XIII. Sonic the Hedgehog

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"Here's your bag of goodies, O Masterful One." I said as I walked towards Slade. Terra stayed a few paces behind me, and I couldn't blame her. Slade was a creep. When I got to him, I dropped the bag of vials by his feet, looking up at him with a look of anger.

"Decent work." He replied. He paused for a few moments, and neither Terra or I moved. "Although neither of you can follow directions. No talking to the Teen Titans means no talking to the Teen Titans."

I sighed, trying to get the stress of working for Slade out of my system. "I'm tired." I said, going towards my corridor.

"You do what I say you do!" Slade shouted. My suit beeped, and my stomach dropped. It blared with light and made me feel like I was agonizingly on fire. It subsided after about five seconds, but those seconds seemed like five minutes. It was as if I was being burned to death by a lighter.

Footsteps started towards me. "Get up!" He ordered. I waited for a few seconds, then got to my knees. Even then it felt like whatever stove I had been on was set on 'slightly scorch' instead of 'slowly melt'.

"I said, 'get up.'" He repeated. I stood on my feet, leaning on a wall for support. It was bad enough that I was exhausted. I was also being abused and tricked by Slade around every corner; I had expected it, but I hadn't expected it to such a degree.

"That good enough for you?" I asked. I never took my eyes off of him, making sure they were narrowed to ensure my anger.

He hesitated. "It's sufficient." He took his eyes slowly off of me, and turned towards Terra. He started to walk towards her, bending down to look at her face. "You failed to receive what you were suppose to."

Terra looked from me to Slade, her face looking to be in complete confusion. "I-I wouldn't have been able to get out..."

"Silence!" He yelled. Terra looked scared.

"You only told her to bust the electricity!" I protested. "I got what you wanted most!"

Terra erupted in a bolt of light, and I had to shield my eyes. I was angry. Slade knew killing the security was the most important part of the mission, and getting out was more important than whatever he wanted.

Slade only watched as Terra screamed. I couldn't take it. I tackled him, but he expected it. He kicked me towards the wall, but at least Terra was free. She took a moment while I distracted Slade, trying to stop his attacks but only succeeding at dodging them. Even when Terra finally joined the fray we were beaten like... like... like, super easily.

At one point, when Terra and I looked at each other and were about to admit defeat, I saw Slade's foot go towards her - my corny but righteous sense of justice made me leap to push her out of the way, but my ribs got the blow instead. And, man, was Terra mad at Slade!

I was curled up, my hands on my sides, moaning. There were rocks at the entrance of the cave, so there was something Terra could use as a weapon besides her hands and feet. The ground shook, and crumbles of rock came out into the room. But before Terra could use them, Slade had suddenly disappeared.

I tried to get up and cried out with pain, clutching at my side. Terra let the rocks drop on the ground, letting dust fly everywhere. She seemed to be locked in a daze, but she started to come towards me after a few seconds, limping on one foot and grimacing.

"Are you okay?" Terra asked.

"Me?" I replied. "You look terrible! Your foot..."

"Your side..." She ran her fingers across it, and I grimaced. It was a bit purple, but nothing had cracked, so it was just bruised. "Sorry, I..."

I shook my head. "We just gotta get to bed." There was a look in my eye that added, 'and discuss some things'.

"How are we going to get you in there?" She looked at the door to our corridor. "I can't walk. And Slade likes for us to get through challenges on our own."

"We compromise." I said. "Help me up."

I stuck my hand out so she could help pull me up, and as she did, I fell and hugged my side. "Nope!" I shouted. "Not gonna work!"

"What's plan B?" She asked.

The board she used to fly on was still floating next to us, as if asking to be used. "I would rather get dragged along the ground than get up right now."

Her face lit up. "That's a great idea!"

"Wait, what?" I asked as she started dragging me along the ground. "I was making a joke! Well, kind of..."

"Just hang on tight!" She wrapped her hand around mine, and I crawled onto the board. She stood in front of me on it, and the board began to move.

We made it to the corridor safely, without any further injuries. I slid off the board, and she helped me inside the room with her. "This is humiliating..." I muttered.

The door slammed shut behind us, making me jump. I shook my head and I crawled into bed, trying to find a comfortable position. As soon as I had, however, Terra passed me a note.

'I have no idea how we're going to get out of here.' It said. 'We'll have to find a way to communicate with the Teen Titans if we want to escape with your friend.'

That was a good idea. If Robin could find us, we could easily get Tails out and put Slade out of commission for a while. I wrote back, 'what if we stole one of their communicators next time?' I passed it back up, trying not to turn to much to the side.

I tried not to let my eyes close. Was there any reason it wasn't a good idea? I couldn't think of one, especially since I was so exhausted. My pride was still glowing, though. It was as if I had been beaten by a dragon, instead of, like, Knuckles. Running away from a dragon... That shouldn't really defeat someone's pride. I wonder if they had dragons here...? They had everything else.

I heard rustling paper by my head again. 'That's a brilliant idea! They can help us rescue your friend and get us out of here! But if we have to go on a mission tomorrow, I don't know what will happen... We'll be caught by police or the Teen Titans, then killed by Slade on the spot.'

I was filled with dread as I read it. She was completely right. There was nothing more Slade wanted less than for us to talk to anyone. If he sent us on a mission the next day, when we were so exhausted and could barely move, what with the bruised rib and sprained ankle, we would, without a doubt, get caught. And he had the power to kill us right then and there.

But I wasn't supposed to think negatively. Everything was going to be alright. It was going to all be fine. Right? It had to be. 'Think positively. And get a good night's sleep. We might need it.' I passed it up. I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

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