Chapter 6

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A/N:So here we go another adventure for the sistas
FYI I don't know much about Yardrat so srry if this info is wrong and also srry if I spelled the planets name wrong. I DONT OWN DBZ!!

We took off the belts and walked towards the door. "Are you ready" I asked Azuki. "Ready as never before" she replied. I pushed a button to open the door. As the door opened bright light filled the ship.

Well here's Yardrat....
Azuki's P.O.V

"Wow so here's Yardrat" I said. I looked around the planet. I thought it was going to be like earth or something. I noticed the the sky was red like Vegeta-sai and I am very surprised by this. "Did you notice that the sky is like Vegeta-sai's" asked Harkura.

"I did and I'm very fond of it" I said. I walked a bit further away, I noticed that nobody was around. "Harkura did YOU notice that nobody is around here" I asked looking around. "I did, that's weird" she said. I flew up into the sky and scanned my surroundings.

I spotted a village not to far from here. "Har I found a village a couple miles away" I yelled looking down at her. "Alright let's go then" she flew up next to me. I nodded and shot off in the direction of the village. "Azuki slow down would you" Har yelled trying to keep up.

"Oh come on, can't old Har catch up with me" I teased. She growled and speed up trying to get a hold if me. "Haha nope try again" I laughed and twirled around. "Ki quite playing your games" she whined. "Gee Har you always ruin the fun" I rolled my eyes and looked down to the village.

"Har are you ready for this" I asked. "Ready as never bef-" her sentence was cut of short by an explosion down in the village. We both looked at each other hoping that it wasn't who we expected it to be. I looked down and took a deep breath. "Let's go" we both said.

We shot down and landed. "Well well look what we have here" an unknown male voice said. I could visibly see that Har and me relaxed knowing that they weren't the twins. "What have you done to this village" I growled turning around. "That is not a importance to you" the guy sneered.

"Listen here ugly bitch, nobody talks to Ki like that, not even do I allow my self to, you got that" Har growled getting in his face. "Haha like you would do something if I talked to her like that, your just a female pest" he said. Ohhhh he just crossed the line, now for sure Har is going to kill him. His buddy came up next to him and said "They aren't just females, they are saiyan females, the last to be pacific". Har looked at him.

"And who are you guys to be exact" Har growled. "What did I say earlier who we are doesn't matter" he said. "Well it doesn't hurt to ask twice" I said. "And it won't hurt to beat you up twice will it" he sneered. "Well gee no need to be mean" I mumbled.

"From how your acting I'm going to call you #1 bitch and the cocky, there now we know who you guys are" Har said. "Har those aren't nice names" I said. "And does it look like a give a crap" she said back. I sighed and asked "why are you so rude sometimes". She shrugged and looked at them with a "if your gonna fight, then fight or else fuck off cause we have things to do" face.

"Look all we want is some g-" I didn't get to finish my sentce cause "cocky" as Har called him, grabbed me and punched me square in the face. I buried my face in my hands in surprise and hurt. "You little shit" I heard Har say. I heard a grunt as I mentally pictured Har punching him. "Your gonna pay bitch" Har growled.

"Don't make me laugh" cocky said. "Da faq you mean don't make me laugh cocky" I said. "Your not strong to beat us" #1 bitch said. "Your weak" cocky added. I finally had enough and lunched myself towards #1 bitch.

I tackled him to the ground and punched him. "Your punches are worthless you stupid saiyan" he pushed me off. "And your just a stupid bitch that doesn't think we're strong enough" I said and peeked a glance towards Har and saw that she was already fighting. Well doesn't this girl get down to business fast.

I jumped up into the sky and shot down a Ki blast. I felt something grab into my ankle and I looked down to see #1 bitch's hand wrapped around it. "Bish what, let go of my ankle" I sneered and kicked him square in the face. He fell and landed on the ground making a crater. I landed and I rushed towards him and punched his face over and over.

"Not so fast bitch" he said. "Look at who is saying it" I shot back. We both launched towards each other and began throwing kicks at each other. I made a fire ball and threw it at him. " could you do that" he stuttered.

I shrugged and said "I don't know, I just can". I threw an other one and made a small twister of fire and launched it towards him. "Now pay back is a bitch isn't it" I smiled. It started burning him and his screams died down after a while. I looked over at Har and saw how she was having fun with her kill.

The urge to fight washed over me. All saiyans have this. I saw Har put her hand together and yell "Galactic blast" and a big purple blast came out of her palm. Zayum this girl is a total bad ass. I chuckled and saw her looking at me.

"What" I asked. "Damn Ki didn't think you were that harsh" Har said. I looked at her and smiled. "Well actually I can be a whole lot curler if you want" I said. "Please don't" Har chuckled. I laughed and continued to look around the village.

"Damn look what they did to this village" I frowned. "Thank kami we killed them" she stated. "Now how are we gonna get the gas" I sighed. "Hey look a surviver" Har said. Oh my kami, I ran towards the creature and started removing all the rubbish.

"Oh kami, are you ok" I asked. The creature gave me a weird look and gasped. He said something I didn't expect. In fact it took me aback. It totally took me off guard.

"Goku" it whispered....

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