Chapter 3: The Dungeon And Lily

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What happened so far...
Acan saved Hestia from the Silverback and helped Bell defeating it, he also threatened Freya, who had to discover that her charm doesn't work on him. Now Bell has offered to show Acan the dungeon and explaine to him how that all works.

3rd person pov

Acan is seen standing in front of a church, which seems like it will crumble at any moment.

Acan:' It is a wonder that they haven't been squashed so far.'

Bell then leaves the church and runs straight to Acan.

Acan:" If you hug me I will ram your head into the ground."

Bell tries to stop and falls down in front of Acan. He looks up like a lost puppy.

Acan:" Now then, you wanted to tell me about the dungeon."

Bell:" Yes but first we should go to the guild so you can get an advisor."

Acan:" Why would I need an advisor?"

Bell:" Well an advisor gives you hints and useful information about the dungeon floors and the monsters living in them."

Acan:" So you simply say that I can't fight without help?"

Bell:" N-No, I-I-I..."

Acan:" A hahaha, boy you are to easily fooled. Now lets get going."

They begin their way to guild and Bell begins to talk about how awesome it is to go into the dungeon and to kill monsters and to become a hero and so on, he literally doesn't even make pauses between his sentences.

Acan:" Box you really don't see what your task is in this city. You are here just like every other adventurer to make sure nothing gets out of the dungeon. Nothing more, nothing less. Becoming a hero is something you have to work most of your live for and in the end it is most likely to not even pay off for you. So for now focus on what you can do and what helps you become stronger and maybe one day you might be the hero you want to be."

Bell:' That was the longest he ever talked.'

They arrive at the guild and are greeted by Eina as soon as she sees Bell but as she notices Acan with him she gets as pale as a ghost.

Eina:" Bell can you come here for a second?"

Bell walks over to her and Acan stays standing at the entrance, at least until Bell runs from a certain gold eyed and blonde haired girl, which amusingly ends with his face in her butt.

Acan:' He is bolder then I thought.'

Bell slithers over the floor with a red face apologizing over and over again before he runs out and is gone in a matter of seconds.

Acan:' Or not. Now who will help me?'

Suddenly someone pokes his arm and as he looks down Aiz Wallenstein stands there with her normal neutral expression.

Aiz:" Why did you come here with him?"

Acan:" He said he would help me get acquainted with the guild work and the dungeon but as it seems I'll have to wait for him to get back."

Aiz:" I'll help you."

Acan:" Surely you have something better to do than taking care of a beginner."

Aiz:" Take it as an apology for Bete."

Acan:" Who?"

Eina:" *nervous* Miss Wallenstein is something else we can help you with?"

Aiz:" You threw Bete out of the pub."

Acan:" OH, the mutt. He deserved it, plus he didn't insult me so you don't have to apologize for anything he did that day."

Eina is getting ignored by both of the adventurers and she doesn't like it at all.

Eina:" Mr. Acan I will be your advisor so please follow me."

Acan:" *makes a small bow* If you would excuse me Miss Wallenstein."

He follows Eina into a room where she is waiting with a lot of papers.

Eina:" Now then lets get the needed knowledge into your brain."

Small Timeskip brought to you by

Acan leaves the room without any sign of exhaustion and Eina follows shortly after and gets talked to by one of her colleagues.

Guild worker:" So, did you make him cry like most of the others?"

Eina:" It is never my intention to make anyone cry but this guy is a whole other caliber. He just sat there, listened and he was able to memorize all the information I have given him just like that."

Guild worker:" How much did you try to get in his head?"

Eina:" The same amount that I have taught Bell over multiple weeks."

Silence, that is all that is heard in the guild, most adventurers aren't patient enough to withstand even one hour of Einas lessons but Acan has managed to go through nearly four hours of those.

Acan:' Now then, I should try to find Bell.'

Just then Bell walks by without noticing Acan.

Acan:' If that works every time I will put a bell around Bells neck.'

Acan:" Boy! Are you already trying to get laid?"

Bell:" Huh, what do you mean?"

Acan points at the small girl following Bell.

Bell:" Her name is Lily and she is my supporter!"

Acan:" You do know that I asked if you plan to go to bed with her?"

Suddenly both of them blush.

Bell:" I did not try that!"

Lily:" Bell-sama would never try something like that!"

Acan:" Bell-sama? How long do you know this short stack, boy?"

Bell:" I met her today."

Acan is now curious about the girl, no one is so close to a stranger in only a few hours.

Bell:" Lets get into the dungeon!"

They follow Bell inside and are attacked as soon as they have entered. Small monsters seem to crawl out of every crack in the walls.

Acan:" I am, disappointed."

Lily:" You didn't do anything so far."

Acan:" I won't waste my energy with small frie monsters."

Bell:" But you can't leave all the fighting to me!"

Acan:" Boy, you need to get stronger and the best way for that is a real fight."

Suddenly one of the small monsters is creeping up behind Acan and jumps at him but before it can get to him he already has his hand at its head and smashes it into the wall killing it.

Acan:" I am still disappointed."

Bell:" I am not allowed to go any further in the dungeon."

Acan:" Then you will never improve."

Acan begins to take the lead and takes his axe in his hand swinging it at anything in his way killing monsters without end. They walk further and further until...

Bell:" I can't go on."

Lily:" Me neither."

Acan:" We will take a break and then make our way back."

They sit down in a quiet corner Acan has settled down a bit away from the other two, his axe beside him with a light glimmer from the fire Acan made for the other two. While Bell is taking care of his equipment Lily has her eyes on something different, Acans axe.

Lily:' If I can do this then I can finally leave the familia. Okay Lily pull yourself together and get over with it.'

She sneaks towards Acan and takes a hold of his axe but as she tries to lift the axe it falls over with a clunck.

Acan:" What do you think you are doing there?"

He has turned to her staring menacingly his left eye closed by a scar and his right eye seemingly ablaze with a golden flare. She gets scared and makes haste to get back to Bell.

Bell:" Did something happen?"

Acan:" Luckily for her, no. Pack you things we go back."

Acan just walks away and Bell and Lily have to make haste to able to follow him.

Bell:" So what happened between the two of you?"

Lily:" Nothing."

They make their way back out but they are encountering monsters and Bell has to notice that the knife Hestia gave him is gone, just like Lily.

Bell:" Acan! My knife is gone!"

Acan:" Oh, this day gets better and better. Bell get behind me!"

Acan lifts his arm and a fireball appeares on the tip of his pointer finger.

Acan:" Begone. Crule Sun!"

He pushes the fireball into the Mas of monsters and it grows the further it gets away from Acan, taking the monsters with it.

Acan:" Now, run!"

And they run off until they make it out of the dungeon.

Bell:" Couldn't you just blow this sun up?"

Acan:" And then what? We would have a hole in the floor, the walls and most importantly the roof meaning either we were buried in the dungeon or I would have made a way for stronger monsters to get on the floors for the low level adventurers. Now you will go home and I will tra to get your knife back."

Bell:" But we have no idea where it is. And he is gone."

Acan is already searching, for Lily and he finds her quickly cornering her.

Acan:" Now, normally I would just kill whoever tries to take my equipment but you are young so I want to have an explanation."

Lily:" I-I *begins crying* I just want to leave my familia but they want to be paid for me to leave and I thought that I could get enough money if I sell yours and Bells weapons."

Acan can't stand the sight of this girl crying so he takes her in his arms and hugs her.

Acan:" How about we make a deal."

Lily:" Why? Why would you want to help me? I tried to steal your weapon."

Acan:" Yes and I won't ask you why you want to leave your familia, but if you need help and are weaker then me then I will help. That's why I will make a deal with you."

Lily:" *rubs her tears away* What kind of deal?"

Acan:" Easy you will continue to be Bells supporter and for that I allow you to come with me on the lower floors of the dungeon and you can keep all the valis you can make with the magic crystals you gather."

Lily:" I-I don't know. You seem very strong but the lower levels of the dungeons are very dangerous."

Acan:" *looks around without seeing anyone* Let me tell you a secret, but you can't let anyone else know it, alright?"

Lily:" Okay."

Acan takes one of his small bags and opens it, he takes something from inside and pulls out a hand full of scales from the black dragon.

Acan:" I have completed the world quest by slaying the dragon."

Lily:" But that would make you the most powerful adventurer ever! Why don't you want people to know?"

Acan:" I am part of Miachs familia and I like it there. So if everyone knows of my power and my achievement they all will try to get me, one way or another."

Lily:" So it is to keep the others safe?"

Acan:" Yes and now come we have to return Bells knife, after all it was a gift from his goddess and I know how much he values it."

Lily:" Your weapon is much more impressive. Where did you get it?"

Acan:" It is all I have from my mother, who it is named after. My armor is from my father and they were the most powerful members of the Hera-familia."

Lily:" I am sorry for trying to steal it."

Acan:" Don't look so sad. You made a mistake now you have to learn from it."

They make their way to the old church where Bell is in much distress as he has to tell Hestia that he lost the knife he got from her.

Acan:" Boy! She has something for you!"

Lily steps forward and hands Bell his knife back, he hugs which causes her to blush.

Bell:" Lily you are a life saver, I can't  thank you enough."

He now enters the church.

Acan:" Come on you will need to rest."

Lily:" Huh what do you mean?"

Acan:" Tonight you will stay with the Miach-familia. Now come."

He walks off and Lily hastily makes her way to his side, taking his hand like a child does with its parents.
Lilyruca has been introduced and Acan learned about the dungeon so this chapter is done. I hope you enjoyed it and until next time I wish you a good day or night wherever you are.

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