XVI. Robin

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We went back to the tower as soon as we could to make sure Beast Boy was okay. Sonic looked like he had something on his mind, and though I wanted to ask him, Starfire put her hand on my shoulder and shook her head. "Now is not the time." She whispered. Sonic's ear flicked, but he didn't seem to hear.

I looked at Beast Boy. He had an ugly bump on his head and a few burns, but there was nothing on him that suggested any immediate danger. Raven could still see plenty of life in him, and told us that he was dreaming.

When we got to the tower, we all rushed to the medical ward once again. Raven and Cyborg knew more than I did about that kind of stuff, so I left Beast Boy to them. And though Sonic had burns all over his hair on his back, he refused to get treated until Beast Boy was better.

"It is not hair!" He said defensively. "They are spines." 

"Okay, so get your little 'spines' treated." I shrugged. "I don't get it. What's the hold up?"

He stared back at Beast Boy for a moment. His eyes were filled with a guilty conscience that he shouldn't have had. "It was my fault he got hurt. It was my fault any of you got dragged into it."

"So..." Raven dragged out the word. "You're going to suffer until we all get better."

"Exactly!" Sonic pointed at her, then looked at the rest of our confused faces. "Ugh! It sounds dumb when you say it like that! I'm going to go lay down."

"We have made a room for you!" Starfire said, following him as he stormed out. I still had to ask Sonic about what he saw when he was with Slade, and I didn't really like the idea of Starfire with him. She was too friendly with him. Well, with everyone.

We walked along the hallway, Sonic walking slower than usual. I could tell millions of thoughts were weighing him down. Beast Boy, betrayal, Slade, and his best friend being held hostage were a lot to bear. Usually Beast Boy would be the one to help him, seeing as he was his closest friend on our team. Starfire could help, too. Maybe I would try and help carry his burden.

"Here it is!" Starfire called out, nearly making me jump. I had forgotten I was even following them. She opened the door and Sonic's eyes lit up. He stood there in astonishment, not knowing what to say. But his mouth was open, as if he was going to scream, 'YAY!'

"How did you do this?" He asked, taking a few steps in.

"We traced the world you came from by some of your DNA." I replied. "We sent a drone there, and... we found your home. Er, I think. Ask Cyborg if you wish too know."

The room was smaller than some of the others, but it was like a kid's room. There was a rug in the middle of it and some shelves filled with comic books and little figures. There was even a race car bed near the corner of the room!*

"I would ask where you got my DNA and how that doesn't make ANY since, but..." Sonic jumped onto the bed. "It's too nice to have a piece of home."

Starfire giggled, as if she expected the reaction but was still pleased with what she had done. "You did all of this?" I asked. "How did you know...?"

"I did not know he would be coming back." She replied. "But Cyborg helped me. And Beast Boy helped with the furniture. He couldn't help but put the figurines on the shelves."

I smiled. Sonic was already almost asleep, so I wouldn't be getting my answers anytime that night, as much as I wanted them. I would have to wait until morning, unless something else decided to wake us up.

"We should sleep." I said.

"You will not do your research?" Starfire asked. I knew she was just asking an honest question, but...

"Not tonight." I replied. "That power plant thing was... Different. And I can't help but feel like I'm missing something... Something only he can give us."

"Do not dwell on it." Starfire grabbed my hands. I looked down at them. "We are a team. We work with each other."

I squeezed her hands, then went to my room and locked the door. What was I missing? Yes, Terra was a traitor. We knew that. But... Terra had lost her memory months ago. She was leading a normal life. How did she get back with Slade? Did Slade brainwash her?

I barred my teeth as I stared at the wanted posters of Sonic and Terra. We were all being played for fools. He had betrayed us. But I had betrayed the team...? 

I shoved everything off my desk in a fit of frustration. Everything I knew about Slade at the moment had been invalidated. But how?!

I stormed off to my bed, trying to slow down my mind. But the thoughts kept appearing, and my heart was racing.

Then, I finally fell asleep. But it was even less pleasant. We were in a battle with Slade and Terra, and my teammates were all down. Slade was laughing at me, as if my demise was inevitable. I had already been weakened. I dodged Terra's rocks as best I could, and Slade appeared out of nowhere.

"You don't know what's coming for you." He said.

"I'll always know." I sneered.

Then, Sonic lunged at me and I woke up gasping.

"Just a dream..." I told myself. I took breaths to slow my breathing, and I didn't think about the dream. If anything, I would ask Raven later. It was unnerving, but dreams were just dreams. And Slade wasn't a psychic. He couldn't physically get into my mind without his weird science mechanisms.

I got onto my feet, going into the hallway. I could see the sun seeping into it. Maybe Beast Boy would wake up soon. Yes, that would make me feel better. That would make us all feel better.

Everyone except Sonic was in there already, staring at Beast Boy, as if expecting something. "There is great news!" Starfire shouted to me when she saw me.

"What?" I asked. "Is he waking up?"

"I think so." Raven said.

"I'll go get Sonic!" I shouted, rushing back down the hallway. Everything would be all better once Beast Boy woke up.

I opened the door to his room, and he was sound asleep, snoring with half of his face into his pillow. I walked a few steps, then said, "Hey, Sonic, wake up."

His ears twitched and he snored louder, but he didn't wake up.

I rolled my eyes. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder. "Come on, wake up. It's morning."

"Whatever..." He moaned.

I sighed. Time for extreme measures. I took his pillow from him and hit him with it. "Get up!"

"I'm up! I'm up!" He said, putting his arm up to defend himself from more pillow fight hits. He looked confused as to why I was hitting him, though. "That was a rough awakening, dude."

"You weren't waking up!" I replied.

"What can I say? I'm a heavy sleeper!"

I folded my arms and threw his pillow back at him as he yawned. "Beast Boy's waking up. Thought you would want to come and join us."

"Really?!" He shouted, and ran through the hallway like it was Christmas morning. Well, it was Sonic, so those must have been some short Christmas mornings. I shook my head with a smile and followed.

I pushed my way through just in time to see him wake up. "Have I got the worst headache..." He moaned.

"But are you okay?" Starfire asked.

"Yeah, sure." He replied. He rubbed his head, then yawned.

"Perhaps we should give him some space." Starfire suggested. 

"No, it's fine." He shook his head. "I don't mind. But I just need to know..." he stifled another yawn, then looked at all of us, his worry obvious to all of us. "You're all you, right? Like, Robin's actually Robin, Raven's actually Raven, and Cyborg's actually a loser, right? You-"

"Hey!" Cyborg butted in. "I so beat you in-"

"You can debate your petty rivalry later." Sonic literally jumped when he noticed Raven standing next to him landing on his butt. She looked at him, with no expression on her face. "We know that Robin, you, and Sonic are definitely themselves."

"And no one could copy Starfire well enough to be her!" Cyborg added. "Wait. That leaves me, doesn't it?"

"We can deal with that when it comes." Raven continued. I noticed Sonic had stood up but gotten unusually quiet - was it the creepy vibe he thought Raven was giving off or was it something else? "For now, we still have those jewels to collect."

"R-right." Sonic muttered. "Um, about that. Slade has the Emerald I had."

I stared at him dumbfoundedly. "You... you lost it."

"Yeah." He looked to his feet. "Hard to run in these... Tails would be able to... It doesn't matter. Beast Boy. Coconut Head. How is the head?"

He chuckled. "Just listenin' to this big, happy family."

*Yeah, okay, it's based on the comics.

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