Chapter 3

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Hello mate!!! So today I will be publishing my 3rd chapter!!! YA! or NAW anywho thanx for reading love ya my lovely readers.

"Just go on somewhere Azuki gosh" I said dramatically. She walked away and down the hall I heard her laughing and she yelled "I'm going to train join if you dare" before I heard a door getting slammed.

Chapter 3

Azuki P.O.V

"That was so close" I thought. "It was closer than I thought, how could they have catch up that fast" I throw a punch in the air and do a few kicks. "Azuki are you ok" Hakura said through our mind link. "Ya why" I asked. "I felt your ki rise dramatically".

"Ohhhh it's cause I'm training" I said. "I have trained with you a million times, that's not true. what were you thinking of" she said with concern in her voice. "I wasn't thinking of anything so back off would ya" I growled. "It's just a question so you don't have to get your panties all twisted up" she said with a cold voice.

"Just quit talking to me" I said. "Not until you till me what is up with you" she replied. "I was thinking of how those basterds killed our parents right in front of our eyes" I said with a cold tone. " that's the reason" she said. "What did you expect to say 'oh ya I only over dramatically raised my power level to show off' no you don't understand how I feel right now, they were so close they could of cached us and kami knows what they could of done to us..........t-they could of done what they did to our parents" I yelled only to finish off in a whisper.

"Azuki you don't think how much I think about this every day, I will risk my life to keep you safe, you don't know how much panic I felt when they were close, it felt like a heart attack I had the protective side of my pop out of no where and felt like your life was my responsibility , not only because your my best friend but because you are almost family to your my sister" she finished off. I started crying, the pain of those words stabbed me in the heart . I cut the connection of the mind link and continued to train.

Punch, swing, left hook, stomach. I kept going like that until my legs were screaming at me to stop. But the rage in me still hadn't left and I needed it to leave. Angry tears slipped down my face and on to the floor, "like your my sister" those words kept repeating in my head over and over She actually thought of me as family. A sudden pain went through my head making me stop throwing kicks and punches to the air and drop to my knees.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! W-what is happening, ugggh the pain....ugh.....sss-shit... it fucking HURTS" I yelled and blasted a droid heading my way. "I don't remember summing the droids" I thought. I slowly crawled to a nearby wall and slowly got up. My knees were shaking badly and I felt like I was gonna collapse anytime now. The pain went away but I still felt a little dizzy and I didn't see another droid heading towards me, it punched me square in the face and I was sent soaring through the air and then hit a wall leaving a dent.

I quickly got up, making me feel more dizzy and then I blasted the droid away. I panted and I started to walk to the door, until I felt a swishing sound pass by my shoulder as I dodged a androids punch. "Will if that's how you want to play then we shall play that way" I growled. "Super galactic kamehameah" I shot the blast and I blasted 10 droids away. It was silent and I walked out the door towards my bed room.

You must be thinking "how do you have a bed room if your on a ship" will the ship is fairly big making that the ship has a huge training room, 3 large sized bed rooms, 2 bathrooms which are connected to the rooms, big kitchen, a small 'living room' and the control room. This ship has been my home for 4 months now. We have been traveling in this ship trying to escape the people who killed our parents. I know that I'm strong and all but not strong enough to take them down. We need help, and the help we need is from uncle Kakarrot and Vegeta, they are our only hope.

If only we can get there faster.... maybe ....just maybe we can train with them and get stronger. I'll need to wait till Morning cause I'm tired as heck. My face hurt from were the droid hit me and my back is sore. I jumped on to my bed and mumbled "stupid droids being rough all the fucking time" into my pillow. My eyes slowly flutters closed and darkness enveloped me and I passed out into a deep sleep.

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