Chapter 8

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A/N: My summer weekend was fun...anyone else had a good weekend??? I don't own DBZ!!!!
Recap: "Ah, yes yes we do, by the way I'm a male" he said. Wait could he read my thoughts "mind reading" he responded. Ohhhh that's nice. "Follow me and I'll take you to the place that holds the gas" he said. As we followed I looked around.

"Only a few more days and we are in earth" I thought happily.

Azuki's P.O.V

A day has past since we landed and today we were leaving. "Azuki come downstairs" I heard Harkura yell. "On my way" I replied. Since we were gonna spend a day on this planet, we were thinking of sleeping on the ship but the Yardrat people dined our plan and made us stay in a guest house. Yeah in a guest HOUSE not ROOM.

Man these people are really nice. "Wow...this-this is a lot of food" I drooled. When I entered the dinning room all the table was stacked and covered with all kinds of foods. I rubbed the back of my neck and did a cat face...yep I'm weird like that. "Sit anywhere you like" Har spoke.

I sat down at the end of the table and Harkura did the same. I took a plate and started to I took a weird looking fish thing and ate felt like heaven had entered my mouth. "Mmmmm this is so good" I mumbled and I started to shove all kinds of food into my mouth. No matter if they looked weird or not they all tasted heavenly. "Azuki I was wondering..." Har trailed off.

"Yes?" I said with a mouth full of food. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to try and instant transmission to earth" she asked nervously. "Okay.....but why are you all nervous" I asked. "Well if we instant transmission that means we get there in a matter of seconds...and well I'm not ready to face uncle" she admitted shyly. "Ohhhh well if you do-" I was interrupted by her saying "No no I do it's just....I'm just scarred".

I reached across the table towards her hand and grabbed it. She looked up and smiled, I gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry everything is going to be fine okay?" I said. "Okay" she mumbled. After we finished lunch we went outside to say goodbye to the people or aliens... I don't know what they are.

"Ahhhh I see you have awoken have you ate something yet" asked they guy from yesterday. "Yes we have and actually we were just coming out to bid a small goodbye" I spoke with such elegance. I almost laughed at my self for sounding like that. "Alright then, I hope you have a safe ride to where ever your going and be safe cautious about any other alien race out there" he spoke. "Okay thank a lot mister" I spoke again.

As we began to walk I thought "How on kami world are we gonna instant transmission to earth". I sighed and looked at the sky. I don't think I'm ready for this. I really never thought that I would meet my uncle. I always thought that I was gonna die before I meet him...but I guess fate choose another way for me, with that I smiled and took a peak at Harkura.

I looked at Har and saw that she was thinking of something, her eyebrows scrunched up together and then relaxed. "Har...Harkura...hello" I said. "Damn" she breathed and looked up at me. I gave her a confused look and titled my head. "Har what's wrong...your not scared anymore are you, is something wrong with your health" I asked and grabbed her face and examined her.

"I'm fine it's just that I'm looking for uncle Vegeta's Ki and Kakarrot's I can reach them it's just that I can't seem to instant transmission over there" she spoke confusingly. "Here let me try" I said. I closed my eyes and tried looking for uncles Ki... I feel oh my kami I feel it... I basically entered his point of view and and I looked around... I spot a place where we can hide the ship yeah...wait I lost it...wait never mind... hahaha! I quickly grabbed Har's hand and touched the ship with my other hand and instant transmission to that spot. I slowly peeled my eyes open and looked around "sooo this is earth" I spoke.

It seemed like it. "" Har whispered.

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