XXXIX. Sonic the Hedgehog

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"So, Sonic," Robin asked as we dashed after Slade. "I know you're the master of plans, so do you have one?"

"Actually, I do," I said, looking down at him. I was flying a few feet above him, and Beast Boy was a velociraptor screeching above the buildings. Mostly because it was funny. "You see, with the Chaos Emeralds, I can close whatever dimension Slade's trying to crack into. The Chaos Emeralds let me move objects through time and space. That should render him powerless for a while, especially while I'm this powerful."

"Sounds... complicated."

"And impossible?" I chuckled. "I should have enough power to help you guys finish this once and for all."

Robin was silent after that, which worried me. What if there was some part of him that actually liked having Slade in the city? Robin tried so hard to find out the mysteries around him; who was to say that he even wanted him away from people he could harm? Robin liked puzzles, and Slade was basically one giant puzzle, with extra puzzling puzzles on the side.

The cloud of dust had grown since I had been inside of it. It wasn't too much larger, but I wasn't sure what he was attempting to summon. I just had a feeling that it wasn't something cute and cuddly.

The dust swirled around us, and I could barely hear Beast Boy's yelling. Even I was having trouble getting through the cloud. I really needed Tails at the moment, but I had a feeling Slade wasn't going to wait for him to show up. Whatever was happening was going to happen very suddenly.

"What sort of evil things is Slade into, Robin?" I asked.

"Anything that has skill and can kill," Robin shared. "And hates what he hates."

"So... gods and demons?" I replied.

"If the Chaos Emeralds are capable of things like that, then yes. We probably don't stand a chance, and if we do, it'll be because of you."

I paused, looking at Robin. Was that praise? He didn't sound so sure, as if he was betting on a one-in-a-million chance lottery. Plus, I didn't feel all that sure. Robin sounded resigned, as if this sort of thing had happened before and they had lost. Or it had been so close that it ended as a draw. But, I had before finished off a giant lizard bent on destroying the planet. And a lot of Eggman's mechs.

"Okay, I gotta try something," I said, descending to the ground. "I have no idea if it'll work, but if it does, it'll be really cool."

Robin looked at me and frowned. "I don't think cool is what we're looking for right now."

"You're right. I meant mind-blowingly awesome."

He sighed. "Fine. What's the big idea?"

"I'm going to try and force some of the power of the Chaos Emeralds into you."

Robin paused, looking confused. "I don't know. How do you know I wouldn't blow up or something?"

I blinked. "I guess I hadn't thought of that. But I don't think the Emeralds have ever killed someone before. It's worth a try. Did I mention it would be super awesome? Sure, Super Robin doesn't sound as great as-"

"Okay, fine, just remember that we're running out of time!"

"Right!" I said, holding my hands out in front of me. "Just tell me if you feel like combusting."

Instead of blowing up, Robin began to glow. Instead of the golden color that burned around me, a sort of rainbow appeared around him, highlighting him against the grey of the dust cloud. I didn't know how strong he would be or if the Chaos Emeralds really helped until he was put to the test, however. After I summoned all the energy I could give up, my head started to spin, and Robin caught my arm before I could go too far.

I shook my head and pulled my arm away. "Thanks. I guess I didn't blow up."

"No, I don't think so. I feel warm and stronger. Why not give some of this power to everyone else?"

"There's not enough time. We have to get moving - you're right, we've wasted enough time as it is already. Come on!"

I flew ahead of Robin, hoping that my energy would at least help him run faster or something. I decided not to stay back and tell him that he was Rainbow Robin, Defender of All Things Colorful. Though thinking about it brought a smile to my face, which is always helpful in a time of crisis.

The dust cloud that Slade was making his home for the moment was growing stronger, and I wasn't entirely sure I wouldn't blow away. I managed to get through it and get to the middle of it, and could only hope that Robin could make it through without being blown back to the tower.

"Slade!" I shouted, descending to the ground a good eight feet away from him. "I have to stop the portal, so back off!"

Slade didn't move, so I slowly walked closer and closer, until I was close enough to shake his hand. I moved to the side of him, coming face to face with the crack in the air. It didn't look like anything had come out, so there was still time. I pressed my hand against it, and for a moment, I stood there with my hand on it. Cold air seemed to be flowing from it, as if it was a random air vent. I shook my head and started to use Chaos Control on it, thinking of sending it far into the deep abyss of space, when Slade's hand came out and punched me in the face, which sent me suspiciously far - like, really far. Like he had some unknown powerful force in his hand. Or his body. Or his mind. Or, you know, all three.

I sat back up, staring at him. He was glowing with an evil purple force around him. "Oh. So I was too late. That... sucks."

Slade laughed, as if what I said was funny. "Looks like you aren't as fast as you think you are, fool. Now you and all the Teen Titans will face their demise, all because you had to go save your precious Robin."

"Yeah, usually friends try to keep their friends alive." I said, standing back up.

"Not that he would know anything about friends, Sonic." Robin said. He looked surprisingly angry for having a rainbow around him. "This is Slade we're talking about. He probably doesn't even love his own daughter."

"Shut up!" Slade screamed, running at Robin. They ran into each other with such force that the ground shook.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"Sonic!" Robin shouted. "Close the portal! Now!"

"I can't!" I shouted. "Not while whatever Slade has is still here. We have to get it back inside."

"We won't have time!" Robin said, throwing Slade to the side. Robin stood and looked at me, then at the air vent crack in the air. "Get her!" He screamed as Slade ran his blade through him.

For a second, I was too shocked to move. Then I remembered the Chaos Emeralds. "It'll heal!" I shouted to Robin. Then I looked at the portal and shouted, "get away from that!"

Anne had the same energy around her that Slade did, and she was standing in front of the portal. "How are you two still alive? I killed Robin."

"Nah, see, you have to make sure he's dead or he gets back up." I smiled, rushing at her. "Heroes are super annoying that way." 

I didn't want to close the portal if the energy Slade and Anne possessed was still in them, but I wasn't sure that I would have a choice. The crack was growing bigger, and I didn't want to risk this energy getting into the civilians. I'm sure Robin and Tails would be able to find a way to contain the energy.

I knocked Anne out of the way, pushing her far into the dust where I couldn't see her. Then I went to work on the portal, trying to summon Chaos Control, but as it turned out, Anne could fly. She flew into me, pushing me out of the battlefield, out of the dust cloud and into a building. When I jumped out of the rubble, she looked annoyed. "You're like a cockroach," she said, "you just don't die!"

"Trust me, I've been through far worse stuff than this!" I shouted, throwing my foot into her gut. She seemed to be out of breath for a few seconds, then flew back towards me. I grabbed her arms and flew her up into the sky, miles and miles above the city, where the air was thinner. I hoped that it would drain her quickly, and plus, she wouldn't have any rocks to throw at me. 

"I'll kill you anywhere!" she spat. "Take me up to space and I'll kill you there!"

"You know," I said, "you're actually kind of scary."

So we flew around and threw punches at each other, both of us keeping up the energy. If she was slowing down, then I obviously was, too. And I was losing the Chaos Emeralds. I wouldn't be able to harness the energy for much longer. She wasn't looking too much better, though. Her breathing was getting heavier and heavier, and I just kept hoping that she would lose consciousness. I kept dragging the battle higher and higher, and she just kept pounding on me. It turned out she could summon rocks and even buildings from the ground into the air to hit me with.

She had been aiming to break my arms and legs, but I was too quick for that. She started aiming at kicking me in the chest and head, trying to cause enough blunt trauma to finally make me stop the fight. But the Chaos Emeralds did their job and protected me from the injuries, though the pain still hurt.

"I don't have time for this, Anne!" I shouted, dragging the battle higher into the air. "People will die if I don't stop that portal."

"Shut up!" she shouted, hitting me nicely on the shoulder. Then she quickly came back with a building the size of a small house and threw it at me. I barely dodged it, maneuvering to the side around it just in time.

After that, I tried to fly as quickly as I could and jam my head into her, but she dodged that, too. We tried grabbing each other by the legs and throwing the other away, but we always came back to the fight. We were pretty evenly matched, seeing as I didn't have all of the power of the Chaos Emeralds to begin with. Even then, though, I would have had trouble...

I spared a glance down at Slade and Robin, but they were just like two colorful ants in an angry fight. Robin's rainbow shone radiantly even so far above the city. It was like a beacon of hope.

I had to end it. I didn't have enough time to have her pass out from being unable to breathe, though her body was getting quite sluggish. I grabbed her and headed back for the ground, hoping that she was too defeated to keep trying to kill me. I threw her into the rubble of the building she slammed me in to, not looking back to make sure she was down.

I turned back and rushed toward the dust cloud at full speed. Robin and Slade were still fighting, and I immediately went to the portal, using Chaos Control. I had to trust that Robin would take care of Slade when he shouted 'No!' and came within an inch of me, and I tensed my muscles, but Robin got to him first. I took a deep breath, and after a few more seconds, I unleashed the Chaos Control on the portal and it disappeared, hopefully into the depths of space where it would never be seen or summoned again.

After a moment of swaying on my feet, I fell to my hands and knees, resting my head on the ground for a seconds. Rainbow Robin could finish the job, right? 

Then Slade appeared behind me, kicking me away. Without any Chaos Emeralds to help protect my body, I flew all the way to the edge of the dust cloud, landing on my elbow. I cried out and suddenly wished I had defeated Slade with Robin before closing the portal. "You've ruined it!" Slade yelled. "I should have killed you when I had the chance."

As Slade was about to stomp on my head, he suddenly ceased and staggered backwards. I looked up and saw the sword that Slade had tried to kill me and Robin with through his chest. I was so shocked I got up onto my feet and stared at Robin's face, which was contorted with anger. It slowly softened, and the dust cloud abruptly dissipated, and Slade fell to his knees. "Robin," I said, "finally!"

Then, Slade seemed to dissolve, disappearing completely. It was like everything we had done hadn't mattered at all. Or maybe, Slade really was  gone, and was going to be gone forever.

"What...?" I said, standing where Slade had once been.

Robin frowned, then shrugged. "Slade has a lot of tricks up his sleeve."

"So... at least we got him?"

"Yeah," he said, falling onto his back. His rainbow-ness disappeared. "Now it's time to sleep for a week."

"At least the Chaos Emeralds didn't kill you," I told him, letting myself drop onto my back. "I can be honest with you now that you're still alive."

"Oh, that's really nice, sacrificing me for the good of the world."

"It's a really good thing I did," I chuckled. "Slade nearly killed me."

"He really did."

We broke out in laughter, for no reason at all. 

Tails insisted we stay at the Titan Tower until my arm healed. For the first few days, we all watched movies on the couch in their living room, my arm in a sling and Robin and I pretty much asleep. It turned out Slade had gotten to stab Robin a few times, and they hadn't healed as well as I had hoped, but they weren't too serious. After the first week, Tails, Cyborg, and Beast Boy went all over gathering the Chaos Emeralds again so that Tails and I could get home. It took them a few weeks, and they were sometimes gone for a couple days at a time, but they eventually managed to find them all. 

After a grueling four weeks of sitting on that couch, pacing the room, and watching movies, it finally didn't hurt every time my arm got jarred. I could bend my arm with little pain, and it was time for me and Tails to get back home. So after a few more days and one awesome goodbye party, we all gathered into the living room with the Chaos Emeralds.

"So, you are leaving now?" Starfire asked. I would miss her kindness and naivety.

"Well, we have a world in trouble of our own," I replied. "But it was fun running around in yours!"

"Then I shall hope that nothing bad has happened in your absence."

"Thanks," I said, as she held her hand out. I grabbed it and shook it.

"You'll come back though, right?" Beast Boy asked. "You'll be able to use the Chaos Emeralds to visit occasionally."

Tails and I looked at each other, and I sighed. I thought this question might come, but I hadn't actually prepared for it or anything. And I would miss Beast Boy and his dinosaur transformations. "So... the Chaos Emeralds don't really work like that," I said. "They... whenever Chaos Control is used, it's hard to guide where it will take you, unless you're in the same dimension, and... I'm not too sure we are. Getting home is even a risk."

Beast Boy frowned. "So... we won't ever see each other again."

"Hey, there's a first for everything, right? Maybe Eggman will use a Chaos Control again and I'll be transported here. Gotta keep up hope, right?"

"I guess..." I walked over and gave him a hug, then turned to Raven. 

"I'll especially miss your creepiness, too. And scary voodoo powers."

"It's not voodoo, you fool."

"Oh, good!" I shouted. "I was worried you wouldn't insult me before we left."

She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"And I can't forget video games with Cyborg!" I said. "Though, you know I'm better." 

"Come back and I'll show you just how wrong you are!" he laughed heartily.

I turned and held a fist out to Robin, and he bumped it with his own. "Maybe you guys should come and visit. Can't be too hard."

"Oh, yes, I'll get Cyborg started right on that," Robin said. "I'm sure he'll be able to figure out a way to travel between dimensions."

"You should use sarcasm more often. You're getting better at it."

"I work on that. Right after I make sure that Slade is actually gone."

"Yeah, good luck with all that. Sounds fun, but we've got to run. Ready, Tails?"

Tails nodded. "Bye everyone! It was fun hanging out with all of you!"

They all waved away as I used Chaos Control, holding on to Tails' arm to make sure that we landed in the same place. And we did. We landed right where portal had been, and I looked at the pink, sunset sky.

"They were cool," Tails said.

"Yeah," I replied with a smile. "Yeah, they were."

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