|| Prologue ||

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"Hey director Fury? Sir? There's a problem."

Nick gave a sigh and rubbed his temples before turning his chair around to face whoever was talking to him. Not much to his surprise, it was Deadpool.

"What is it now Wade?"The S.H.I.E.L.D director asked, wondering what possibly blew up this time.

"You know the new recruits?" the mercenary asked. "One of them got mad and broke a hole in the side of the ship and ran off."

Nick raised a brow. "Which one?"

"The one with the braided pigtails."

"You have to be more specific, there's a lot of them with hair like that.

"The new kid."

"You mean the Del Toro kid?" Now Fury was a bit concerned. "How'd she bust a hole in the wall?"

Nick listened with a straight face as Wade explained how the little girl had been sobbing uncontrollably and just lashed out at one of the caretaker bots, causing it to crash into the wall and escaped through the hole she created. He knew quite well that she probably wouldn't have gone too far since there was a small sandstorm passing through and the possibility that one of Ultron's bots could be close to capture and kill her.

"I'll go get her if that's alright." Wade suggested as Fury began to rise from his seat. "I'm great with kids, plus if a robot comes I'll be able to protect her."

"You sure?" Fury questioned and the ex-mercenary nodded. "Fine, but be quick about it. And try to bring her in the calmest way possible, she's got her mother's amulet and who knows what powers she possibly unlocked with it that neither her mother or her great-uncle Hector discovered."


"Hey kiddies, have you seen Bianca?" Wade asked a group of children, who were busy scribbling on some old papers with crayons. "She has a green amulet that looks like a tiger."

"I saw her in the labs." One kid answered, pointing to the upstairs area of the helicarrier. Wade nodded in thanks before making his way up to the old science labs they hadn't had time to fix.
Inside he could hear the soft cries of a child near the computers and quietly walked over there. He found her: a little girl around the age of six with her dark hair pulled into two messy braided pigtails, dressed in dirty and slightly torn clothes with a white leather jacket that looked too big for her thrown over her shoulders and was clutching a familiar jade amulet in the shape of a growling tiger head in her tiny hands.

"Hey, you're Bianca right?" Wade asked softly. The toddler sniffled and gave him a small nod before hugging the amulet to her chest. "Figured you were, I kind of knew your mommy. She was really tough and smart."

"She's dead now..." Bianca whispered as she looked down at the amulet. "And my daddy too."
Wade felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he knelt down to be level with Bianca. Only a few hours ago Angela Del Toro came running to them with the kid in her arms and a small fleet of robot at her heels, banging on the doors of the helicarrier and begging to be let in. The second the doors opened she had thrown her daughter in and rushed off to fight the bots, finishing them off before one blasted her in the back before Wade himself cut the bot down.

"I know you're upset Bianca, and I am too. Those robots were very mean to take your mommy and daddy away from you, and that's happened to some other kids here too. But you're safe now, and maybe when you get older you'll hurt those robots for hurting your parents." He assured her gently and held a gloved hand out to her. "We'll keep you safe here, I promise."
Bianca gripped the amulet tightly in her hands and it began to glow softly. Wade could see the anger burning in her little hazel eyes, something he rarely ever saw in a child.

"They hurt mommy because she was special, and they hurt my daddy because he tried to protect us." She spat, the amulet glowing brighter. "They hurt my family! They hurt my family!"
Suddenly, the air grew cold and Wade heard a loud crash from outside of the labs. Alarms began going off as well as the screams of frightened children and panicked adults. The glowing light from the amulet faded away as Bianca's anger melted into fear.

"Stay here!" Wade warned Bianca as he scrambled out from the lab to see what all the commotion was. Standing in the middle of the room was Loki. Several SHIELD agents had their guns and tasers pointed at the god while others stood protectively in front of the children. Wade's hand went for the gun he had strapped to his belt, but didn't dare to take it out, not wanting to accidentally hit someone by mistake if the god decided to move out of the way. "well look who it is! The old horn head himself!" Wade announced loudly.

"Where's Fury?" The mischief god asked in an annoyed tone.

"What do you want Loki?" Wade asked. "Unless you're here to offer us your help in getting rid of Ultron, I suggest you leave."

"Actually, I'm here to drop someone off, I expect you all to take good care of her and teach her well." Loki replied. "Now if you excuse me, I have a brother who needs my assistance in ruling a kingdom."

The air grew cold again as the god of mischief disappeared in a flash of green. Standing where he once stood was a little girl around Bianca's age, dressed in a gold and green dress with a small circlet of gold in her hair. Her eyes looked around at everyone nervously as the agents lowered their guns. Wade hurried down the stairs and made his way over to the child. She watched him nervously, her bright green eyes never leaving him.

"Who are you?" Wade asked, kneeling down in front of the child.

"I...I'm Mika, daughter of Loki and niece to king Thor of Asgard." The child replied softly.
Wade was starting to wonder who would in their right mind bear Loki a child when he heard several children yell in alarm and turned to see Bianca standing on the edge of the railing. 

"Bianca no! You're too young for that!" Wade yelled, worry already filling him. "Stay right there, I'm coming-" Before he could even move, Bianca tipped herself forward and fell right off the railing. Wade gave a cry in alarm and leapt forward to catch the falling child when she somersaulted in midair, her little body twisting around and landed in a crouching position, her hands touching the floor first and feet hitting it last, landing just like a cat.

"She landed like a cat!" Mika cried out happily, quite pleased with what she saw.

"Bianca, we don't do that!" Wade scolded as Bianca stood up to dust her hands off on her pants and looked up at him, her brown eyes now glowing a eerie green. "Good grief you're as reckless as your mom."

"I wanna do that!" A child shrieked. "I'm a cat too like my mommy!"

"No Tamika, we are not doing this!" Wade yelled. "At least wait until your older to begin training!"

"And who says we can't begin the training?" Wade turned to see Fury standing next to Mika, his hands held behind his back and looking to the children with a rather amused smile. "The youngest of these kids are like...three? We can attempt to train them early. The ones with powers need to know how to harness them so we don't have any...accidents in the near future."

"Normally I'm all up for training people, but kindergarten aged kids?" Wade asked and looked to the children. "I don't know about that."

"Ultron won't wait till they're teens. He'll come after them when they're young and inexperienced." Fury pointed out. "You've seen what some of these kids parents have done, just imagine how much damage these kids can do when they train and use their powers to fight. And you do know the majority of adults probably won't always be here to save or protect them."

Wade knew the director had a point, but he was rather skeptical about it. Normally he was up for doing some crazy and dangerous stuff, but this was definitely not one of those things. The majority of these kids were so young, some still learning how write their names or color in the lines.

"Why don't we wait until the younger ones are five, and the ones already past that age could at least start their training." He suggested. "When they're not training, we could at least try to teach them the things they're supposed to know such as their ABCs, mathematics, so they could at least get a start in their education."

"Very well then, and let's hope we have some guinnesses in this group, we're going to need some techs to run the computers, someone to design and build weapons, maybe even try designing proper gear if Ultron ever attacks and they don't have powers to fight."
"And let's hope we'll have enough time to train them." Wade added with a nod. "God help us if Ultron finds these kids and they haven't even learned how to punch properly."

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