Chapter 21- I'm Not Your Half-Soul

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Camp Fiorden
The Camp of Centaurs

-Princess Sage-

“Tell them to rise, your highness.” I whispered to Alexander after he looked so lost at seeing the centaurs bend their knee to him and swear their allegiance.

“You may rise.” Alexander said after I squeezed his arm top encourage him.

The leader of the centaurs rose first and then the other warriors followed. They stared at Alexander as if measuring his strength. Alexander responded to the assessment and he drew himself to full height.

“We offer you the hospitality of our camp. I think we have several things to discuss. By the way, I am Garowen. I am the leader of this group of centaurs. We are the original group who has served the High King Grier, your father, before the false King took the throne for himself.” The leader introduced himself.

Alexander nodded then he looked at me and whispered. “Is this safe?”

“The centaurs are excellent warriors. They served the High King of Aether as the King’s guard. They are loyal creatures and have unmatched battle skills.” I advised.

“Stay close to me.” Alexander whispered as we began to walk and follow the centaurs to their camp.

“You may bring your slave with you.” The King told Alexander.

And just like that, my temper flared.

I sidestepped him and looked at the centaur in the eye. “I am no slave. I am Princess Sage of Maegi and you would do well to address me properly, centaur.” I said in the iciest tone I could manage.

Immediately, I heard gasps of disbelief from the group of centaurs. Their leader tilted his head and looked at me as if he could not believe what he was seeing.

“But Maegi is no more...” their leader said, his voice barely a whisper.

“I am the last remaining sorceress of my kind. And I am of royal blood. I would then repeat that you would have to address me properly.”

“We apologize for our rudeness, princess. You are the daughter of King Arthos? He was a great man. An honourable King. Excellent in battle.” The centaurs bowed their heads in a gesture of respect and they all whispered, “May his soul forever be kept with Aiken’s warriors in Draugr.”

I also bowed my head. Aiken is the God of War and he is the patron of Warriors. All soldiers look up to him and worship him. According to the Myths, Aiken had a special place for his soldiers in Draugr where they train and feast forever. And when the time came for the war before the world ends, his warriors will descend upon the earth to fight for him.

It was a great honor that the Centaurs bestowed on my father when they said those words...


“Thank you.” I replied with a curtsy.

“Follow us and we will lead you to our camp. By the way, your highness... Is this female yours?” their leader asked.

“What?!” Alexander hissed. I saw his face flame but he quickly looked away.

“Is she your mate? Your woman?”

“No!” Alexander and I both said at the same time.

And after those words, I saw the centaurs relax and then smile at each other.

“Come now, I will prepare a feast for both of you. This would also be a great honor for us to present our finest warriors to fight for your hand, princess. I, myself, will fight with everything I have just so I could become your protector.” The leader said.

Alexander instantly tensed beside me.

“What does that mean?” he demanded.

“You said that the female is not yours. We centaurs, we value our females more than anything else in this world. And since we have a scarcity of them, they must have their mates or their protectors or else they wouldn’t be allowed to roam freely in fear of them getting hurt or stolen by another. And since no one claims her, we would hold this tournament in her honor and we would be fighting for her hand.”

Alexander’s frown deepened and he clutched me to his side once more. And at that moment, I really wanted to roll my eyes at all the masculine display of aggression and pride.

“No... I claim her. She is mine. If you still want to push through with this tournament then I would not have any recourse but to join and fight.” Alexander said stiffly. And I had the feeling that he would growl if only he could just to get his point across.

“We meant no insult, my King. We apologize for speaking out of turn. Come now and enjoy our hospitality.” The centaur urged.

Alexander and I followed them but I could still feel the tension radiating from his body. Again, I rolled my eyes and ignored him, even when he repeatedly tugged me towards him as we trudged through the thick forest.

Garowen must’ve sent a messenger ahead of us for when we arrived; it was as if the entire village stopped whatever it was doing just to gaze at us. And it looked as if they held their breaths when they first gazed at Alexander.

I felt him tense further beside me and then he shuffled uncomfortably on his feet. “I can’t do this, Sage.” He whispered to me as he gently shook his head.

“You can. And you must. Have faith in yourself, your highness. You are the true King of this realm. I know you feel it in your heart. I know that this land calls out to you. You are powerful and you give these people hope. They have suffered for a long time under Ferion’s tyranny. And now, seeing you means that they have a chance to be free.” I whispered.

He grabbed my hand and then squeezed.

“What should I do?” he asked as the centaurs kept on looking at him as though waiting for him to do something.

And for once, I was at a loss for words. I don’t know what to tell him for I do not really remember any of the customs of the kingdoms. And I did not read anything about this.

“I... I’m sorry your highness... I don’t know...” I sighed.

“It’s fine.” He whispered as he lifted his hand and touched my cheek tenderly. Then, he faced the people who stood gazing at him with awe and hope shining in their eyes. Alexander then unsheathed his sword and raised it high in the air. The lightning in the sky quickly reacted to it and a bolt split the sky and touched the tip of his sword.

His body glowed with power and it was emphasized further by the loud crack of thunder. And at that display of power, the centaurs all dropped to their knees with their hands crossed over their chests.

“It’s him... Finally our hope has arrived.” One of the centaur women whispered. And her words were repeated by the others. “Rise.” Alexander ordered and they did. And that was when the celebration and cheers echoed throughout the entire camp and maybe even beyond.

Immediately, the camp became busy. The men carried heavy tables while the women carried food and beverages. Children ran around playing and basking in the joy of the festivities.

And in a very short while, the camp was transformed into what seemed to be a huge festival in honor of Alexander.

We were led towards the head of the table and Alexander sat in the middle while I was appointed to his left. And to his right sat Garowen. When Alexander sat, that was the time that everyone else also sat except Garowen.

“A pleasant afternoon to everyone. Today, we are very blessed to have the High King of Aether in our table. I still do not know how he came to be here but I thank the Gods that he was brought back to our midst. And now, we can hope once more. Hope for change and hope for a brighter future wherein we are free!” The centaurs acknowledged this statement by stamping their hooves on the ground.

“But for now... We celebrate! And we welcome King Alexander and Princess Sage to our camp!” This statement was followed by even louder stomping. Garown raised his glass of wine and we all followed him and drank.

And after that, the festivities started. As we ate, we watched as the centaur warriors did a dance using their daggers and their swords. It was like a dance of war and they said that it was to honor their God, Aiken who blesses them with strength and intelligence in battle. And the dance truly was a stunning display of muscle, speed and agility. It was a very beautiful sight to behold and I found myself enraptured.

And after that, it was the women who danced. It was the complete opposite of the men’s dance. Where the men’s movements were perfectly timed with the beat of the drums, the women’s were slower and more seductive. And I watched as their protectors became alert the moment that all eyes were upon them. They were looking out for any sign of trouble from the other males but at the same time, their eyes were hooded with desire for their female.

After the dance, the males immediately claimed their females and they went back towards their huts.

“Ah... The joy of having a mate.” I heard Garowen comment to Alexander. Alexander, who was a little bit tipsy by now from being plied with too much wine just smiled at the centaur leader.

“You are lucky to have one like her.” Garowen whispered. I stopped myself from smiling after I heard those words. But what Alexander said next, I totally did not expect.

“You are right. I am lucky. You know I have waited for her my entire life. And now that I found her, I’m never letting go.” He said in a tone so convincing that for a moment there I thought he was serious.

Then, I realized he was only saying those things to protect me. I snorted in my drink. Sometimes I really am stupid. Who am I to think that the High King of Aether had an interest in someone like me? I shook my head to clear it of stupid thoughts.

Alexander just said that so that the centaur would be convinced that I truly am his and no one would bother me.

Yes. That’s all there is.


One of the warriors came and then whispered something to Garowen who quickly stood up. “The moon is high and I know you are weary from travelling. Come, your highness. We have prepared a tent for you and your mate.”

I flinched at the word but just let them believe whatever they liked as long as we would be safe and I would not be taken by the unmated centaurs. I could just not accept a complication like that right now when I still have my mission to fulfil.

Garowen led us towards the tents and gave us a private one which was a few feet away from the last tent. It gave us some privacy but was also near enough that the other centaurs would be able to help us against an attack.

Servants opened the tent flap for us and I gasped at the luxury of the tent. It was no small tent but a round and circular one. The tent was big and inside was a large bed on the far side and on the center of the tent was a small table perched on a carpet and surrounded by some pillows.

On one side was a tub which was filled with steaming water. Instantly, my mouth watered at the sight and I instantly wanted to jump in. Right now, a warm bath would really be perfect to ease the stiffness from my muscles.

“You go first. I’ll turn around.” Alexander told me right after the others left. I heard his footsteps and then the entire tent went dark as he extinguished a few candles to make my bath more private for me.

I heard the bed dip with his weight and that was when I started to remove my clothing.

“Sage... What does a mate mean here?” Alexander asked me after a few seconds of me soaking in the tub.

“For the centaurs, it is a bond which is unbreakable. It is one that lasts for all of eternity. Here in Aether, there are different kingdoms. And there are also different customs for that. But usually, mating or being wed is revered above all others as a sacred bond.” I replied.

“What does half-soul mean?” he asked. And just like that, my face fell. I remembered the recent events of the day and I recalled the soothsayer saying that the King was a half-soul. I gulped away the fear and then tried to keep my voice steady.

“Your highness, a half soul is someone who was born destined for another. Their soul is incomplete and the half of it is with another person. They are two immortals destined to be together and -usually half-souls are also destined for greatness. And usually, half-souls are direct descendants of the Gods and Goddesses or more commonly known as those who belong to the royal family of the other kingdoms of Aether...” I stopped to take a deep breath and start soaping my body

“But the one thing that is not good with being a half-soul is that if the bond starts and the other dies, the other half would die as well. Or if the other half dies without them starting the bond, the remaining one would lose his or her immortality.” I explained.

“How does the bond start?” Alexander asked me.

“From what I’ve read, it starts when they couple come to a certain age. And when their marks come in contact.”

“What mark?”

“Hmm... I don’t know. It differs with every couple. And speaking of that. You know, we also have to make it a point to find your half soul, my king. I would also need to protect her so that she won’t come to harm and you also won’t be harmed.” I said in a determined tone.

Alexander sighed and he said something I did not quite understand.

“I beg your pardon, my King?”

He coughed. “Nothing. I just said that I think wherever she is, she’s safe for now.”

“But we still have to find her.” I said and then sighed dreamily.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“Hmm... Nothing... I just found this book about half-souls and all their stories were so beautiful... And so romantic... It’s nice to know that you’ll find your perfect match someday, my King. And then your story would be added to that book.” I said as I continued rubbing soap over my body.

“And how about you, Sage? Would you like that for yourself?” his voice was barely a whisper as he asked this.

“Hmm... Maybe... Maybe not.”


“I would like it for myself because I think that it is a great blessing from the Gods. But I am also afraid. I still have a lot of things to do, my King. I still have to fulfil my mission. I have to help you win back the throne... And until I have done that, I cannot think of anything else.”

“What if you are my half-soul?” he asked in a light tone.

And after hearing those words my entire body was wracked with laughter. And then I coughed as I accidentally drank some of the water I was pouring over my head. And after that, I laughed some more until my sides hurt.

“What’s so funny?” Alexander growled.

“I apologize, your highness... But me being your half-soul? It’s ridiculous.”


“Half-souls complement each other. And we’re opposites. Half-souls have what the othe needs. And I don’t have anything, my King. Should I be your half-soul and should you proclaim me as queen, I would be nothing but a decoration at your side. I don’t have a kingdom; I’m not even sure if I am still supposed to be called a princess when I clearly am the last of my kind. Next, I don’t have an army to give you in this quest. And that is something you badly need. I don’t have riches. I have nothing but the clothes on my back and the magic inside of me.” I explained.

“So that’s your reason why you cannot be my half-soul?” Alexander asked. For a moment, I stilled for there was something different in his tone. There was something like embarrassment laced with pain in his voice but I can’t figure out why.

“Yes. And it’s all the right reasons.” I replied confidently.

And also, as I said those words, Nick’s face flashed before my eyes. And I felt warmth radiate down my entire body as I thought of our last meeting... I closed my eyes and remembered the feel of his lips against mine and how he told me that he’d be waiting for me...

“But let’s just say... What if it’s you?” the King persisted.

“Hmm... I don’t think the goddess of Fate will be that cruel to you, your highness. They’ll find you someone who’s beautiful. Someone who knows the realm by heart. Someone who can support you and give you her advise which is full of wisdom. Someone who’ll be loved by the people... And someone who’s destined for greatness just like you are.” I replied dreamily.

“Maybe you just don’t see the things I do.” Alexander replied. His voice was so low then that I thought he was talking to himself instead of me. And maybe he really was talking to himself for his words didn’t make any sense to me.

I did not reply to him and instead, I just finished my bath. When I was finished, I saw that a robe has been laid out for me. I wrapped it around my body and tied the sash around my waist. Then, I went back to the tub and used my power to drain it and to pour the water. Then, I summoned fire to heat the water for the King.

“Your highness, your bath is ready.” I called out to him. I gathered my dirty clothes and then placed them on the chair beside the bed. Suddenly, a fierce gust of wind blew and snuffed all the candles in the room and cast it in darkness.

I turned around and that was a great mistake for I must’ve hit one corner of the bed.

“Oomph!” I shrieked and then bent low to cradle my aching toe.

There was another gust of wind and then Alexander was suddenly beside me. “Are you alright?” he asked with concern. But I wasn’t still used to how fast he moved and of course I was startled. I jerked away from his grasp but he did not let go and both of us ended on the floor with him on top of me.

At the last moment before we fell, he was able to brace his weight on his arms and I was not crushed. I was flat on my back with my palms flat on his chest. And his shirt was already open for he was in the middle of undressing himself for bath. I felt the heat from his chest warm my cold fingers and my entire body shivered with awareness.

I opened my eyes and saw that the tent flap was opened and that we were now bathed with a shaft of moonlight. When I lifted my head, I saw that Alexander was staring at me with some kind of unknown expression in those deep blue eyes. And when our gazes connected, I was mesmerized. His eyes were so beautiful that I just can’t take mine away from him and I had to keep looking.

His features softened and then his breathing got heavier. It was as if he was having an internal debate with himself at that moment. And I found out what the internal struggle within him was about when he started to lower his head.

And it felt like an eternity before his lips finally claimed mine. And when our lips touched, it was as if a bolt of electricity lanced through my entire body and made every cell in me alive and aware of the person kissing me.

I opened my lips and he took it as a chance to deepen our connection. At the first swipe of his tongue, I was lost. I made a sound deep in my throat and Alexander tightened his grip on me as if wanting to get as close to me as possible.

And at that moment, nothing else mattered but him.

I forgot about me, my mission, my status. I forgot that he was the High King of all of Aether and that I was no one. I forgot about someone out there being destined for him. My mind ceased to function and all that was working was the part of my brain that registered the pleasure from his kiss.

My hands wandered across his chest and I felt Alexander shiver. Then, when I touched a spot above his heart, it was as if another bolt of electricity ran through me. This time, it was with a much higher voltage.

Alexander arched and I felt his body tighten above mine. Then, he opened his eyes and it was glowing blue. Both of our bodies were also encased in a soft blue glow. The glow seemed to come from the spot in his chest that I touched. I peered closer to investigate it but the light was so bright that I cannot see his chest.

I also realized that the light was coming from another source: me.

I looked at my arm and it was also emanating a soft blue glow. I touched my birthmark and it was warm. Alexander followed my gaze and when he saw my arm glowing, he reached out and touched it with his finger. And with that touch, another bolt of electricity went through me. My body arched and the magic between us flared brighter.

Then, it formed into tendrils and wrapped around the two of us... It pulsed and pulsed in time with my heart beat until it was so bright. It reached its brightest point and then it started to diminish just as my heart beat slowly returned to normal.

“And so the bond begins...” the voice of Ariah, the Goddess of Destiny, spoke inside my head...


Ouch for Alexander and ten thousand dumb points for Sage. Hahaha. Yes, she can't see the obvious. And we would have to bear with her for that. XD

Anyway, hope you liked this chapter!

Next chapter: More of Sage and Alexander's moments! :)

And please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! Thanks! :D

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