(Character) Copper the King Horned Viper

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Name: Copper

Age: 2 in Animal years (about 27 in human years)

Species: King horned viper.

Elements: Fire and darkness.

Motives: Fulfill tasks given by the humans to get rewarded. Wants the war to go on for eternity.

Powers: Firebreath, Firebody, and shapeshifting.

Strength: 2.7

Intelligence: 2

Spirit: 2

Appearance: Copper colored scales, cream colored underscales, bright green slitted eyes, brown spikes, King cobra hood, green ember on end of tail, golden yellow small mane on his chest. He is a bit shorter than an average tree and slightly more thick than a tree.

Backstory: His egg was found by the humans and they were going to destroy it, but one human said that he was a rare and powerful species and they took him in and he grew up on their side. He was apart of the animal capture squadron for a bit, but dropped out so he could hunt by himself. Now he is taken care of by the humans part-time and they give him live prisoners to eat if he does good on his missions.

Personality: A bully, manipulative.

Likes: Live prey, fulfilling missions, bullying, winning, inducing fear, dragons.

Dislikes: Nyght, horned vipers, king horned vipers, escaping victims.

Strengths: Manipulation, charm (somewhat), inducing fear.

Weaknesses: Anger, being injured badly.

Other: Single.

Scenario 1: You were walking through the forest and you're suddenly tackled down from behind. What do you do?

Scenario 2: custom.

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