow turned to Makarov, who still looked unconvinced. "Please, sir," she pleaded. "We have nowhere else to go.  Just give her a chance. Please. You won't be sorry. She just needs to learn how to control it, and what better way than by other wizards and Dragon Slayers who know what they're doing?"

She and Makarov stared at each other for what seemed like forever until he finally heaved a sigh. "Alright. You two may join Fairy Tail. We will do our best to hide the fact that she's a Peculiar, and if they ask, we will just tell them that she's a Demon Dragon Slayer. I'll also arrange for some of our higher level wizards to train her as well."

"What?" Erza cried out in alarm. "Master, you can't be serious-"

"Erza, I don't suppose you'd mind helping train Y/n as well?" Makarov asked, sending Erza a glare from the corner of his eye. Erza clenched her fists but sighed, letting go of her tension.


"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Everyone in the guild chorused.

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