Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Test Subject

It originated within his core, rapidly spreading outward like a wildfire in the African savanna. A tingling sensation that was neither painful nor pleasant.

His mind clouded over, strangling any coherent thought he tried to put together. The humans, Starscream, his team back at base. All of them, gone. A red haze glazed over his optics. His processor screamed at him to get away from the danger, but what danger was there? Nemesis hadn't proven himself to be a threat until he forcefully administered that drug. The drug that was causing his entire system to go haywire.

"Looks like it's finally taking effect. I'll have to talk to Ratchet about reducing the time." Nemesis talked to himself, almost like he was pretending to be a scientist performing an experiment. He bent over a bit to get a better look, the same sinister smile plastered across his face. "Would you mind telling me what you're feeling right now? For research purposes, of course."

"F-Frag... off.." Megatron just barely got the words out. Then, he felt his mind slip. Various alerts and warnings flashed in his processor, only to be completely wiped from existence by something completely foreign. Being restrained was now painful, every limb and circuit striving to move.

Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out. Get out.

Nemesis grinned. "It truly is a real shame to see a mech of your stature completely lose it because of a simple drug. Then again, all it takes is one." He mused, watching Megatron struggle in the restraints. The animalistic growls coming from the Decepticon leader were especially intriguing.

"Let me out!" Megatron howled, his composure gone. "Let me out, please!"

"Begging already? Didn't know it could make you have a change of spark too." Nemesis chuckled, though he was not ready for what happened next.

Using his newfound strength, Megatron had ripped himself free from the restraints and snapped the cuffs that bound his wrists. A fiery inferno seared through his body, like someone had injected a Nucleon Knockout directly into his fuel lines. As soon as Nemesis entered his line of sight, his vision went red.

Nemesis couldn't get out of the way in time. Megatron hurled himself at the Prime with a vicious snarl, tackling him to the floor. While Nemesis was able to catch Megatron's fist before it connected with his face, that wasn't enough to keep him at bay. The Prime let out a loud yelp of surprise as he was thrown across the room.

After colliding with the wall, Nemesis pushed himself to his pedes with a soft chuckle. "My my, that drug does wonders doesn't it? Can't you feel the power coursing through your circuits? Why, you're like a whole new mech!"

Megatron shook his head, irritated by Nemesis's words. He tried to blink the red from his vision but it was no use. "Shut up!" He snarled, clutching his head. He didn't want this. He didn't like this. What was happening to him?

"It feels good, doesn't it?" Nemesis continued. "This is what I promised you so long ago. Together, with this power, we could conquer the universe!"

"The only thing you'll be conquering is the afterlife after I put you twelve feet under!" Megatron roared, his rage-fueled urges only becoming worse.

This wasn't like him at all, but he couldn't help it. He lunged at Nemesis again, but the Prime was ready for him this time. Within seconds, Nemesis had him pinned on the floor with one arm pulled painfully behind his back.

Nemesis couldn't help but laugh. He was having too much fun with this. "Oh Megatron... still so foolish and naive. I am in complete control here, and always will be. You can't do a thing about it." Before Megatron had a chance to react, he stabbed a syringe into the mech's arm. "Have a nice recharge, old friend. I'll see you later." He purred, his tone dripping with fake friendliness.

Megatron tried to fight it, but his limbs refused to obey his commands. He came crashing down just as fast as he had surged up, unconsciousness swiftly taking him soon after.



Megatron awoke to feel someone prodding at his side. He groaned and rolled over, though he immediately regretted the decision when his head started spinning. Slowly, his gaze focused in on the faceplate his SIC, who was hovering over him worriedly.

"Thank Primus you're awake." Starscream sighed in relief. "I was beginning to get worried."

"Ugh... what happened?" Megatron grumbled, not remembering much of what happened earlier. He laid still so that his head would stop spinning like he was on a merry-go-round.

"You were out for a few hours. Whatever Nemesis did to you, it hit you pretty hard." Starscream replied. He leaned back against the wall, lowering his wings so he was comfortable.

It all came back to Megatron relatively quickly. The rush of memories was almost too much for him to handle at the moment.

"He gave me some sort of drug... It made me feel unstoppable, but it was painful. I remember attacking Nemesis.. then my memory gets a bit fuzzy after that." He slowly sat up, wincing at the aches he did not remember being there before. "How are your wounds?"

Starscream shrugged. "They aren't that bad. A simple patch job should do the trick."

"Nemesis won't send Ratchet unless one of us is on our deathbed." Megatron huffed.

"I know. It was just wishful thinking."

Megatron sighed softly. He pushed himself over to Starscream and sat beside him, tilting his helm back against the wall. He closed his optics to rest them for a moment.

"Megatron?" Starscream questioned after a brief period of silence.

"Mm?" Megatron hummed, opening one optic to look at the seeker.

"How are we going to get out of here?"

Megatron closed his optic and sighed again, more heavily this time. "I need to clear my head. Get some rest first, then we'll discuss our options."

Starscream nodded. "Alright." He anxiously picked at his claws, watching Megatron relax against the wall. After a moment, he scooted closer and curled up beside him, resting his head on his shoulder.

Megatron felt Starscream's head on his shoulder. He didn't want to spook him by opening his optics to catch a peek, so he stayed still. Starscream probably felt comforted by his protective presence and he wanted to make sure he was happy. A small smile tugged on the corners of his dermas as slowly dozed off.

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